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GOD - The Slave Massa

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posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

Religion taught you to accept everything in the bible. How exactly has that changed? How exactly have you dropped that when you still accept everything in it?

Cognitive dissonance.

The religion you claim I believe doesn't even believe in a young earth and creationism, I do.
They claim Original Sin, I do not.
They claim Judgment and Hell, I claim judgment is emotional hell in this life.
They claim election, I claim universalism.

They say one must acknowledge God by the name Jesus Christ to be saved. I say Jesus is the light in Geneses 1:3, That God is love 1 John 4:8, and that Jesus is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love John 14:16. And that it is by the Spirit of Love that one finds when they pursue love, like Christ commanded, that they are saved, born again, enlightened. But that all men inherit heaven at some point, even if that means for some a time after physical death.

Have you paid any attention? There is no church that teaches what I just said; at least not that I am aware of, and you will not find this stuff on Google.

So what is my religion? Since you seem to know better than I do.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

Religion taught you to accept everything in the bible. How exactly has that changed? How exactly have you dropped that when you still accept everything in it?

Cognitive dissonance.

Would that be the same feeling you get when in your heart you know the good you should do but you still do the sin that you don't want to do?

Is that what you are trying to say? Because I do not suffer from such problems, although at one time I did. But now I am free from sin so that I may serve/pursue the purpose of love more correctly.

You simply refuse to believe in the possibility that God is the author of all that is good and bad.

Isaiah 45:7 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

You still believe a god that orders babies to be killed is love. You believe a book written by man was written by god himself. You believe that Yahweh is Jesus. You believe that Jesus would order the slaughtering of whole towns without any kind of mercy.

You haven't dropped anything, only adopted other things in their place all while keeping the most religious belief of all: that the bible is infallible. You still refuse to see the blatant contradictions, which means you are still brainwashed. No offense to you, but I think I'm done here, have a great day.

edit on 8-6-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

You still believe a god that orders babies to be killed is love. You believe a book written by man was written by god himself. You believe that Yahweh is Jesus. You believe that Jesus would order the slaughtering of whole towns without any kind of mercy.

You haven't dropped anything, only adopted other things in their place all while keeping the most religious belief of all: that the bible is infallible. You still refuse to see the blatant contradictions, which means you are still brainwashed. No offense to you, but I think I'm done here, have a great day.

edit on 8-6-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

You still believe that somehow your knowledge is superior to mine. You elevate yourself above me. I have not claimed superiority, just a different understanding of scripture. And because of your self-proclaimed non-religious authority you feel that you have the right to lord your authority over those of us who have accepted your views but who have a different testimony.

I imagine if you were the ruler of the world you would create a new religion based on your beliefs but you would call it not-religion. Because you have convinced yourself that your religion is indeed not religion but the only verifiable truth.

I have continued to try to explain that the unknown is the unknown. That you and I should be able to appreciate each others religion. And rather than trying to judge my religion, you should be trying to understand it. If I continue to claim that my religion leads me to love all my brothers, than instead of calling me a liar you should try to understand where my truth comes from.

You would prefer to consider everyone who doesn't agree with you below you, simply because like I have stated, and you prove by your own words, you don't understand the bible.

You don’t understand what the OT says nor do you have any understanding of its purpose.

You don't understand this verse John 19:11 Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." - There is a concept in this verse that you refuse to even believe as possible.

You have no idea who or what Jesus claimed to be. Because you don't know who Jesus is you don't understand Paul. If you knew what Paul was talking about then you would not claim that he spoke against Jesus. But instead you sit in judgment against men who have only shown you love.

There are no contradictions in the bible; there are only contradictions to the truth in your mind. Since it should be obvious that no contradictions are found in my mind. Simply because you don't understand my testimony does not make my testimony invalid.

Again, you don't understand the bible, and by your own words you prove me correct. The path to heaven is found in Christ, but you don't believe my testimony, nor the testimony about him, which is the bible.

When will you open your eyes to the possibility that although my way is not yours it is equally valid? As long as you hold your way as the only valid way than you create separation. You claim that my way is against love, but you base that on incorrect interpretation of my religion. You see in this thread I have said nothing that is against love, but you consider me to suffer from cognitive dissidence.

The fact that you accuse me of suffering from cognitive dissidence proves that you have elevated your religion above mine. Something that I have not done. Challenging your understanding of scripture because you still see contradictions where none exist is not placing my religion above yours.

I am merely suggesting that I have a better understanding of scripture, since I see no contradictions in scripture, that would have to suggest that either I am crazy which is what you suggest, although I am not, or that I indeed understand the scripture better than you.

And in an effort to prove that my religion is no more valid than yours I continue to remind you that I believe that love is the only truly acceptable form of worship, and that everything else is religion. Do you see I can separate myself from my religion to accept your religion as your testimony. As long as you show me love I would have no reason to not accept the validity of your religion.

edit on 8-6-2013 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

So you think ordering the Hebrews to rape, pillage, and enslave cities and towns is "love"? Please explain how that is even close to being love.

1 Samuel 15
2 This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”

How is ordering the Hebrews to not spare anyone, including children and infants, considered love to you? What could those infants have done to deserve death, and why did Yahweh think they deserved to die?

And the animals? Were they evil as well?

ETA: You keep implying that I have a religion. I don't, so stop saying that I do.
edit on 8-6-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

I have seen this argument many times before. Let's make no mistake, God may love but He also is a rightous judge.

Whether it is Sodam and Gamorah, the Amalites, or Jericho, all had knowledge of the God of Abraham and what constituted a sin against him. S&G had many grievious sins against themselves. The people were exceedingly wicked in the eyes of God, but, if ten rightious people were found in both of those cities, they would have been spared. Ten people out of thousands. Does that sound unfair? It was more than fair if we look at the population in thousands or even hundreds.

With the Ameklites, they knew who Abraham was and knew about God. While the Isrealites were enslaved, the Ameklites were given that time turn away from their evil deeds (human sacrifice, temple prostitution, child sacrifice, beastiality). They were given 400 years, the time Isreal was enslaved. So, they were given plunty of time to change. The same fate was given to Jericho, however, they were also given warings to leave and not fight the Isrealites. By this time, word of the battle readiness of the Isrealites have spread throughout the region. They were given ample time to leave before being casualites of war. The people of Jericho practiced the same believes of that of the Ameklites. Their sins were great in the eyes of God, and had plunty of time to change their ways but didn't.

Why did the children and animals have to die? Before each campaign, the enemy cities were given warings by the Isrealites that they were going to fight them. This would have given people enough time to flee to safety to evoid destruction. Most people were too hardned in their hearts to heed the warings and suffer as casualites of war. Parents being the gardians of the children were responsible for them. They were given a way to save their lives but refused. A common belief is that since children were young, they were below the age of accounability. Meaning after they perished, they would be morally and lawfully justified with God. The animals were slaughtered due to the cultural practices of the people of the land of Cannan. Beastiality was a wide spread practice done at the time. With this being the case, animals were considered unclean and had to be put down.

From the above examples, we see a distinct pattern emerging from the judgments brought by God upon various peoples:

1. God declares an annihilation form of judgment to stamp out a cancer
2. The judgments are for public recognition of extreme sin
3. Judgment is preceded by warning and/or long periods of exposure to the truth and time to repent
4. Any and all ‘innocent’ adults are given a way of escape with their families; sometimes all given a way to avoid judgment via repentance or leaving a particular region. It should also be noted that expulsion from a land was the most common judgment, not extermination. This pattern goes all the way back to the ejection of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (cf. Gen. 3:24)
5. Someone is almost always saved (redeemed) from the evil culture
6. The judgment of God falls

That's the best explaination I can give.
Instead of understanding why these things happen, people draw a conclusion through presupposion the nature of God. They apply human understanding to an infinate being without understanding the cause and then the resulting effect. The easy part is saying, "Your God of love is a slave massa, and a genocidal monster." The hard part is finding why certain things are allowed or not allowed, understanding why judgement is passed on a nation. It takes a deeper understanding of the bible to find the answers. Many times taking pieces of scripture to discredit God is a way to justify one's own actions, to refuse to look at one's own sinful nature. They try to find themselves in a superior positon to God so they themselves do not have to follow a higher moral authority. I say its not the Jews or Christians who suffer from cognative dissidance, but the ones who run from their own sinful nature who are. People like Dr. Richard Dawkins. It's no wonder Dawkins runs from a debate with Dr. William Lane Craig. If Dr. Dawkins were to engage Dr. Craig in a debate, his position would be exposed as inadiquate and ingnorant.
edit on 8-6-2013 by Siberbat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Siberbat

That was amazing. Im pretty sure I agree with everything you just stated.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:46 AM
Just added a bit more in the photo description on DeviantArt-

“Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.”

For a moment, forget whom this quote is said by and focus on the words themselves. How would you describe a statement like that? Holy?

If god is the embodiment of love, then it is an absolutely putrid love. It takes a sick mind and a cold heart to view any living entity as 'property', let alone condone abuse. I say let's evolve past these stone-age books and any belief that strict obedience and faith will be greatly rewarded... when you're dead (we promise). Never forget that our power and influence in the world lies in the here and now. Each individual is on their own spiritual search through this existence, but ethics and institutions built upon the twisted and contradictory words of the Abrahamic god must be called out and eventually dismantled. The time is ripe for humanity to flourish into something extraordinary!

One place start is with The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. POWERFUL!!!

For anyone offended by the image, I'm more offended by the fact people will continue to fall to their knees, defend and even slaughter others in the name of that demon. Humanity still has not fully opened its eyes and recognized that everything in existence stems from the same source (whatever you wanna name it) and we all contain a part of it. I say drop this disease of the mind and soul called religion like a bad habit. It makes no difference in what century the above quote was written. Disgusting is disgusting and yet the majority of the planet continues to worship the same god from whence (first time I ever used that word) those vile words came. god declares that gays deserve fire & brimstone and to be put to death alongside their lovers. But establishing laws that equate a human being to currency, refer to them as 'property' and beatings with blunt objects is just fine by him. In the words of Tony Montana as Michael Corleone in the Devil's Advocate, "Worship that? NEVER."

For those who get the word 'offended' tossed at them for bringing up these ideas like this, here's Stephen Fry to back you up.

While it is not my intention to be mean or controversial, it should resonate within a loving heart that words such as those at the top do not deserve any respect in the least. I'm sure those words had nothing but positive ramifications for my African ancestors when adopted by Christian plantation owners. And when I hear my Christian mother say that homosexuality is wrong not because not it has effected her in a negative way (or anyway at all), but simply because god told her to think that way, I feel obligated to bring people out of their comfort zone and confront their beliefs by first eliminating the fear of divine punishment when doubt, skepticism and opposing ideas enter their minds. Lack of fear and adjustment of what is destructive to mankind can be applied to any authority or establishment including the US government, military, and that lying, smiling, pile of bile known as the commander in chief. I am simply calling out this spiritual imprisonment for what I truly see it as.

As long as our eyes, minds and hearts remain open and fear of these institutions is non-existent, the individual can grow and come together as a solid and efficient unit that can accelerate in this global community. Zoom out and you'll notice that humanity is on the brink of a paradigm shift. Thanks to viral communication, we are so close that all it's going to take now is just a little push and some provocation to generate serious, thorough dialogue about building community on a platform of love/respect/growth for mankind and nature and how to finally let go of the ideas of 'chosen people' and 'righteous paths' that the majority of the world still grips onto. So how about we pool together our greatest resources and minds to question this existence with ongoing probing and discussion without the threat of a fatwa being declared upon them. (what is written above about Yahweh applies to Allah just as equally. I'm such a lil' infidel.) Eliminate fear and let us thrive!

Feel free to re-post any of this material and spread the LOVE like wildfire, people!

The Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo
Django Unchained belongs to, Quentin Tarantino, The Weinstein Company and Columbia Pictures
Leonardo DiCaprio's mug belongs to Leo


edit on 9-6-2013 by 2x Helix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

Now this is more like it! You've got a good head on your shoulders and a big heart in your chest.

Much Love!
edit on 9-6-2013 by 2x Helix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 11:32 PM
If a person were to read only this portion of the Bible (let alone the hundreds of examples of unloving, unjust treatment upon his precious creations) one must ask themselves, "Why should ANY respect be paid to these words, this book or its author?"

I have asked myself this question and the simple answer: it deserves the trash can far more than any of my respect.

You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion. - Anonymous

If slavery in that period can be deemed justifiable by god, what's to say black slavery also wasn't part of his master plan? He does work in mysterious ways after all...
edit on 6-7-2013 by 2x Helix because: (no reason given)

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