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Is it possible for humans to advance to our technological levels in the ancient past without alien i

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posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

Look at what the medieval Moors achieved. And not because they were smarter. But because Islam of that time didn't limit people but Christianity did. Islam of that time encouraged people to research science, mathematics and literature. It was seen as a way of exploring God. They had libraries with thousands and thousands of books, when European libraries barely reached a hundred. If religion or different rulers didn't limit us, Im pretty sure we would have visited the moon in the 1800's,

We come to certain points in our history where our development is a bit faster than otherwise. Sometimes that knowledge is either forgotten or suppressed.

Just look at ancient China, where every new dynasty burned all the books from the previous dynasty. Wonder what knowledge that got lost there, over and over.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

I love this idea. It's both scary and gives hope at the same time.

Scary in that it can happen again to us, at any time. And gives hope, because we can recover as a species.

And you're right OP, there is pleanty of circumstantial evidence to support the hypothesis of a now vanished but highly technological Human civilisation existing across the Earth at some point in the remote past.

In addition to the skeptic argument that no advanced technology has ever been found to indicate that such a unified civilisation existed, simply isn't true...there is plenty of evidence of such technology.

Ancient mega structures, very similar to one another but spread apart by half a world or more....pyramids being just one type of these structures.

They incorporate VERY high technology evidenced in their construction. They incorporate high math, high technology in quarrying and transporting materials, high technology in the actual building methods and so on...the same is true of all pyramids found all over the world.

I don't subscribe to the theory that Egypts pyramids are only 4500 - 5000 years old...i believe they are much older, at around 15000 years old...just before the last ice age came to an end is when i think they were built.

There are also many OOparts or out of place artifacts that are found all over the world.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

I agree. I think that technology, although not exactly what we have now, existed before and it wasn't limited to modern day humans. I think there were chances that other humanoids could have raised up to technological levels in the past.

The thing is, is all the technology we have even necessary. Is this really advancement or is it stupidity. Do we need to be Genetically modifying food. Do we really need to be in space or flying around the world increasing invasive species ability to destroy the environment and spewing toxic chemistry into the sea and air. With the complicated society we have more and more people are taking antidepressants, caused by rising stress from raising the bar of knowledge and technology and from the change in food chemistry. Even a hundred years ago, many people lived a simpler life. The rat race is the worst thing we created. Maybe these beings of a long time ago decided to simplify their lives and destroyed all of the evidence so it couldn't be created again.

I can look around my house and garages and see that if life was simpler I would not need all this stuff. Stuff I worked hard for for twenty five years. I look at all the expenses we have and think, how come we need to have everything we have, where have we gone astray. We were caught in consumerism for many years. Our society has got so dependent on the system that we cannot fathom a different way. We look at the Amish as backwards yet if I really look at their lifestyle it looks so relaxing and I am jealous of the simplicity, it's like living on the farm when I was a kid. When I get jealous, I don't pout or cut the person down, I evaluate the situation and try to make my life somewhat better. I don't want all of what the Amish have, I just want to simplify my desires to more fit my needs.

So what is the next level of advancement for our society. It is to go back part way and simplify life. Keep life simple to learn what happiness really is. Most of us have got spoiled but don't even know it. We cannot identify our needs. I don't need computer access, I want it. I don't need TV, I want it. I don't even want to pay for cable or satellite TV anymore, I think it is a waste of money. I actually hated having so many options and felt I had to watch TV because it was costing us fifty bucks a month. Now, who cares if nobody is watching TV.

We try to justify our wants and force ourselves to use what we don't need. It is like the invention of the electric beater, women had to justify their expenditure so started a rumor that potatoes aren't good if they are lumpy. It doesn't matter if they have a few lumps but to this day some people still think that way. What is going to happen if the power goes out, can't have mashed potatoes anymore

Is this what these early beings realized? Are we actually the relatives of these early beings, did they blend with other beings to have children. Was it their desires that caused their extinction. What happened to them. I am not dumb enough to believe that there was never a race of beings of great intellect on this planet, one that actually is terrestrial in creation. There may even be some of them left, living in seclusion so they do not interfere with us. Maybe their technology is so advanced they can hide off phase with us and cross the bridge if they want. Hiding in plain site, undetectable and untouchable to most. We are like a hologram to them, we may even be their creation and not really real at all. Who knows and I am not Who.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by Logarock

It cannot be denied that the major civilizations of the world were consumed with sun worship, king as god, underworld, basically the same pantheon with the same attributes in general ect. All mimicking a major influencing civilization.

Sure it can be denied because its incorrect, Sumerian king derived their power from gods, they were not worshipped they were considered 'agents' of the Gods. AE considered the Pharaoh an aspect of a god/god (it changed over time) but the Sun wasn't their main target of worship.

You appear to be trying to use a Gish Gallop, putting out claim after claim but ignoring my replies, go back and respond to my replies, either accept, deny or show how they are wrong, thanks.
edit on 9/7/13 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

Now one would think that you would understand that in Egypt for example the King was the living manifestation of the sun and would pass like the sun, on his royal barge. You are setting here and trying to reduce what any first year student leans about the royals just so you can produce some leg up in the argument. The Sun kings the world over held themselves as Gods, children of the sun.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Now one would think that you would understand that in Egypt for example the King was the living manifestation of the sun and would pass like the sun, on his royal barge. You are setting here and trying to reduce what any first year student leans about the royals just so you can produce some leg up in the argument. The Sun kings the world over held themselves as Gods, children of the sun.

Yes I understand that my writing above wasn't clear the AE considered the sun a leading god and the Pharaoh and aspect of that God. Now for the Sumerians that wasn't true each city had its own patron god. In the Hindu panthenon Surya (Sun god) was relatively unimportant within that belief system.

You also declined to comment on my previous responses to your claims, again - your point being?

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by MysterX

And you're right OP, there is pleanty of circumstantial evidence to support the hypothesis of a now vanished but highly technological Human civilisation existing across the Earth at some point in the remote past.

Actually there isn't which is the point of OP you can claim that but at some point you have to open your mind to what the evidence actually is not what you want it to be.

In addition to the skeptic argument that no advanced technology has ever been found to indicate that such a unified civilisation existed, simply isn't true...there is plenty of evidence of such technology.

Stating so doesn't make it so

Ancient mega structures, very similar to one another but spread apart by half a world or more....pyramids being just one type of these structures.

There are more differences between new world pyramids, old world pyramids and ziggurats than their are similiarities not to mention the vast differences between their timelines of construction, method of construction and use.

They incorporate VERY high technology evidenced in their construction. They incorporate high math, high technology in quarrying and transporting materials, high technology in the actual building methods and so on...the same is true of all pyramids found all over the world.

Give us an example of what you call the 'high technology' used in building of Sumerian Ziggurats and an example of 'high technology' in Mayan quarries.

I don't subscribe to the theory that Egypts pyramids are only 4500 - 5000 years old...i believe they are much older, at around 15000 years old...just before the last ice age came to an end is when i think they were built.

So you deny all the evidence for that and use what to get 15,000 years? There was no AE civilization at that time so which of the prior cultures that were there in the Nile valley are you assigning them too?

There are also many OOparts or out of place artifacts that are found all over the world.

Thats the endless claim that is made but when examined they come up not being geniune, misinterpreted or simply don't exist. Give us if you will the three (which you have researched and verified that no explanation exists for them) that demonstrates the existence of this high technology civilization.


posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by anti72

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by anti72
so, you say there is no radiation found in these sites, all just ´bogus´...I´m not talking about old Mahabharata translation interpretations.

The region is home to a particularly poorly-safeguarded nuclear power plant

edit on 7/9/2013 by Harte because: (no reason given)

can you back that up with any data?


I can give you a quote from, and link to, this article concerning the issue.

Dhirendra Sharma, who used to teach Science Technology at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, informs us that ‘in India an estimated 300 incidents of a serious nature have occurred, causing radiation leaks and damage to workers. These have so far remained official secrets... A major mishap in Tarapur in 1979 resulted in thousands of litres of irradiated water gushing out from the reactor. But the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission reluctantly acknowledged only a “pinhole” leak.’

In another serious incident a reprocessing plant at Tarapur was closed down due to contamination. It is reported that at least three persons died in the ‘inert’ chamber inside and more than 3,000 workers have been exposed to non-permissible doses of radiation. The Madras Atomic Power Station Unit-1 at Kalpakkam was reported to have suffered an explosion soon after it was commissioned in July 1984. The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Unit-1 had to be shut down. More than 2,000 workers were exposed to excess radiation and 300 had to be hospitalized.


Surendra Gadekar, leading light of Anumukti, a Gandhian nuclear resistance group, points out that the nuclear dream is really a nightmare. ‘The scientists and bureaucrats in charge of our nuclear program are above accountability,’ he laments. He and his doctor wife Sangamitra investigated the condition of villagers at Rawatbhatta in Rajasthan, where they discovered gross radiation-related deformities.

This is a story told to Surendra Gadekar. One day in Narora a worker with a geiger counter went to take tea in the canteen. His geiger counter suddenly went crazy. On investigating he found that the radioactivity was coming from the fire used for preparing the tea. Further investigation led to the discovery that the wood being burnt had originally been used for scaffolding inside the plant, and had got contaminated and hence should have been stored as low-level waste. Instead it had been sold to a contractor, who had fortunately sold it back to the canteen: hence this sordid practice of how the establishment deals with its waste was detected.

I'll say I've investigated reports of lax oversite of radioactive waste in the area in the past, with an eye toward uncovering what exactly this tripe of ancient radioactivity is based on.

The problem is, most websites that list such things are so vehemently anti-nuke that it makes their use as a reference somewhat suspect as well.

India doesn't have the sort of reporting requirements America has. It is (or at least was) much easier to get away with shenanigans such as I quoted above there, and not leave any evidence of wrongdoing.

edit on 7/12/2013 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse

The thing is, is all the technology we have even necessary. Is this really advancement or is it stupidity. Do we need to be Genetically modifying food.

No we don't need to, as long as we're willing to let millions starve to death.

Originally posted by rickymouseDo we really need to be in space or flying around the world increasing invasive species ability to destroy the environment and spewing toxic chemistry into the sea and air. With the complicated society we have more and more people are taking antidepressants, caused by rising stress from raising the bar of knowledge and technology and from the change in food chemistry. Even a hundred years ago, many people lived a simpler life.

A hundred years ago, if you got the measels, you had a better than even chance of dying.

Two hundred years ago, there was excrement - animal and human - flowing in the gutters of urban streets.

Originally posted by rickymouseI can look around my house and garages and see that if life was simpler I would not need all this stuff. Stuff I worked hard for for twenty five years. I look at all the expenses we have and think, how come we need to have everything we have, where have we gone astray. We were caught in consumerism for many years.

An individual with a rational mind need not participate. I have very little myself, but it's all I need.

For example, I haven't bought a "new" car since 1985, and I never will.

Some of my T shirts and pants go back to the eighties, I kid you not.

I don't have, and won't have, a smartphone. I'm talking to you from a desktop - not a laptop - and I eat out less than 5 times a year.

But that's me, it's the way I like it.

Originally posted by rickymouse. I don't want all of what the Amish have, I just want to simplify my desires to more fit my needs.

I suggest you do so. It's not that hard. I still have cable, BTW. Couldn't get by without "The Walking Dead" and "Duck Dynasty" !!


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