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How many of you are really prepared for the Dog Eat Dog society you relish and preach on this site?

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posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. ^-^
I can kinda see what you're saying, but if the government is gonna go through all that trouble, shouldn't the person get paid for thier work just like everyone else? If I spend eight hours walking people across the street, or mowing yards, or whatever; shouldn't I be paid for my work just like everyone else? That's my point.

I'm a firm believe in feed the hungry. Nobody should starve. Where foodstamps are concerned, when people don't abuse it, it's a good system. It could be made ALOT better, but ANY system can, and most likely will be, abused. I get $200 a month to feed myself. I've learned to make it last. I know that someone put effort into growing the food we eat, and making it, and packaging, and all that.....but should we have to BUY something we NEED to survive? I don't think so; personally.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

None of either. I've done resturant mostly. I put apps in, and i've even had some interviews, but I never get a call back; regardless of how much I bug them. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, etc. I've got my apps in everywhere, AND I go back and check on them often. I'm not even allowed to talk to the manager of subway anymore.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

That's more understandable. But what about people like myself? I'm looking for work, there's just nothing where I live that i'm qualified for.

Not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that you are only looking for jobs that you ARE qualified for? Would you turn down a job as a manual laborer in a factory or a dishwasher job?

I do NOT claim to know your current situation, so I'm only going to tell you what I did to see if it can help you at all. I had been in construction for 20 years. My legs went on me, so I put in applications EVERYWHERE, hoping I could find any job where I could just stand in one spot and use my hands. Having asked for the names of the people doing the hiring, I returned to those places once a week (cheery smile) and said things like, "Hi Cindy, any jobs available yet?" I made sure that these people got comfortable seeing me pop in from time to time.

It took a month, but I got a job working on an assembly line. Once I proved I had at least a bit of smarts I was trained as a Die Cutter and I've been doing it ever since. Not a great pay, not a bad pay, but it's work and it pays the rent.
edit on 5/28/2013 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:45 PM
No, i've got apps in everywhere I can think of. Especially places where you don't really need qualifications, such as your examples (dishwasher, etc).

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

it is a false dilemma to state that either you are totally "for" carrying other people with welfare and thus supporting "civilization".... or if you resist or complain, you are a selfish hypocrite

Would you call what is happening this week in Sweden "civilization"?

The Swedes have been extraordinarily generous in "carrying" a welfare class which they have even been generous enough to import.

Now about 6% of their population are muslim immigrants and that group is consuming 70-80% of Swedish welfare payments, refusing to assimiliate, and burning their cities to boot.

I suppose the term "civilization" may need a re-boot as more and more workers begin to resist carrying the burden of lazy ( yes, lazy...or worse ) humans who are beginning to overwhelm traditional generosity and compassion for the truly needy.

When western civilization caves in this time, it won't be because many didn't share enough, but because many took too much.

edit on 28-5-2013 by silver007 because: typo

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

Why shouldn't they have to work in factories? I spent 7 years working in a factory. Nothing wrong with that.

Also it should be noted when I was a young man of 14 the parks department would let you work off your electric bill by doing work for the city. My mom didn't make a lot of money so I spent my summers working off the electric bill. So don't whine to me about doing what you have to do to get by. Grow some balls.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
So how am I saying "gimme, gimme, mine mine" when the only assistance I accept is with food? Sorry, but that made no sense.

You're dependant on someone else to pay the bill so you can buy food. "Assistance" is a nice, sugar coated, non threatening word to use, unfortunately those of us paying taxes don't feel like we're participating in a program of "assistance." We "assist" people voluntarily by donating to food banks and churches, we are involuntarily (read: robbed) funding your food stamp "assistance" out of each paycheck we earn.

I continue to be beyond amused at the lack of shame and the lack of tangible pride and dignity so many Americans display.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
I know that someone put effort into growing the food we eat, and making it, and packaging, and all that.....but should we have to BUY something we NEED to survive? I don't think so; personally.

Just an idea: grow it yourself?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
reply to post by NavyDoc

None of either. I've done resturant mostly. I put apps in, and i've even had some interviews, but I never get a call back; regardless of how much I bug them. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, etc. I've got my apps in everywhere, AND I go back and check on them often. I'm not even allowed to talk to the manager of subway anymore.

Wow. You have put shoe leather to pavement. I could slip you the numbers of a temp agency or two where my one brother has had success finding work. It may be stuff like packing soap at Avon, not fun but will work as a placeholder while something better comes around...or even better...keep you going while you go back to school/train in a trade.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
No, i've got apps in everywhere I can think of. Especially places where you don't really need qualifications, such as your examples (dishwasher, etc).

That's odd as those sorts of places are always hiring due to a large amount of turnover. The hardest qualification for many of those jobs is "show up on time." that is the biggest compliant I've heard from employers. Don't have any scary face tattoos do ya?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

You didn't even read my post did you? As I said before I have no problem giving a man a hand up. I do have a problem with giving a man a hand out.

You seem to have a problem giving back to a society that help's you out.

The only time I personally want someone to help me out is when I am in diapers and I can't do it myself. That is what I pay into social security for!

It should also be noted that the good lord helps those who help themselves.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
Yeah, no one should be forced to help anyone. In other words they shouldn't be forced to participate in a civilized society.

Your view of 'civilized' is that those who earn a living should pay shake down money to those who either can't .. OR WILL NOT .. earn a living for themselves. Stealing from the productive and rewarding the non-productive is NOT 'civilized'. Helping is great and happens voluntarily, but your demands go too far and they are uncivilized ...

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
I doubt many are.

Even on "doomsday preppers" tv show, when people practice their "bug out" scenarios, they get badly hurt and need medical attention from a hospital. There are several instances of this on the last season or two of this show, and these are people actively training for this.

Most people on here are just wistfully hoping for the end, and can't handle it when they lose cell phone service or twitter access for more than a few hours in the real world.

You're so right, at least where I'm concerned. I sometimes idly wish for 'the end', but the last time our power went out for more than an hour, I nearly panicked. I realized right then just how mentally unprepared I really am for an existence without all of the conveniences that electricity gives us. I know I'd be among the first to perish.

edit on 28-5-2013 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
I sense a certain attitude in many posts here at ATS. It's an attitude that shows no sympathy for those viewed as lesser than yourselves.

Many feel that the homeless, welfare, drug addicts, and other bottom of the barrel people are getting what they deserve and shouldn't be a drain on the rest of society.

What you are preaching and asking for is a dog eat dog world. A devolution from our civilized society. You wish to return to when everyone cared for just their immediate family and damn everyone else.

Why do so many wish to return to such a time?

I ask are all of you (who will probably be too shame to post in this thread) REALLY built for such a society? I don't think so, you actually want a society that's half civilized and half savage. Especially when it comes to yourselves.

How many of you are young, strong and trained to survive in such a savage society? I'd wager that there is a percentage who spew they want such a society but they would be among the first to expire should we return to such savagery!

Many of you speaking of all this heartlessness are out of shape and may even have disabilities. You would be among the FIRST to expire. You should want this society to be as civilized as possible. You are all hypocrites!

This is why I'm one of the few liberal libertarians. I am a socialist and I believe in state's rights. It is because of people like the ones you are lamenting about.

I want them to go to their wild west utopia that has no safety net and "job creators" are the sole source for services. I'd love to see the feudalism that would create within their borders.

Let the have their dog-eat-dog Mad Max world. They'll be happy and the rest of us will be just fine in our "nanny state" land where we actually set minimum expectations for our obligations to our brothers and sisters.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Diisenchanted
Your entire thread is based upon hypocrisy.

You think that just because working people resent their taxes being used to give welfare for a bunch of lazy people unwilling to work is hypocrisy. Most people who work are barely getting by as it is. I have no problem with people who have lost their job or been injured so they can't work receiving aid, Even then it should be a temporary thing. But I definitely have a problem with people who refuse to work..

Of all the people I personally know that receive social security ( I know probably around 20 or so) Of all of them only 2 are qualified to receive social security because of their age. I know a guy who has been receiving social security his whole life because he is dyslexic. Seriously dyslexia doesn't mean you can't work. You can still do manual labor. It is utter laziness.

I also know at least 5 children under the age of 10 who receive social security. Who haven't worked a day in their lives living off a system that was meant for retirement. All because their parents cant seem to pull their head out long enough to raise their own kids. It is not my job to raise your kids for you! Then you have the welfare mothers who have more kids just to stay on the system. Without ever even considering for a moment who is fitting the bill. I owe them nothing.

I believe that some people at some time need a hand up, But that is not a hand out!

In 2008 when the housing market took a dive I was working as a tile setter. I made pretty decent money All of a sudden I found myself without a job. I found a job working for my local newspaper. It paid $8.00. an hour not much but something. My friends in the construction business kept asking why I would take a job that paid so little. They informed me that they would not work for less than $15 dollars. A lot of them were living in tents in their parents back yard when it was all said and done. It wasn't that they couldn't work it was that they wanted more than they could make doing the jobs that were out there. So they ended up receiving unemployment until their benefits ran out. Most of them still don't have a job.

My point is that you take what you can get! You don't wait for someone to take care of you. You do what you can do to make it. If there is a job out there you take it and you make it work until you find something better or you make something better on your own. You don't sit at home or at your parents home and wait until things get better. You make them better! Just because a job doesn't pay what you think you deserve you don't take it? How stupid is that?

When the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 71% of the overall tax and the bottom 47% pay zero tax. There is definitely a problem with that. You could see how that would present a problem with the people who are contributing.

Don't call me a hypocrite because I will do what it takes for me to get by. Don't call me a hypocrite because I refuse to have pity on those who are unwilling to do anything. Why defend useless Tools?

If the government want to pay out welfare to people it should be self-sustaining. The gov. should set up cannery's and other factories and let the people do work for the benefit's they receive. Give them a hand up not a hand out.

Instead this government is shutting down church cannery's across the nation. The Idea of a church cannery is that you work for the food you receive. It is self-sustaining. Government programs do it on the backs of the American people and that is just wrong. Once again I owe you nothing, and if you are unwilling to work than you should receive nothing. Just my 2-cents.

I cant help but think these bankers and elitists have exactly the same mindset as you. Youre basically saying if ur not like me and cant find work just die; youre eating my taxes. Meanwhile your government spends/steals trillions on other countries/bureaucracy/military.. And meanwhile those bankers/elitists who wont have to think about any money problem for the rest of their lives and who have no soul/empathy at all, and feel they need to destroy poor peoples lives to make some more.

Instead of looking at the less fortunate and blame them, look up to the elitists, cause its basically all their fault. And compared to the money they make, they really are lazy and selfish.
edit on 28-5-2013 by whatsup86 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-5-2013 by whatsup86 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:19 PM
i doubt half the people on here will live in a true shtf scenario, maybe even as low as 1 quarter only living.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:19 PM
i doubt half the people on here will live in a true shtf scenario, maybe even as low as 1 quarter only living.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by DZAG Wright

I don't know if you're in the US, or UK?

Do you have any understanding what an inner city nieghborhood would look like if the criminal gov't didn't pay up on the welfare, or food stamp cards? Do you understand what Chicago inner-city looks like on a good day?

I don't relish the thought of what will eventually happen. I fear for anyone weak, young, female -- in these circumstances.

I do believe the criminal gov't of both colors are responsible for it, and I think they are the ones your OP should be targetting.

I think they will be sitting back in their heavily gaurded bunkers, laughing at the rest of us.

I cannot think of any situation where paying somebody to limit their crime is the right choice.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:38 PM
Most of the people on ATS are the types cast out by society anyway. They wouldn't survive a day in the world they want.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Thanks for raising this OP, and it goes even further for the SHTF people who seemingly can't wait for a societal Armageddon.

Most of us are rather peeved off however at the existing top-down, chrony-capitalist stratification of society, and well we would like to see the whole pyramid turned upside down with the greedy and conniving bastards on top crushed under the weight of their own hubris.

But your assessment and observation is rather astute, and it poses an interesting question and challenge. From what I can see there's an emerging culture where that attitude you talk about is being called out, as you have, everywhere, such that the selfish and the haves, even though they think they have, are losing everything, everything of value and substance that is, while the rising tide of the "tired and weary, and restless, huddled masses" is tipping things in favor of a new and better direction, call it an enlightened mutual self interest.

Losers and a-holes in discussion forums all over the internet are slowly but surely being put to shame, I've noticed this and it's not just me, it's happening.

Terrance McKenna would have loved to see this day in the midst of the cosmogenesis of the noosphere, something he and others like Pierre Tielhard du Chardin intuitively understood was inevitable, in Chardin's case simply on the basis that the whole earth is round.

Take heart and be of good cheer, and wherever you're persecuted for calling out all bullies everywhere and in every form, be "exceedingly glad" for great is your reward in heaven even as a first/last cause in eternity where indeed it may be said that the meek shall inherit the earth.

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