What an arrogant attitude....nothing last nor stays on top forever....don't get me wrong, I am americium...half Native American...
Pretty arrogant is true. But, you may be surprised that you and I agree! You see, I
know without a shadow of a doubt -- juse as Rome fell
we too one day will fall. Such is the nature of man and mankind - the yin and yang and Tao of being - we will be on top, and then on bottom, and then
somewhere in the middle rising or falling -- but that is yet to come.
In the meantime -- what then? Wait? Stick our thumbs in dark funky places and call it quits? Nope, I think not.
In fact, to get this process speeding along, I think the terror-mongering Bush administration needs to pour it on. I mean really have a festive
attitude with the terror warnings, terror advisories, and terror codes. Hell, I think we should teach our children terror attack survival techniques.
In the end, we'll either grow sick of it, and become immune to being afraid (which I think is the key problem in this country at present), or we'll
cower and lower ourselves to the ground and expose our underbellies so that the ravenous wolves of this world can tear out our entrails and feast upon
them delightfully.
The latter situation I would hope most want to avoid. That is why, in fact, that I wrote this. I ask everyone to consider the school bully
-> Kid is singled out -- he's either weak, or smart, or has some other quality which isn't normal
-> He is beat up once or twice, possibly his eye blackened and a leg broken
-> Kid now has a choice: fight or flight
-> If kid fights, he'll grow into a champ
-> If kid flees, he'll grow into a coward.
America is this Kid. We're the youngest 'country' and 'nation' to mean anything in modern history. We've got such GREAT potential, and yet we
are all huddled up because some dangerous and nasty things are happening in the world. Are we going to be that coward who will flee the world
conflict and avoid our destiny?
I think we can be a great Rome. I think we can be an excellent new world influence. I think we can *TRY*, and we may fail - but it is in our DESTINY
to try.
To be certain, the antithesis of arrogance is cowardice. Some feel we should be in the middle -- but I don't believe that's
practical or possible.
...there are dark days a head, and I fear America is going to fall!
Please be more specific. How? When? What will be the single event or what will be the straw on the proverbial camels back? Will we just give up,
roll over, and play dead?
[REGARDING SEVERAL HUNDRED YEAR COMMENT] ...I don't think so...several usually means "around" or near seven ...
several defined
- Each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual.
- Persons oe objects, more than two, but not very many.
- An inclosed or separate place; inclosure.
We've been a nation for about
228 years now, actually. That certainly qualifies
for the 'several' hundred nomenclature.
[edit on 7-11-2004 by NextLevel]
[edit on 7-11-2004 by NextLevel]