posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 12:34 PM
I have a problem and it's been an issue since I first made my account here. However, it's gotten worse and at this stage, I can't work around it AT
ALL with one particular member.
I click on the Member menu drop and it does drop down the menu, as needed. Then loses the menu the instant the mouse moves. Sometimes the reason is
obvious and the member drop down is overlapping another clickable control on the same page (Bad coding for that conflict..but fine..plenty of s/w has
those little gremlins). A solution is often to go to a member's profile page and just start loading their posts until I find one where the member drop
down does stay to allow me to select something on it.
In the case of one today, I went through TWENTY of his posts trying to find *ONE* instance where the Member drop down would remain so I could friend
this particular person. Just wanted to add the guy to my friends list...but not for the first time, I just give up.
Can someone explain what is causing this? I just tried it within the last few minutes on Firefox, I.E. and Chrome. All 3. Same thing. Same failure.
I've done this from the college network. Same thing. Same failure.
edit on 10-6-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)