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Bigfoot filmed on American Hoggers

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posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Vaedur
My favorite part of the thread is all the people saying it doesn't look like bigfoot running, like you all know what bigfoot running looks like, loL!

I personally think it does look like an ape.

Likewise, how can anyone say it DOES look like Big Foot running? Have they seen it to be able to form that comparison? No.

The most plausible answer is often the correct one, this is about probability. As the existence of Big Foot has still not been proven after decades of research and "hunting", the most plausible answer is that the HUMANOID LOOKING THING is in fact A HUMAN.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:50 PM
I am also currently living in south florida, everglades area, I have been fascinated by the possibility of unknown species since I was very young and looking through magazines at our store(Saga), or something like that. I am in the everglades many days a week. I haven't visited or talked to the so called local experts and the museum and such, and I don't believe most of what claims were made since I don't like evidence used as profit, or money making and self serving.

I take the approach of a skeptic.

There is less than 5 of my fingers of evidence that I truly believe that are real bigfoot videos capturing the real deal, that I have seen.

This video: The dude or thing has wheels!

I know what it isn't, but I don't know what it is!?! If it is real, it would be a juvenile.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:58 PM
the second video I posted is the "break-down"
Look at the break down at about 1:24 and onward it shows a dude with white flowing (open shirt) running. look at it

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
the second video I posted is the "break-down"
Look at the break down at about 1:24 and onward it shows a dude with white flowing (open shirt) running. look at it

Well, that about wraps this mystery up! I like the commentary at the end there.. "Maybe he's going back to the van for a floodlight or something... bye!"

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 05:08 AM
All I'll say is that fella had a heck of a stride. But yeah he was probably a crew member for the show, or Cletus, the sheriff's illegitimate inbred son from a drunken night with his cousin Thelma Lou. He does get into a fit if he doesn't get home in time to watch Scooby Doo.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 08:55 PM
Man, I thought this was a thread on how John Holmes was still alive. American "Hoggers" filmed "Bigfoot". Is my face red!

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:33 PM
I had to watch this video a few times, because some of the posters said it was running on four legs, but I just can't see that. It definitely seems to me that it is running on two legs like a human. Is it bigfoot though? I really can't say.

Once again, it's blurry and it really could be anything. It could even be an inside joke meant to attract viewers, because eventually someone is going to spot it and share it on forums just like this for thousands of people to see. Don't worry that wasn't a stab at the original poster, because I think it is pretty cool.

The one thing that this video does have going for it, is the speed of the creature or whatever it is. From everything I've read about the big guy, those who have seen them remark about how fast they can run. And very graceful for how much they weigh.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by aduley

Did you watch the "break down" of the film 3 post above you? Its pretty clear its a dude running with a light colored shirt to the van for a beer. (or just running for some reason). Its a human.

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