posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by jiggerj
I doubt it! After the Global meltdown we will most likely see Anarchy!
We will probably see our government release either chemical or biological agents to reduce the population!
They would need to do this to make us more manageable! We would see people going to the stores to try and horde whatever foods they could acquire!
They would probably do this with fuels and any other valuables that might be necessary to ones survival!
Though this is all my opinion, I believe that this would be quite similar to how things might be!
I doubt there would be seven billion people rushing into the woods but I do agree they would most likely attempt
to get out of the cities! I doubt hunting would be on their minds though! They would however arm themselves!
We would probably see much violence, fear, panic and insanity! Order would totally degrade as soon as the
police and or military presence evaporated along with the realization that money is useless and the only way to acquire anything would be through
barter or force! This might take days, months or even hours depending how fast the economy degrades!
We are only civilized as long as the majority conforms to order and it wont take long before fear and panic eliminate order! I know a lot of people
believe that anarchy is some kind of good thing that will eliminate the
elitist hierarchy but it will also eliminate our civilization and create a society where might makes right! Where only those that are well trained,
strong and well armed have any chance at survival! Eventually we will see another hierarchy emerge after the struggle for survival develops back into
an organized society and this one might be a hell of a lot worse off then what we have now! Maybe we are better off with the devil we know!