I was in a local shop I frequent when I found this gem today. The only part that has been edited is location sensitive. But based on how broad it is,
we kept making wisecracks about it throughout the time I was there.
Larger Image:
Some highlights of this include people who want to pay cash, people who travel "illogical" distances , buying a lot of the same or similar models of
firearms, interest in using a firearm in a manner inconsistent with the type that gun is usually used for, expressing interest in deadly force beyond
what is typically shown, or requesting ammo capable of penetrating LE armor.
Tearing it apart:
1)Cash is a smarter option than credit cards so you owe less
2)Those "illogical distances" aren't specified and probably apply to most shooters, whether it is going to another state to shoot competition, going
to their property in the countryside or going to a gun shop they like. Hardly "terrorist activity".
3) People buy what they like. Some people like Glocks, others like S&W. And that's not counting the fact that AR-15s can be configured to be useful
for various things, like long range, short range, tactical or 3 gun.
4) An interest in using a gun for a purpose it generally isn't used for isn't strange at all. Some consider it a challenge, and once again doesn't
make any sort of "terrorist activity".
5) What defines an interest in deadly force beyond typically shown? Most people that buy a gun for protection want to know that what they have will
stop someone.
6) Last I checked, almost all ammo is capable of penetrating LE armor. But going by this, should I be concerned that police are the only ones allowed
to use "Cop Killer" bullets?
Also, could someone please embed the image?
edit on 31-5-2013 by BobSwagger because: (no reason given)
Thanks for the embed Boncho
edit on 31-5-2013 by BobSwagger because: (no reason given)