I know. A cryptic title for a minor item.
A friend supplied me with a couple of the square buckets that previously held cat litter. I have a couple in my shop for years to hold this or that,
but having acquired a couple of more G.I. MREs at a flea market over the weekend, I've realized that I can get seven MREs into one of these buckets.
That can be a week's worth of food if one is on the go. Still, the bucket is not that heavy, easy to carry and one of the best things about it is you
can drop it in an instant if the need would arise.
Why would you want to lighten your load on a trek during bad times and bad deeds? I can think of two. One, would be to do just that. To drop the
bucket would allow you to instantly lighten your load and escape some danger, pronto!
The second reason would be similar to the breakaway tail of a lizard. You drop the bucket and the chasers may stop to recover it, letting you go on
your way or providing you time to defend yourself rather than merely presenting your back as you depart!.
A third possibility the longer bad times would continue would be to carry trade items in the bucket. Nice and handy. Stop and think about it, you
intercept some folks that want to talk, trade or take--you won't know exactly which.
The last thing you want to do is to take your eyes off of the individual or group and get on involved in digging in your backpack and hauling out
items. You simply would NOT want to remove your eyes for more than a second from folks you encounter. With a bucket, you can say, "Look for
yourself," and place it on the ground and step back (or prepared to quickly depart).
In such field encounters, they have all of the advantages: They probably will know the area, probably are multiple in number and probably are not
encumbered by a stuffed backpacks to slow them down.
Along this same line of thought, if you will be carrying a long gun, have a sling on it. The sling will greatly increase you ability to carry other
items in hand. That may sound like a no-brainer, but it makes common sense.
edit on 11-6-2013 by Aliensun because: clarification