posted on May, 28 2013 @ 02:37 PM
If this isn't a clear way to show how big corporations view the general public, I don't know what is. We cannot continue on in a world where the
have's view the have nots as nothing more than scum to make money off of and if you haven't the money to give them, you should just go off and die.
A change must come, or else this world WILL erupt in the flames of rebellion. More people are starting to wake up every day. More people realize how
their faceless "bosses" see them, and its not gonna fly anymore.
To just callously ignore all the social issues we have today and say we have it better, we live longer, and make the world out to be a holly jolly
place thanks to these big corporations is at best willfull ignorance, at worst a lie straight to gullible peoples face just to make BILLIONS more
You aren't entitled to water, according to this guy. It is a foodstuff, and by that claim holds a value, and must be sold at the market cost. If you
are poor, no water for you. That is quite a scary claim, because if you really think about how important water is to life on this planet you can see
that in a pinch, a worldwide drought, it will be more valuable than all the gold in the world.
Please visit the link and read the article. This is important stuff, because if we just sit by and watch and let these sociopaths continue on like
this we will all be slave one day figuratively and literally.
I am not sure about the link, I have never been to this site before. A friend shared this story on facebook and the video speaks for itself.