posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 12:41 PM
This has been on my mind for awhile, figured I'd make a thread and see what others think.I dont nescessarily believe in all of the alien types I read
about, but for the purpose of this dicussion, lets assume its true.
I've read about all these different alien races, what they look like, etc. And I see no diversity among any of them. They always mention one race
from a particular planet, and it makes no sense to me because we have such a diversity of life here on Earth. For instance, why do all the nordics
look the same? How can they have no diversity on their planet? I find it hard to believe that their whole planet came to be a blonde hair blue eyed
race through natural means.
Which brings me to my next dishearting thought, if they intentionally choose to be blonde hair blue eyed, it just seems so primitive that they would
value those traits so much. Like its superior to all other races, or something. And of course im not just talking about the nordics, but all of the
other races, they all seem to have only one race on their planet.
My summary: I dont find it likely that they all came to look the same through natural means, so I am assuming it was intentional. To me, for
civilizations this advanced, it seems too primitive and Nazi-like that they would intetionally choose certain traits to represent a whole planet. It
also seems like a very boring civilization, where everyone looks the same. I dont see why a civilization so advanced couldnt look past physical traits
to cooperate and live togehter, or even why the same look is desirable. I can only conclude that either these races are the pure fictional works of
man, or they intentionally choose to look the same. Thoughts?