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Do you have the guts to post an open letter to your Senators and Congressman? Here is mine.

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posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Dianec

All the people who posted and said that writing our representatives is useless are what used to be called the "silent majority", the reason Germany quietly followed Hitler. By not being willing to at least try and speak up you are giving up and allowing our country to become Stalinist; persecution of those who disagree with the government (oh right we are there now with the IRS); spying intrusively on all citizens (oh right we are there now with the NSA); what comes next? The silence of the majority is followed by the elimination of all opposition, and we are headed there if the silent majority remains silent. At least TRY, your voice does count - for 500 people. Yes you will get a form letter reply, but your thoughts will count and if enough people speak up we can stop the direction we are headed as a country.

If you believe MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN remember the heads of those networks have spouses, brothers, and other very close relatives who have been hired by Obama. If you fall for their rhetoric of all is well, keep quiet, look the other way, don't look behind the curtain remember they heads of those networks are paid off by the Dems by hiring their close relatives. Look for the truth. Speak the truth. Speak up and at least try to save our nation.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by grandmakdw
reply to post by Dianec

All the people who posted and said that writing our representatives is useless are what used to be called the "silent majority", the reason Germany quietly followed Hitler. By not being willing to at least try and speak up you are giving up and allowing our country to become Stalinist; persecution of those who disagree with the government (oh right we are there now with the IRS); spying intrusively on all citizens (oh right we are there now with the NSA); what comes next? The silence of the majority is followed by the elimination of all opposition, and we are headed there if the silent majority remains silent. At least TRY, your voice does count - for 500 people. Yes you will get a form letter reply, but your thoughts will count and if enough people speak up we can stop the direction we are headed as a country.

What utter nonsense. This isn't Germany, its not the 1940's and not even an apples to apples comparison.

We were usurped long ago and it was done so quietly. Then when they needed to go a step further the created the justification for it. I.e. 911.

If you haven't noticed they have been doing this for a decade and other nefarious things. Someone has much to learn about the real world if you think a letter or a hundred thousand letters will do any good. I'm pretty sure congress approval rating is hovering just in the double digits. You know like 11%. 90% of which is friends and family. If that isn't a stark message then nothing is. Not even your bold and brave letter berating a staff intern who is giggling behind a laptop stuffed in a corner office and if lucky has air conditioning.
edit on 18-6-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 09:27 PM
I had the guts about two years ago when I wrote to my congressman about sanctions on Iran and posted it, and a MOD TOOK IT DOWN FOR INCITING POLITICAL ACTION, which is apparently against the terms and conditions.

I did not visit ATS for about 4 or 5 months after that because I was so pissed off at the hypocrisy. Every single day political action is incited on this site, but because I actually took action and reported on it I went too far.

The thread was called I just wrote my congressman and so should you, from about two years ago.

I'm still a little pissed at that particular member of the staff.

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