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Syria, Assad are the last hope for Syrian Christians and other minorities

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posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 07:16 AM
In Libya, Qaddafi was overthrown by a small minority of militias and rebels backed by the superior NATO air power.

Prior to the western backed coup, Libya ranked on the top in Africa for education, health, wealth and security. In Libya, blacks, Arabs, Berbers, Muslims and Christians co-existed peacefully for decades if not centuries.

But ever since the so called false revolution, Libya has been a mess, hundreds of blacks have been prosecuted and thousands fled. Now Libya is climbing down the ladder to become one of the most unstable and unsafe countries in the world.

Why is the West, under the banner of fighting terrorism, terror groups in Syria are now openly supported, Syria which has always been a secular, tolerant country. It is true when the Arabs used to say that if you dont want to live in poverty then go to Syria/Al Sham.

Syria might not be the best country in the world, but there is was a reason why so many tourists went there prior to the attempted western/saudi coup.

The country is tolerant, safe, cheap, happy, and friendly.

Please watch this video

It not Assad that clinches to the seat, it is the people that clinch to Assad. Without Assad Syria will become another Somalia/Afghanistan.

Exactly what the west/saudi want, to counter Iran, destroy hezbollah, and finally create greater israel.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Jumadax

this is the argument I have had with my Local MP and even on the phone with Liberal Democrat rep who I spoke to when asked why I haven't renewed my membership

In summary this is the reason I cancelled my membership

* UK abstaining from Palestine Vote, when this in retrospect is a good step as it puts pressure on Israel and its expanding of settlements

* Blocking Laws which would mean labeling any Product imported into the UK from Israel which is produced in the occupied territory clearly

* Walking on eggshells when Question the actions of Israel

* Arming of Libyans and having those weapons fall in the hands of fanatics who use them against civilians
these include C4, Surface to air missiles and Assault rifles

* The ethnic cleansing done by fanatics Post Gaddafi

* The Support of Rebels in Syria who have openly allied them selves with al qaeda (which I am pretty sure is breaking UN laws as its aiding and abetting a Terrorist organization)

forgot to add

*White washing the crimes committed by Saudi, Qatar and other Arab countries who oppress the freedoms of their people and even use force, yet we arm them happily

Interestingly enough the person on the phone understood my position and agreed to extent

we have governments who are run by morons who seem to have a brain of a goldfish and forget what their actions have done in the past even if its less then couple years ago to couple of months

they create situations where it seems to benefit the elite while bringing in measures to control the people who dont fall under that category

I am pretty active in my local politics and tend to express it when I get an opportunity with any elected official who crosses my path (I was a member of the Lib Dems for 3+ years)

edit on 8-6-2013 by bodrul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Prior to the western backed coup, Libya ranked on the top in Africa for education, health, wealth and security. In Libya, blacks, Arabs, Berbers, Muslims and Christians co-existed peacefully for decades if not centuries.

Clearly the OP has never met anybody from Libya nor spoken to anybody in Libya now. They would disagree with what you have said and tell you that for the first time they are happy and have a future. Serioulsy take a trip they will be happy to tell you how wrong you are. Or simply go the Libyan embassy and talk with people using tts service or working thier. If life was so wonderful then some of the Libyans would have fought against the revolution.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by MrSpad

A more accurate answer would be to say that there are 2 alliances of tribes in Libya, and one faction was able to unseat the faction that supported Quaddafi. Its who is Libya you ask will yeild different answers

Now to the OP, I agree that Christians have only one hope in Syria and its clear that by accident or design the USA is working against them by helping the formation of a conservative if not radical crescent for Islam....The main question is WHY????

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 10:58 AM
no one denies that Syria's political systems were expired, and did need a reform but there are some points to hesitate:
1- those monarchies like Qatar, especially Saudi and Bahrain are themselves suppressing their own people and completely undemocratic. let alone their dirty terrorism in Syria and Iraq, their satanic Jihad !
2- revolutions of countries like Egypt, Tunis, were popular and peaceful not a wild war. and protests in Bahrain, Saudi and Yemen were and are also popular. such wars can not be regarded part of awakening wave in the middle east.
3- nowadays, Israel is helping the terrorists vividly. Lebanon may be their next target.
4- even people of Turkey are angry of their government, because their border cities have become home of terrorists.
5- such radicalism will find it's way to west, but it does not matter for many western governments, because most of western governments are committed just to please the corrupted leaders of Israel !

edit on 8-6-2013 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Jumadax

In this thread, I cover what I surmise will happen to the Christian's in Syria. They are Aram (Armenian Christians from the Highlands of Syria). Most of them are either in Israel or have moved on (7,000) of them to Armenia. As the verses state, Aram will be like the glory of Israel. The remnant is safe already. As Isaiah also states, Jordan and Damascus will fall and be desolate. Damascus is already there and getting worse. One city in Ephraim will fall (Walled City). I assume this may be UK or in America. Ephraim may also be the northern area of Israel. As I point out in the thread, there is reason to believe that this refers to the lion of the west. No doubt, we are seeing these verses happen before our eyes. It will get much worse before it gets better.

edit on 8-6-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad

Prior to the western backed coup, Libya ranked on the top in Africa for education, health, wealth and security. In Libya, blacks, Arabs, Berbers, Muslims and Christians co-existed peacefully for decades if not centuries.

Clearly the OP has never met anybody from Libya nor spoken to anybody in Libya now. They would disagree with what you have said and tell you that for the first time they are happy and have a future. Serioulsy take a trip they will be happy to tell you how wrong you are. Or simply go the Libyan embassy and talk with people using tts service or working thier. If life was so wonderful then some of the Libyans would have fought against the revolution.

Sorry, I didnt know the Libyan people preferred chaos, looting, kidnapping, gangs, militias, and unsafety over what they previously had.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by MrSpad

They would disagree with what you have said and tell you that for the first time they are happy and have a future.

I am quite sure the Libyans would have disagreed with you on that one they were better off with Gaddafi it seems even as Libya is heading towards your still defending the intervention even though thats not a surprise.

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