Sources please. Without a credible source its obvious this is a bunch of BS. Besides Iraq couldn't afford a laser pointer, what makes you think
that they could build an anti-personal laser gun. Wouldn't people have heard if 4,000 Iranians were burned by lasers during a war. Like I said
before, sources please.
The only way I can think of Iraq getting lasers would be if the US gave them some. Of course I doubt the US had anti-personel lasers back then.
Probably some hoax.
certaily no hoax. Modified ranging lasers could CERTAINLY damage the eyes. Besides the lasers might not evan be from the U.S but from the Union of
soviot socialist repulics or USSR.
Although modified lasers could do damage, it would be a bit expensive. The other problem is that although lasers are accurate, the beam is narrow and
eyes are small targets. At long range it's probobly not easy to hit right on the eye. It just seems unlikely.
Another thing I have heard about this tech is that it was the US forces that had this Tech. There was a thread on this here awhile back, I'll see if
I can find it..