posted on May, 29 2013 @ 01:27 PM
I have been asking the same question for a number of years. I remember the day I kept experimenting and found that I extended beyond my body. Then
not long after, I woke to a high pitch sound within and was suddenly standing on the other side of my bedroom and knew there were two others there
with me. My body was on the bed, I was with these others I did not see and I was looking at this light body which was there and I assume was my soul.
I was told the soul is sacred. Ok, that makes three of me, one physical, one astral and the real deal, the soul which was smiling, yet had no face
as such.
Recently in my sleep after trying to get out of body, I have appeared twice to a friend and once to my wife as she slept. The first time it scared my
friend as I tapped her on the shoulder to waken her and I was manifested from the waist up, causing her to scream. The second time, she remained
calm. To my wife I united In the dream state in a very loving manner.
A few weeks ago for the first time, my wife had a ghost manifest in front of her face, again just the upper torso. It was a long dead aunt whom she
admits was advanced spiritually. The aunt even talked and gave her a message of assurance. Yup, lots out there we don't know.