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Biracial Cheerios Commercial Sparks Racist Comments

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posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 08:00 PM
link's not about the commercial be is about the comments made on YouTube where the video was being shown.

There were racist comments about it..the General Mills had to disable the comment section because sad little cowards behind a computer screen were making racial comments.

Read the OP before commenting sheesh.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by WP4YT

Actually, I'm going to go with there is an agenda. How come all these commercials on TV ALWAYS seem to have biracial couples on it? It's not like there's a high percentage of them in the population. I was just watching TV and the commercials were on; out of 6 commercials 4 of them had biracial or non white people in them. Now I don't have a problem with non-whites in commercials and I'm not racist, but it's evident that it's no coincidence and they are purposefully selecting them for commercials over whites. What I DO have a problem with is them selecting actors based on skin color and not talent.

So the question is, are the companies just doing it to appear more diverse and overdoing it, or is there a political agenda to push biracial relationships?

There is an agenda alright to sell stuff in this case Cheerios. You know the same reason most products are bilingual. Corporate America finally figured out they can sell more stuff to people when they can clearly read the label.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 10:42 PM
I saw that commercial and I do not remember it being bi-racial. I thought it was pretty cute.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I just saw this and thought it was a perfectly hilarious response to all those racist haters who commented on YouTube! Notice at the end of this lil vid, the woman calls out to her "spouse" "Denise! Disable the YouTube comments!"

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by kdyam

I think the racial implication is that black people are more susceptible to heart disease, which isnt racist but a medically proven fact.

Is it?

I thought that the major causes of heart disease are 'unhelathy' lifestyles and hereditary conditions etc - not that I'm in any way a medical expert.

I wonder who thought this commercial was racist black folks or white folks.

Who care's - one thing for certain is that they are obviously idiots.

I personally think its ridiculous.

Me too.

Living in the UK I haven't seen the commercial but it sounds like it's just intended to try and establish a link between eating Cheerio's and healthy eating for commercial reasons.

Some people are just too sensitive, other's are just interfering PC do-gooders and other's are simply abhorent, racist scumbags.
Most of us, regardless of race, are just normal, everyday people who just want to get on with our lives the best we can free from this sort of absolute bollocks.

Personally I don't eat Cheerio's because I don't like them and I prefer a good old fashioned Full English or bacon sarnie.
edit on 15/6/13 by Freeborn because: grammar and clarity

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I saw this story the other day and I don't understand why some people are so resistant to diversity. :shk: I think they need to get out more.

There are so many biracial people today... what's the problem? Our president is biracial, for Christ's sake! For people who are "against" it, it's time to get over it and find other interests in life!

People have the right to resist genocide, people have a right to exist.

Why do you insist on breaking international law by advocating for conditions of life that will result in the genocide of a group of people?

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:17 AM

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by korathin

What does it matter if we all interbreed to become one big mash up of colours?

Genocide through love marriage and children, one of the better ways to go.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by korathin

Surely if two people fall in love and have kids that would have nothing to do with international law. I think the love between 2 people overrides any international law. Why does skin pigmentation matter? Plenty of people in the UK use sun beds, to turn their skin darker.

At what point does a white person loose their whiteness. What about a British person with a spaniard or Greek? Are the French white enough?

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by korathin

Surely if two people fall in love and have kids that would have nothing to do with international law. I think the love between 2 people overrides any international law. Why does skin pigmentation matter? Plenty of people in the UK use sun beds, to turn their skin darker.

At what point does a white person loose their whiteness. What about a British person with a spaniard or Greek? Are the French white enough?

The concept of "white" is a faulty one. No such ethnic or genetic group, as "white" exist. There is though different races within Europe. You have the Gaelic's, Germanic's, Norse and Slavic peoples. The only minor indigenous race to Europe that I am aware of, is the Basque people.

You are using a BS argument. It is one thing to say free will, another to engineer social policy to create living conditions designed in part or in whole, to eliminate a group of people. That is what is going on in every single Gaelic, Germanic, Norse and Slavic nation. This is genocide pure and simple.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

I saw this commercial many times over the weekend. It never dawned on me about the racial make-up until some &#*@$!'s made a deal out of it.

I just thought it was a well made commercial.

Same here.

Saw that a bunch of times. My Daughter asked for Cheerios for breakfast, because of it.

I didn't even notice color. Just Cheerios.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by WilsonWilson
reply to post by korathin

What does it matter if we all interbreed to become one big mash up of colours?

Genocide through love marriage and children, one of the better ways to go.

Because it does matter, people have a right to exist. Just because some bigots have genocidal fantasies of wiping out other groups of human beings via interbreeding doesn't justify it. People have a natural born right to resist their destruction, and to demand that those who seek genocide against them are punished.

For the record though, I assume ats is supporting genocide now? As it is clear that ATS moderators have no problem with posts that advocate genocide by creating living conditions designed to destroy in part or in whole a group of people?

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by korathin

Originally posted by korathin
People have the right to resist genocide, people have a right to exist.

Agreed. I'm not sure why you think I have another opinion.

Why do you insist on breaking international law by advocating for conditions of life that will result in the genocide of a group of people?

Excuse me? International law? Genocide? I don't know what you're talking about.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by korathin

Because it does matter, people have a right to exist. Just because some bigots have genocidal fantasies of wiping out other groups of human beings via interbreeding doesn't justify it. People have a natural born right to resist their destruction, and to demand that those who seek genocide against them are punished.

For the record though, I assume ats is supporting genocide now? As it is clear that ATS moderators have no problem with posts that advocate genocide by creating living conditions designed to destroy in part or in whole a group of people?

So, no one should be in North America other than the native Indians that were here first?

And I had a child with one of them. Well, a decendant of them. Lightening the skin of the original North American group, and darkening the skin of my ancestors (the invaders)

It seems rather silly to think of that as a punishable offence

It's the 21st century...
I'm surprised people still even notice bi racial couples anymore.
They aren't rare....

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:36 PM
Why would anyone have an issue with this commercial? Pathetic. I still find it hard to believe that there are so many racist people in this country and even the world. When will we ever grow up?

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by korathin

Surely if two people fall in love and have kids that would have nothing to do with international law. I think the love between 2 people overrides any international law. Why does skin pigmentation matter? Plenty of people in the UK use sun beds, to turn their skin darker.

At what point does a white person loose their whiteness. What about a British person with a spaniard or Greek? Are the French white enough?

I don't get a tan to look asian or black ffs

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by korathin

I'm not following you. How are people getting together and making babies and not staying within a certain race, contributing to genocide?? Or am I misreading you??
I would think that being color blind was being evolved.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 07:51 PM
I feel sorry for all the bigots who own TVs that don't have off switches. I mean, it must be terrible to be made to sit in front of a television and be forced to watch-. . . .

Wait, what?

You mean no-one is being forced to watch television commercials? Do you mean to tell me that they own televisions with "off" switches?

Well then they are just idiots.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 08:48 PM
Boy has this thread taken a turn for the bizarro world. How anyone can even fathom that two people, of different races, who fall in love are in the wrong? And even call it genocide as well?

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by WP4YT

Actually, I'm going to go with there is an agenda.


I've been in the idustry for 7 years and I can tell you it's most definitely either:

1. Marketing to adult black men.


2. This is just one of the families that the casting company put together and they were the most eligible for the job.

The only agenda here is for Cheerios to sell Cheerios.
edit on 18-6-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

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