posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 03:16 AM
I just saw this one the news . Canarsie Brooklyn . A guy is a Fed Ex outfit ,pretended to deliver a package .
Once he got into the house ,he took out a gun , and made two young girls get face down on the floor .
He went to another room ,where an adult woman slammed him with the door,and he dropped the gun .
He had waved his two accomplices to come in .
A nine year old boy,in the room with the woman ,picked up the gun,aimed,and fired .
Fake Fed Ex guy took off like a shot,and his two accomplices ran off too.
The bullet went into the wall next to the guy apparently .
He will be the laughing stock of his posse.
The police think this is an organized group of thieves .
More here :
and here on 05/28/2013 by
PtolemyII because: (no reason given)
edit on 05/28/2013 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)