posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 03:45 PM
i completed today my two-week, intense experiment, with lucid dreaming,
first something about my situation,
as you all know its summer, and its hot, so dreaming is not easy, especially for me,
(insomnia,sleeping disorders,night terrors etc)
so i bought this natural food supplement, called relaxor, it contains passilflora incarnata, humulus lupulus,
and calluna vulgaris,
so after trying it, i noticed that my anxiety (panic attacks also) were pretty much gone,
and thank cthulhu, i got some much needed sleep,,,, but then i noticed a peculiar effect, lucid dreaming became very easy and balanced,,,
every time i fell asleep, i found myself in a calm black void, and i was standing on this huge hypercube, made of stone,
and it had these strange glyphs all over it, so i could examine it every night, from different angles,
after a few days i could pull these "lockers out from the surface, and i found more markings inside these things,
but the most interesting thing was that i could wake up, at will,
i only had to lie down on the cube, and water started to rise from nowhere,
and when i took my first breath of this water, i woke up,,,
these kind of mechanisms are usually forgotten by me, before i even get out of bed, but now i could remember them, and repeat the process.
the last two weeks have been the most vivid and crystal clear dreams that i have ever had,,
nothing compared to the ones i have had in the past.
this was a fun experience, and it helped me in many different ways.
but as the bottle says- dont use it more than two weeks,
has anyone else had strange dream experiences, from grocery store food supplements?