posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:38 AM
Had reached the flag that obesity is a health point of imbalance in the metabolism and this is due to the accumulation of grease or endocrine
disorder, And genetics is not a big role in obesity, as some believe has been confirmed by scientific research that obesity dire consequences on the
human body has issued an insurance company American statistics it was decided that the longer the lines Belly Ring shortened lines of old men who are
over the vicinity of their stomachs over the vicinity of their hearts are dying by more As research has proven also
that diabetes affects the obese more often than normal and that obesity affect the organs of the body especially the heart, where resolved fats
replace some heart muscle cells, which directly affects the function and sincerity of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him when he warned of
obesity and satiety He said: (House of stomach disease) and warned that research of the use of drugs to reduce the weight of what caused the damage
and noted that the optimal treatment and prevention of obesity
He said prophet mohammed peace be upon him (what a human and a bowl filled with evil than his stomach, according to the son of Adam a few mouthfuls,
the actor had to be third for his food and one-third for drink and one third for himself (To breathe)) and saying (House of stomach disease)
Including what ordered by God Almighty not excessive eating and follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to eat and talk
explained that we are dealing with, The application of the verse: ((31) O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink,
but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.) Al-custom: 31 and this has already Islam of modern science for more than four
centuries to the importance of balance in eating and drinking and warned of the dangers of excess in which on human health ,Protection of the
digestive system
said peace be upon him (the root of all disease Burda) Burda: Glut:This talk is a milestone in the health of the digestive system, and thus protect
the whole body of the poisoning of self that arises from (satiety) and the filling of the stomach and loaded up their energy from food heavy, and eat
food again before the digestion of food first, which happens indigestion and fermentation, And thus become an acute inflammatory contagious as a
result of chronic endemic disease germs in the intestines that sends toxins into the
circulation, to affect the nervous system and respiratory system, urinary system and the kidney and other vital organs from the body, which causes
disruption of its functions. Hence, the medical miracle possible to reach the root cause of each disease is excessive eating that is causing the glut
lead to many diseases as revealed by modern medical research