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Flying Green Orb at the Lost City

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posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf
reply to post by Unity_99

Orbs like that are common and have nothing to do with lenses, no matter what anyone says

The ones you show are dust and moisture in the air reflecting the flash from your camera.
The alien hiding behind the tree is pareidolia.

I could film "orbs" every day where i live but i know what they are lol. Sorry your images did nothing to support your argument

You can explain as you wish, but they're not.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Your ignorance shows no bounds lol

Its a very well known phenomena to anyone who knows how a camera works...even to those with basic photography skills will tell you the same as myself.

Read this to start

Your pictures are by trees...pollen, dust, moisture are all present in large numbers near such places, so if you didnt see orbs id be more surprised lol! Believe as you will, there is no telling/educating some people.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by puzzlesphere
reply to post by abeverage

Yes I would usually agree, and I am not one to take flights of fancy, I am quite a cynical person, but I saw it directly, and tracked it with my eyes.

I have considered whether it was a lens flare type of thing in my eye, or if it was so bright on the screen that it caused a flash, and the illusion of an object in my field of vision, but the length of the event was too long with me actually tracking the object, and didn't equate to any other experiences of lights in the eyes that I have ever had.

Thanks for the comment. It's the reason I posted it (I don't post much)... It was out of the ordinary, and made me go... huh...

Silly little buggers... always getting between the camera and the sun... just so we're never sure... ;-j


You tracked something for less than a half second as you stated but then the event lasted too long? And if it was longer than that you had stated why didn't you alert your girlfriend with a Camera which would have proved a second point of view and witness?

I am sorry but when the evidence points to the most simplest answer...

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by abeverage

You tracked something for less than a half second as you stated but then the event lasted too long?

Yes... too long to have been a mere flash of light in the eye (like from a bright reflection). Long enough for me to perform at least two to three Saccades, focusing my sight between the camera screen and the actual object in front of me.

And if it was longer than that you had stated why didn't you alert your girlfriend with a Camera which would have proved a second point of view and witness?

... but it wasn't longer than I stated... it was as long as I stated, which was around half a second.

Your question/statement here is just being argumentative and is trying to suggest surreptitiously that I am fabricating events. May as well just come out and say that you think I am lying... i won't be offended, I knew what I was getting into when I posted a thread on ATS... I still found the event odd enough when balanced against my other life experiences to warrant a thread... plus I thought that I would likely get some interesting alternate ideas here.

I am sorry but when the evidence points to the most simplest answer...

But your simplest answer doesn't take into account all of the stimuli of the situation.

The event only lasted a moment, and I was concentrating more on getting a good panorama than watching out for "unexplained" phenomena. Long enough for my responses to invoke a noticeable physical reaction in my eyes but not long enough for me to formulate a response that would have drawn my girlfriends attention to it in time for her to see it.

Immediately after, I showed her, and she asked similar questions to you.

Unfortunately you have to take me at my word that I saw it moving clearly in the air. If it had lasted longer I would have taken more images, and I wish my girlfriend had seen it too.

I am educated enough to distinguish between a sun flare in an image and an event I saw with my own eyes.

In this case I feel lucky enough to have captured an image of it, which actually confirms to me that I wasn't just having a stroke.

edit on 10-6-2013 by puzzlesphere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by puzzlesphere

There is a reason Mulder's Poster says "I WANT TO BELIEVE" I am not calling you a liar far from it and I would like you to prove me in error. Carl Sagan said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.." The burden of proof is yours.

Are you close to the same area you took the photographs at to recreate the photo? If you are try and take a photo at the same area and close to the same circumstances (sun setting time will be different).

If you can accurately reproduce the photo even without a green blob without manipulation I will then lend a little more credence to your story. But if your reproduction does produce a green blob you have scientifically proven to yourself how a lens flare works.

Now if you want to believe these are highly intelligent fairies or aliens or unknown life forms I am not here to stop you. I will not entertain your belief without reasonable proof.

But if you want to prove what this is (other than a lens flare) you will need to take some effort beyond speculations.
edit on 10-6-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Unfortunately the area is about a 3-4 hour drive from where I live, and then an hour along a barely used and very hairy 4wd track.

I did take other images at the time, and there are lens flares in some of them, though nothing like the green orb.

Here are a couple with lens flares... one in a similar spot to the green orb... I did consider this image quite closely, though the position of the green orb doesn't seem to be consistent with the types of lens flares I was producing that day... in colour, shape and angle.

This was taken seconds before:

This was taken seconds after:

There are many others from the area, but these were taken from almost the exact same spot. This is what I generally expect a lens flare to look like. I have taken hundreds of panoramas and have produced nothing similar.

I am about as certain as I can get that I saw something in my field of vision, but am not ruling out a trick of the eyes... though the stimulus plus the image are what makes this odd to me.

You will see from my post history that I am more of a skeptic that believes in logical explanations than unsubstantiated stories. This was a rare incident for me and something I thought worth posting (only my second thread) on ATS.

I am also an avid Sci-Fi fan... but I generally like the science more than the fiction. ;-j


edit on 10-6-2013 by puzzlesphere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by puzzlesphere

Ok! Now we are talking! You should have posted at least one of these in the beginning! lol but no matter.

Now I am curious...I still think it is camera caused but you say you witnessed it as a flash. So it was intense enough to mimic a camera flash? And it was moving fast or drifting? Did it move across your frame of view in other words in that second before you looked back?

If this is not a camera aberration and some sort of fluff or other floating debris in the air, I cannot explain the green color other than CCD overload.

But this does make it a little more compelling. Did your girlfriend also get any shots of the canyon? Have you gone over them to see if there was anything floating in the air?

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by abeverage

To clarify what I meant by "a flash", it wasn't an intense flash, but rather a bright object in my field of vision that registered as a flash.

It didn't illuminate an area but appeared pretty much as it did in the image both in size and intensity. A constant bright spot moving quickly through the air.

Possibly it entered my field of view from behind the rock on the left, but since I wasn't concentrating on the area it was more of a peripheral registry, and I can't be sure whether it came from behind the rock or just appeared in the air. By the time I focused on it, it was approximately where it is positioned in the image.

As I mentioned before, it appeared to me to be in the middle of the valley, and if that was the case it would have traveled a couple of hundred meters in about half a second... very fast... and had an apparent size of a couple of meters in diameter. Though since there was no real point of reference on the object, it could have been quite close to me, much smaller and traveled a much shorter distance.

I did have the sense that it was far away though... nothing solid beyond a brief sense of parallax that suggested distance to the object.

I have considered whether it may have been a glow bug of some description flying at speed only a few meters in front of me, but the path seemed a little too straight for a bug, and a little too bright, plus other than the glow worms, I haven't seen flying glowing bugs in that area before.

My girlfriend did get photos. Between the iPhone 5 and the Nikon D600 we got hundreds of photos of the area. We have gone through them with a fine toothed comb, and while there are many sun spots, there is nothing similar to the orb.


edit on 10-6-2013 by puzzlesphere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:47 AM
Green fire balls. I have seen one myself,About 20 years ago a green ball of light streaked quite slowly across the sky here in the UK. There are many a theory as to what they are but i believe you saw what you say you saw and don't really see a need to lie.
seeing is believing.There is actually a Google search that takes you to a site about them in the Australian mountains.


posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 02:54 PM
It looks like an orb to me- has all the characteristics. Can't be lens flare or dust/moisture. It could, rationally, be something natural like ball lightning, though.
Haven't I been loads of help?

posted on Dec, 25 2017 @ 02:15 PM
I have seen a green orb a long time ago, around 1975-6, in Goiania, Brazil. I was 10 years old and that sighting has been on my mind since then. Two friends who were standing beside me also saw it. It was a perfect green phosphorus sphere without any trail, sparkles, glow or sound. It had a slow descending diagonal trajectory until it disappeared behind the tree-line. It was a clear night with no clouds. The green ball was two times bigger than a full moon. It didn't look like ball lightnings or meteorites.

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