posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 12:59 PM
I love that little owl. When I was about fifteen some friends and I in Great Falls, Montana happened upon a situation between a great horned owl and
some blackbirds. We took advantage of this situation and managed to catch the owl, put a hood over it, wrap a belt around the wings, and put a stick
in its talons and then we took it home thinking it was going to be our pet. This was a mature owl with almost a five foot wingspan. It did not
become anyone's pet. Owls can really get down to business.
Recently another great horned owl used to follow me and my dog when we would go out walking at night. It would swoop from the streetlamp behind us,
fly over us and land on the streetlamp ahead of us. At first this kinda scared me, but then I thought he was probably waiting for us to spook a
rabbit out of the public landscaping on the side of the road.