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astrological records, stellium and more

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posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 04:44 PM
Record of astrological planets in one element:

- February 20, 1967, Kurt Cobain, 8 planets in Air signs (sidereal) and water (tropical)
 most in Aquarius (sidereal), Fish (tropical) - musician Nirvana

- August 14, 1987, TIM TEBOW, American sports athlete, 8 planets in water signs (sidereal) and Fire (Tropical).

The "perfect signs":

- My, once, American pen pal, January 11, 1994, the perfect Sagittarius, with the majority of its planets positioned in Sagittarius (sidereal) and Capricorn (tropical).

- Axl Rose, singer and rock musician of Guns N Roses, February 6, 1962, the most perfect Capricorn ever with 7 planets in the house of Capricorn, the Tenth, in addition to the 7 planets in Capricorn ( sidereal ), ( tropical they are in Aquarius )

The most strange and rare astral charts:

- June 3, 1926

- February 8, 1941

The most famous and large astrological stelliums ever, from 6 to 8 planets in one sign:

- 7 planets in Aries (sidereal) and Taurus (tropical) - From 3 to 18 May 2000 with the famous new moon of May 5, 2000 as the culmination ...
NEWS of the period: - for PC Iloveyou virus spreads around the world - the billionth person is born in India, - disaster in a factory / warehouse of fireworks' artifice in the Netherlands - the tallest and fastest roller coaster in history is inaugurated in Ohio.

- 7 planets in Capricorn (sidereal) and Aquarius (tropical) - 4 - 6 February 1962
with 5 February 1962, the new moon and solar eclipse as the culmination ...
NEWS of the period: the first news magazine in color in England

- February 3, 1962, 7 planets in the Eleventh house, the house of friendships
- February 4, 1962, 7 planets in Third house, the house of communication / brothers / cousins
(Also February 5, 1962)
- February 6, 1962, 7 planets in tenth house, the house of his career, ambitions and popularity, the birth of Axl Rose, lead singer of the rock musician Gun's and Roses. He is the most perfect sidereal Capricorn that there is in the world.

7 planets in Aquarius (sidereal) and Pisces (tropical) - February 18 - March 11, 2013
With peak on March 10 to 11, 2013 (March 11, 2013 --- 7 planets in the sixth house, the house of the service, work and health)
NEWS of the period:

- Italian Elections February 2013
- Resignation Pope February 28, 2013
- Close to the conclave that elected Pope Francis
- Death of Chavez, Venezuela

7 planets in the first house and 7 planets in Sagittarius (sidereal) and Capricorn (tropical):

- January 8, 1994
- Polyakov begins journey in orbit, the historical world record of the amount of days spent in orbit will be soon reached after that

8 planets in the twelfth house - April 28, 1941, while the German troops entered Greece

7 planets in Sagittarius - December 1, 2008, with the triangle formed by the Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the sky

6 planets in Scorpio (sidereal) and Sagittarius (tropical):

- 8 to 11 December 2006, starts the civil war in Mexico

6 planets in Libra (sidereal) and Scorpio (tropical) - 12 - 14 November 1993

- It is forbidden to discharge into the sea radioactive waste by now

6 planets in Aries (sidereal) and Toro (tropical) - 14 - 22 May 2012

6 planets in Virgo (sidereal) and Libra (Tropical) - 21 - 23 October 2006

6 planets in Libra (sidereal) and Scorpio (tropical) - 24 October 2006 - 16 November 2006

- Culmination of the historical process of Saddam (Libra is associated with the judicial process)

6 planets in Cancer (sidereal) and Leo (tropical) - 23-25 ​​July 1957

July 23, 1957 - Birth of Theo Van Gogh

End of April 1821 to 7 planets in Pisces (sidereal) and Aries (tropical)

--- All the planets in Cancer (sidereal) and Leo (tropical) except Jupiter --- August 16, 1947
- Day after partition of India / Pakistan and their independence from UK

--- All the planets in the sign of their "home", that is the sign that they rule : --- August 19, 1903

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Zagari


Whens the next major event then?
edit on 16-6-2013 by EA006 because: ?

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 04:52 PM
A very prolific astrology blogger says a day to watch in the future, for a very very powerful astral chart is July 29 2013...

And also April 2014 seems like a very dangerous/ unaspicious period in astrology...

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:30 PM
Fascinating stuff. I looked up a few of those charts you listed and they are very striking indeed.

The strangest chart I ever saw was for the battle of Trafalgar (October 21, 1805). I've never seen anything like it.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:54 PM
I'd love to learn more about this, could someone point me in the direction of some literature on astrology for beginners? Without the wishy washy crap...

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