posted on May, 30 2013 @ 01:34 AM
Hey All,
I'm hoping the wide world of ATS has some apple devs or gurus out there.
I've tried googling this but there's so much crap out there it hurts my head.
What I want to know is,
Is there an app i can put on my phone that will enable me to remote control it. IE VNC as suggested.
Add to this, will this app allow me to have the phone in standbye/off mode, and when i try to connect to it , it turns on?
is there something out there in apple world that will schedule a phone to turn on at a certain of the day, take a photo, email the photo, then turn
off again.
I'm trying to make a camera box in a bird house. That is facing a construction site.
Id like a photo every day for 2 yrs.
Because its off site and away from power it needs to be self sufficient (im thinking solar panels)