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How many of you are really prepared for the Dog Eat Dog society you relish and preach on this site?

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posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by DZAG Wright

As far as myself, I have not had a very hard life but I have not had it easy either. One thing I have always been taught to do from a young age was how to survive. My dad would take me out and teach me how to fish, how to hunt, how to find shelter, ect. So for me it is kind of like revenge! I am so sick and tired of the way things are going and the way the upper class treats others that I really do honestly hope it happens, because I know I will survive. I cant wait to see all these pompous people who walk around with there nose in the air, driving a benz or BMW, deal with it. I Feel it is the less fortunate, who have had to learn to survive that will thrive. It will have a larger impact on the ones who have had a carefree life than the ones who have had to work for what they have.

Are you fit and ferocious enough to defend yourself from a pack/gang of young males who want to kill you? Do you have enough medical knowledge to treat yourself should you catch an infection?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Zngland

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
I sense a certain attitude in many posts here at ATS. It's an attitude that shows no sympathy for those viewed as lesser than yourselves.

Many feel that the homeless, welfare, drug addicts, and other bottom of the barrel people are getting what they deserve and shouldn't be a drain on the rest of society.

What you are preaching and asking for is a dog eat dog world. A devolution from our civilized society. You wish to return to when everyone cared for just their immediate family and damn everyone else.

Why do so many wish to return to such a time?

I ask are all of you (who will probably be too shame to post in this thread) REALLY built for such a society? I don't think so, you actually want a society that's half civilized and half savage. Especially when it comes to yourselves.

How many of you are young, strong and trained to survive in such a savage society? I'd wager that there is a percentage who spew they want such a society but they would be among the first to expire should we return to such savagery!

Many of you speaking of all this heartlessness are out of shape and may even have disabilities. You would be among the FIRST to expire. You should want this society to be as civilized as possible. You are all hypocrites!

Nobody should be forced to help anybody , a healthy society is founded on meritocracy,
our system now through many reasons , one of which is the obligatory corruption inherent
in our system of ever increasing Govt with it's machiavelli participants whose election or
reelection demands and rewards dishonesty, both in power and money.

We actually live at best under a Communist lite ideology, and moving closer to Communism
and Fascism both similar management systems.

Since dynamism flourishes and diminishes in relation to economic freedom and freedom in general
i would prefer to live in a free as possible society giving me as many opportunities to progress personally
and Society holistically.

Afraid has nothing to do with it.

Yeah, no one should be forced to help anyone. In other words they shouldn't be forced to participate in a civilized society.

This is what people of your mindset are neglecting. We decided a long time ago to live in a CIVILIZATION. This encompasses compassion for the less fortunate rather you like it or not. A team is only as strong as its weakest link and right now our weakest links are very weak!

To desire to live in a society free of responsibility for your neighbors and society is wishing to return to barbaric days.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I followed where others took the thread...

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by sylent6
All I know is that the government is bring society down..period.

We have the good, the bad and the ugly all in one pot. Everyone is out for themselves and its like a cancer, you spread it to the next person. We can try to be nice and not judge eachother but some of us do and will. All I can say is try and be humble to eachother.
edit on 28-5-2013 by sylent6 because: (no reason given)

As bad as our society is headed right now, make no mistake, we owe EVERYTHING to having a strong government. If we didn't we would not be as advanced as we are now. There's a reason we had technological booms and economic booms in the last hundred years. That reason is because we had a strong government.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Johncarter12345

A society that mainly looks out for it's own family is little more than a tribe and we never would have made it to the moon or any of our other accomplishments. I mean, after all, what's the incentive? None of it has to do with YOUR personal family.

We may as well return to the brush or caves...

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Same Progressive drivel heard from Progressives.

The idea that the Govt is here to help us is a bald face lie. It takes control and power from the person, and dictates what we can and can't do.

People are charitable, sympathetic and empathic. The Govt is not.

I don't have to steal from my neighbors paycheck, to give to a homeless person. The Govt does.

Sorry, but the idea that the world will fall apart if the Govt were to be taken back to how it was originally constructed is silly. You should be more worried about the Boogeyman under your bed.

edit on 28-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

A properly functioning government is designed to help all of society. As much as it sucks it's necessary when you have more than a few hundred people.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

The economic system of any nation is a game. Some are good at it. Some aren't. I am not going blame anyone for not being good at it, and I'm not even going to hold it against those that just don't want to play.

That said, in EVERY species that lives in packs or tribes or any kind of a society, every animal has a role to play and they must do their part. Why should those in the human tribe be any different?

I don't believe in free money. Those living off of government funds must do SOMETHING to earn it. I don't care it if it's sweeping the streets 8 hours a day, five days a week, or even walking around the city and picking up dog poop. They have to do SOMETHING. This hanging around and begging for money is lazy and annoying.

If some are deemed too mentally incompetent to even pick up dog poop then they belong in a nice, caring institution.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:55 PM
Yea, good government; horrible people running it. I can't recall ONE SINGLE PRESIDENT being homeless. How many congressmen, or anyone that holds an 'office' has been extreamly poor? How many people pay thier little monthly bills, go buy thier groceries at the store. Get thier gas, go to work, come home; eat, go to bed, and do it again all over the next day? I use these things out of convienience, but I have the knowledge to survive on my own, outside of a city. I know what to eat, and not to eat. How to survive. Like I said, a war is coming. It's not gonna be nice, and i'm pretty sure that many, many poor people will die very quickly in the beginning. (because those who are part of the system have access to better weaponry) But one thing the less fortunate are really good at is making something out of nothing; surviving.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Same Progressive drivel heard from Progressives.

The idea that the Govt is here to help us is a bald face lie. It takes control and power from the person, and dictates what we can and can't do.

People are charitable, sympathetic and empathic. The Govt is not.

I don't have to steal from my neighbors paycheck, to give to a homeless person. The Govt does.

Sorry, but the idea that the world will fall apart if the Govt were to be taken back to how it was originally constructed is silly. You should be more worried about the Boogeyman under your bed.

edit on 28-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

A properly functioning government is designed to help all of society. As much as it sucks it's necessary when you have more than a few hundred people.

That is nice and all, but it isn't properly functioning. Nor will it when it can steal from me, to give to others.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 03:59 PM
Your entire thread is based upon hypocrisy.

You think that just because working people resent their taxes being used to give welfare for a bunch of lazy people unwilling to work is hypocrisy. Most people who work are barely getting by as it is. I have no problem with people who have lost their job or been injured so they can't work receiving aid, Even then it should be a temporary thing. But I definitely have a problem with people who refuse to work..

Of all the people I personally know that receive social security ( I know probably around 20 or so) Of all of them only 2 are qualified to receive social security because of their age. I know a guy who has been receiving social security his whole life because he is dyslexic. Seriously dyslexia doesn't mean you can't work. You can still do manual labor. It is utter laziness.

I also know at least 5 children under the age of 10 who receive social security. Who haven't worked a day in their lives living off a system that was meant for retirement. All because their parents cant seem to pull their head out long enough to raise their own kids. It is not my job to raise your kids for you! Then you have the welfare mothers who have more kids just to stay on the system. Without ever even considering for a moment who is fitting the bill. I owe them nothing.

I believe that some people at some time need a hand up, But that is not a hand out!

In 2008 when the housing market took a dive I was working as a tile setter. I made pretty decent money All of a sudden I found myself without a job. I found a job working for my local newspaper. It paid $8.00. an hour not much but something. My friends in the construction business kept asking why I would take a job that paid so little. They informed me that they would not work for less than $15 dollars. A lot of them were living in tents in their parents back yard when it was all said and done. It wasn't that they couldn't work it was that they wanted more than they could make doing the jobs that were out there. So they ended up receiving unemployment until their benefits ran out. Most of them still don't have a job.

My point is that you take what you can get! You don't wait for someone to take care of you. You do what you can do to make it. If there is a job out there you take it and you make it work until you find something better or you make something better on your own. You don't sit at home or at your parents home and wait until things get better. You make them better! Just because a job doesn't pay what you think you deserve you don't take it? How stupid is that?

When the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 71% of the overall tax and the bottom 47% pay zero tax. There is definitely a problem with that. You could see how that would present a problem with the people who are contributing.

Don't call me a hypocrite because I will do what it takes for me to get by. Don't call me a hypocrite because I refuse to have pity on those who are unwilling to do anything. Why defend useless Tools?

If the government want to pay out welfare to people it should be self-sustaining. The gov. should set up cannery's and other factories and let the people do work for the benefit's they receive. Give them a hand up not a hand out.

Instead this government is shutting down church cannery's across the nation. The Idea of a church cannery is that you work for the food you receive. It is self-sustaining. Government programs do it on the backs of the American people and that is just wrong. Once again I owe you nothing, and if you are unwilling to work than you should receive nothing. Just my 2-cents.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by DZAG Wright

The economic system of any nation is a game. Some are good at it. Some aren't. I am not going blame anyone for not being good at it, and I'm not even going to hold it against those that just don't want to play.

That said, in EVERY species that lives in packs or tribes or any kind of a society, every animal has a role to play and they must do their part. Why should those in the human tribe be any different?

I don't believe in free money. Those living off of government funds must do SOMETHING to earn it. I don't care it if it's sweeping the streets 8 hours a day, five days a week, or even walking around the city and picking up dog poop. They have to do SOMETHING. This hanging around and begging for money is lazy and annoying.

If some are deemed too mentally incompetent to even pick up dog poop then they belong in a nice, caring institution.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Diisenchanted

You're prettymuch saying the same stuff. But why should someone have to work at a factory JUST to get some foodstamps, when you work somewhere and get really paid? That makes absolutely no sense, at all....even to me....and i'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, but atleast i'm not dysfunctional enough to think that the less fortunate should have to toil in factories JUST to get some food, or a little help; when you people who somehow got good jobs are out living it up. Say something that makes sense please?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Diisenchanted
Don't call me a hypocrite because I will do what it takes for me to get by. Don't call me a hypocrite because I refuse to have pity on those who are unwilling to do anything. Why defend useless Tools?

That is, quite possibly, the single ugliest thing i've ever heard anyone say. Ever. You sound real high and mighty. Ok. I've BEEN looking for a job. Haven't found one. BEEN out, all the time, looking for some kind of work. Is it my fault I haven't found anything? I'm trying to make it better, but it's not working. So what you're saying, is this: Even though i'm trying, you have absolutely no sympathy for me, or people like me? Awesome. ^-^

Also, notice there are 5 references to self within the first two sentances? LMAO!
edit on 28-5-2013 by jjsr420 because: funny...

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

Wow, that's truely a horrid idea. Now, if a person on GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE spends 8 hours a day doing any of what you said, how are they going to look for a job, and try to find a better life.

No, no, no, I'm talking about the ones that AREN'T looking for job. I know soooo many people that feel they can't work because they have a bad knee or are clinically depressed. Well, I have heart disease, arterial sclerosis, peripheral arterial disease (which means my legs cramp up and hurt like hell if I walk a hundred feet), torn rotator cuff, fatty liver, and my back goes out on me once a year. And I STILL found a job and have been at it for 8 years.

So, it's not that these people can't work. It's that they don't want to. Again, that's fine. But if they want tax payer money they have to do something for it. Pick up trash along the highway and in the woods. Give them a handheld stop sign and let them stand at every cross walk to help people cross the street.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
Also, notice there are 5 references to self within the first two sentances? LMAO!

Wow, how interesting that an individual who lays an entitlement claim to the earnings of others would take issue with someone's use of self identification. I ask this with the greatest of sincerity because I do not understand this mindset... How is it considered selfish and greedy to have an expectation and desire to retain as much of YOUR OWN PERSONAL EARNINGS as possible, yet it is pitiable and sympathetic to have your hand out towards everyone around you saying "gimme, gimme, mine, mine?"

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

It's called ASSISTANCE. Obviously you don't need it, for whatever reason, but there ARE others that do. It's meant to ASSIST people to get on thier feet. I myself am on foodstamps. I look for work every day, both out in the world, AND here on the computer. There's no jobs in my area. I've had a couple interviews, but never been hired. What you're trying to say is I should have to work eight hours a day ONTOP of trying to find a way to a better life? How's that gonna work?

Again, no, no, no. You are ambitious. You WANT to work. That's completely different. Plus, I don't know how it is in your area, but in my area, those on assistance while looking for a job have to prove that they have applied at ten places of business per week. Without a car and walking to these places IS WORK. And, good luck to you!

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

Now, if a person on GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE spends 8 hours a day doing any of what you said, how are they going to look for a job, and try to find a better life. If i'm working eight hours a day, I may as well be getting paid like you.

I think maybe that is one of the points he was attempting to make. If people who are on the dole simply out of choice rather than because of health problems or a temporary setback (and yes, there are many who are on assistance out of choice) were made to work for their benefits maybe they would finally see the advantage of getting a paying job on their own. Just an observation.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

That's more understandable. But what about people like myself? I'm looking for work, there's just nothing where I live that i'm qualified for.

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

Originally posted by jjsr420
Also, notice there are 5 references to self within the first two sentances? LMAO!

Wow, how interesting that an individual who lays an entitlement claim to the earnings of others would take issue with someone's use of self identification. I ask this with the greatest of sincerity because I do not understand this mindset... How is it considered selfish and greedy to have an expectation and desire to retain as much of YOUR OWN PERSONAL EARNINGS as possible, yet it is pitiable and sympathetic to have your hand out towards everyone around you saying "gimme, gimme, mine, mine?"

People are far too interested in self. I get foodstampds. Unlike ALOT of other people I know, I don't sell them. I buy FOOD with them. I'm fairly positive that eating is a requirement to remain alive and stuff. So how am I saying "gimme, gimme, mine mine" when the only assistance I accept is with food? Sorry, but that made no sense.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
reply to post by Diisenchanted

You're prettymuch saying the same stuff. But why should someone have to work at a factory JUST to get some foodstamps, when you work somewhere and get really paid? That makes absolutely no sense, at all....even to me....and i'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, but atleast i'm not dysfunctional enough to think that the less fortunate should have to toil in factories JUST to get some food, or a little help; when you people who somehow got good jobs are out living it up. Say something that makes sense please?

He didn't say"work at a factory." He said that they should contribute to the society that is giving them a hand up. Picking up trash on the side of the public roads or cleaning a public park. The idea that one should recieve somethign without any effort or work on their part is the problem, not expecting someone to contribute something.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by jjsr420
reply to post by jiggerj

That's more understandable. But what about people like myself? I'm looking for work, there's just nothing where I live that i'm qualified for.

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

Originally posted by jjsr420
Also, notice there are 5 references to self within the first two sentances? LMAO!

Wow, how interesting that an individual who lays an entitlement claim to the earnings of others would take issue with someone's use of self identification. I ask this with the greatest of sincerity because I do not understand this mindset... How is it considered selfish and greedy to have an expectation and desire to retain as much of YOUR OWN PERSONAL EARNINGS as possible, yet it is pitiable and sympathetic to have your hand out towards everyone around you saying "gimme, gimme, mine, mine?"

People are far too interested in self. I get foodstampds. Unlike ALOT of other people I know, I don't sell them. I buy FOOD with them. I'm fairly positive that eating is a requirement to remain alive and stuff. So how am I saying "gimme, gimme, mine mine" when the only assistance I accept is with food? Sorry, but that made no sense.

The online want ads in Dayton are full of a large variety or work. What are your qualifications? Any criminal record?

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