posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 12:43 AM
There was a species, as old as old can be comprehended.. This species far differed that of the homeo sapien-sapien. Average height of 3.5 meters,
there surface 'skin' was hard, rough, and greenish/grey. Large, yellow eyes, with a vertical pupil.
This species we will call the Drazil. The Drazil were very strong, proud and advanced beings. Drazilians had technological capabilities that could
easily 'skip' space/time across the universe, in their mighty ships. Billions of years of existence, this species mastered the physical and mental
Such masteries were; space travel, ageing, genetic manipulation/engineering, war capabilties, mathmatics, all the sciences one species could
understand of the physcail universe, telepathic communication, mind control, planet-farming (deposits/fuel) and even infinite energy capabilties to
generate for their starships.
At one point after many eons - the Drazilians became the most dominate species in the farthest reaches of the universe. Travelling star-system to
star-system; they fought, destroyed, controlled and conquered - throughout the galaxies. This most fierce and prideful species became enemy to any
other species that did not abide their ways. With ease they were destroyed.
The Drazilians would take over a planet and its inhabiting species; in the most complex and dominate ways. They were "GODS" over many worlds - each
conquered planet and its native inhabitants were manipulated and deceived. In the most complex manners.
The Drazilians starships were so large, they could be compared to artifical planets themselves. Immensely, large, un-thinkably advanced and complex.
They would bring in one of their massive ships to orbit the conquered planet. This gravitional effect would cause such devastating chaos on the
native planet, its poor inhabitants were hopeless. Causing earthquakes, volcanic activity like never heard of before, and "Great flooding" like
never seen.
After the chaos and wreckage was settled on the planet; the Drazilians would start conquering the souls and minds of the native species. Drazilians
could now "come down" and 'teach' the native race in the most deceptive way one could never understand... This control was done in a few phases:
Phase 1. the people of the native planet were taught to hunt, kill, and devour their fellow-native creatures. Tricking the lower species that killing
is alright, and eating of flesh is beneficial.
Phase 2. came the mind control; the Drazilians would 'teach' the native people how to communicate with language and symbols; rather their native way
of telepathically communicating with eachother. This would cause so much confusion to the young species, but those who understood became the leaders
of the lower race.
Phase 3. the Drazilians would teach the lower race that they were their creators, they were GOD, the only power and authority in the physical reality
and afterlife. Thus would come the origin and beginning of a useless mind control -
Phase 4. the minor race were taught a mental conecpt that would record their physical progress and reality. This concept was called "Emit". Emit was
based on the rotation of the planet, the orbit of the planet in relation to its governing star. Though emit was only a concept and not a true aspect
of the natural universe - it was neccessary for the lower species to learn.
The last Phase (5) that would take place; was the teaching of "Yenom". A system based on energy exchange. If a person had something they valued to
their heart; they could exchange it for yenom, which would allow them to exchange for anything else they wanted.
The Drazilians were so sneaky; picking specific people of the minor race to "lead" and be "Priests" of the "new world". The Preists would learn
everything the Drazilians taught them - they would anoint kings and queens, because they were the ones who talked with GOD. They had the power to make
ORDER over their lower species.
This cycle would go on and on throughout the galaxy, this was the tactic of controlling and farming spiritual/mental/physical life throughout the
universe.. This was how the Drazilians ruled out the galaxy.
If the Kings and Queens did not listen exactly they were put to the bottom of the pyramid with the rest of the natives - and never to see the
"knowledge" and "wisdom" of the Drazilians again, another would be "elected" instead.
The Priests were told to create empires across the planet, they used their new "knowledge" to control their own kind and construct the reality of
the planet however the Drazilians wished.
After a while of "teaching" the Drazilians would leave for the next world. Constantly conquering, destroying, manipulting, deceiveing, farming and
harvesting different Worlds throughout the galaxies.
When the higher species left the star system, leaving behind their 'artificial-planet-like -ship within the native planet's orbit - they also left
plans for the Priests and bloodlines to carry out. This was the "MASTER PLAN" - or GODS WILL. It must be carried out, or the rulers of the lower
species failed, and were never to see high places again.
The Kings and Queens would put their faces on the yenom; this would represent the energy exchange of their empire. The lower species would soon be
consumed by the concept of 'yenom', emit, re-legion, hunting and military. It would divide the species up into many borders.
The minor race would then become so influenced by these teachings, they would try and be exactly as their GODS were. Acting 'Royal', behaving
warlike and dominate, destroying whatever tried to stop them. The ruling royals of the lower species would do whatever it took to establish GODS WILL.
This was neccessary for, it was what the Drazilians, the creators, wished to be.
Thousands and thousands of planets and its inhabiting species would all be stuck in this mind control; never truely understanding their true creator.
Never truely knowing their true potential and reason for existing in such an infinte creation. Forever divided, forever confused, forever blind,
forever harvested...
Every lower species were taught to operate the same as the last. Using Re-Legion, money, and military to make sure the Will of GOD would be met. The
Drazilians always promised their return to the minor races; this idea alone drove the royals of the planets to do their best, to impress their
creators, for they would once more come back for them.
Being chosen by the GODS was the ultimate satification and compliment to any lower species. After 'emit' would pass; new generations were born on
each planet, and the knowledge and memories of the GODS were forgotten. They were only recorded on rock, on caves, in books, passed orally and thus
the knowledge and stories were always altered or mis translated.
Only the Royal bloodlines would preserve the knowledge. Passing it on thorughout the chosen families, generation after generation. More 'emit' would
pass by; new generations were born - clueless - to the reality they were to incarnate in.
The Bloodlines used the 5 teachings to forever control the planet's species and bring forth the Will of the Drazililans.
Drazilians would continue to conquer lower worlds, innocent species. Stunning the evolutionary-growth to any species they came upon. Destroying
anything that tried to stop them..foever comitting evil.
This is the story of a dreadful and heartless species, so ancient, so forgotten..once upon a time in a galaxy...