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Simple question re: homosexuality

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posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Yes. It sucks. But homeless and hungry seems worse to me.
And thats just fine. To tell others that it should be more important to them is the epitome of stupidity.

Like I said; Are you REALLY going to tell me gay controversy is more important than the starving and homeless?
As I just told YOU, YES IT IS, to the people that it effects on a daily basis. Just becuase you can turn a blind eye to it, doesnt mean everyone else can.

Who said that? I'm just saying starvation and homelessness is a bigger problem.
You are saying that. You said it is not a real issue. That people should worry more about problem A or problem B than problem C. You also tried to use the excuse that others are discriminated against as a defense as to why it shouldnt be a big deal that homosexuals are. Your words are out there, go back and read them. No matter how much you try and remove yourself from them, YOU are the one who made the statements.

Again. Are you really gonna tell me gay controversy is more important than starving and homelessness?
Yup. You can ask a million times, you will still get the same answer.

Yep. You got me. I'm a HUGE bigot.
I dont know about a HUGE one, but a bigot nonetheless.

Because I pity the world, because its full of people who'd rather whine and argue over the internet about gay controversy rather than feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, or open some eyes.
No, because you dont care about this one group, so to you, their plight is a non issue and should not be discussed.

I find that pathetic. And yeah, it figures that I'm labeled a bigot for it.
And I find the idea that you think you somehow have the right to determine what should or shouldnt be important to people pathetic. Again, go figure.

It figures that you are labelled a bigot, when you sit and defend the discrimination of people. It figures, and it fits.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by MichaelPMaccabee

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
I don't think humanity has the right to bicker over these trivial things while we still have people dying.

And yet you have the right to bicker over what other people can bicker about?

Aren't there people dying somewhere that you should be saving?

Lol. I've been around em before. I've helped them before. And I have BEEN them before.

I'm trying to graduate so I can help more people.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

Originally posted by MichaelPMaccabee

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
I don't think humanity has the right to bicker over these trivial things while we still have people dying.

And yet you have the right to bicker over what other people can bicker about?

Aren't there people dying somewhere that you should be saving?

Lol. I've been around em before. I've helped them before. And I have BEEN them before.

I'm trying to graduate so I can help more people.

So what? You are still here bickering while more people are dying.

Go on then, help more people.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

Yes. It sucks. But homeless and hungry seems worse to me.

I dont think some shmo has any right to tell me what should or shouldnt be important to me....go figure.

Like I said; Are you REALLY going to tell me gay controversy is more important than the starving and homeless?

I have seen a documentary on homeless teens in California. If I could remember who broadcasted it I would post it. Guess who all these teens were? Homeless, hungry and mainly mostly defenceless *gay* people who had been turfed out by their one eyed hypocritical intolerant families.
So, no gay people are not more important than the homeless and hungry. We are part of the homeless sadly

No, wait I found a doco on it;

Because I pity the world, because its full of people who'd rather whine and argue over the internet about gay controversy rather than feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, or open some eyes.

I find that pathetic. And yeah, it figures that I'm labeled a bigot for it.

Did you ever stop to think that by validating gay relationships you might actually help those homeless folk you keep banging on about. I have been almost homeless myself and I have mentioned the homeless teen gays. The power of 2 is not to be underestimated, my partner and I have seen each other through very tough times that neither of us would have made it through alone. And you know what, if I saw a homeless gay teen in my town I'd offer them a place to live
edit on 30-5-2013 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2013 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

Yep. You got me.

I'm a HUGE bigot.

Because I pity the world, because its full of people who'd rather whine and argue over the internet about gay controversy rather than feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, or open some eyes.

I find that pathetic. And yeah, it figures that I'm labeled a bigot for it.

Congrats on your whining and argumental efforts here within this internet thread... appears you can add the label hypocrite too now.... or you'd be out there now doing something constructive with your time like volunteering in a soup kitchen.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

And thats just fine. To tell others that it should be more important to them is the epitome of stupidity.

A life-and-death issue SHOULD be more important. How is that stupid?

As I just told YOU, YES IT IS, to the people that it effects on a daily basis. Just becuase you can turn a blind eye to it, doesnt mean everyone else can.

I can't turn a blind eye to it. I'm surrounded by people who want to whine about gay controversy all the time. I find it annoying. It would be different if they actually CARED enough to ADVOCATE their own cause, but they don't. They want to kick and scream about something. Nothing more.

And there are bigger things to worry about than looking for an excuse to whine.

You are saying that. You said it is not a real issue. That people should worry more about problem A or problem B than problem C. You also tried to use the excuse that others are discriminated against as a defense as to why it shouldnt be a big deal that homosexuals are. Your words are out there, go back and read them. No matter how much you try and remove yourself from them, YOU are the one who made the statements.

Alright, fine. I shouldn't have said it "wasn't" an issue. But I still believe that, because its not a life-and-death problem, that it is a secondary issue, and people shouldn't get so riled up about it. That's how the powers get you.

I dont know about a HUGE one, but a bigot nonetheless.

Lol. I'm called a bigot for my beliefs. I could just as easily call all of you crybabies for advocating your beliefs. Listen, I thionk gay controversy gets WAYYY to much attention. Like I said; Life and death problems first, political problems second. Anyone with any kind of moral sense will agree.

No, because you dont care about this one group, so to you, their plight is a non issue and should not be discussed.

I never said I don't care about them. But they get carried away, which is exactly what the powers want, so bills can be passed behind all our backs. Psychological warfare.

You have to keep the emotion in check, and look at all things objectively to catch the trick.

And I find the idea that you think you somehow have the right to determine what should or shouldnt be important to people pathetic. Again, go figure.

I think what's humane, and quite obviously so, should be obvious to all of us, but obviously its not.

This isn't my opinion, its something everyone with a moral backbone should understand.

Help those in need before squabbling over other politics. Come on.

Is that so wrong? I'm a bigot for that? Jesus.

Its not me determining right and wrong. Its OBVIOUS right and wrong that everyone else seems to be blinded to. Gay controversy is a gray area of spiritual and sexual morality, and a pit-fall trap in politics. I hate to break it to you, but the guys broadcasting gay marriage controversy on mainstream media don't actually CARE about gay controversy.

It figures that you are labelled a bigot, when you sit and defend the discrimination of people. It figures, and it fits.

I didn't defend anyone's discrimination.

I stated this thread seems over dramatized, and look at it. Figures.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by SQUEALER

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by SQUEALER

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
I'm curious - what do you think of priests and congregations that are happy to have gay members - and perform marriage ceremonies?
edit on 5/30/2013 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

Gay member is a different thing, from marrying gays.

Remember, Jesus hung around with the sinners. They are the ones needing to hear the message. So Gay members are welcome. What is not welcome, is changing the message to suit the gays. You come to the Church for spiritual guidance. You don't come to impose your views on the Church. If the Church changes its message to suit you, what are you learning from the Church? You're the teacher.

So now it is up to you to tell the church it is wrong if they want to be more inclusive?

I think the pope is doing a fine job.

You mean the pope that has been implicated in abductions and murder in a bloody war? THAT pope?

... perhaps he means the pope who recently said that atheists are good and can get to heaven but the Vatican disagreed saying... No they were still going to hell
He's lucky he didn't get fired or fried or crucified for that goof.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

You are right Gay people should be able to marry and get the same treatment as hetro people, it shouldn't be an issue at all but certain people are making it an issue and they are not the gay folk. But then it does become an issue because of the bigots who want to own marriage and want to tell gay folk they are unnatural etc.
I can see your point all the stuff happening in the world and it is the Christians making the big song and dance about it.
But people like myself do care deeply about people who are being likened to demons on this thread because in one way or another it effects either their family or their pals and of course for some themselves.
So guys I can see where he is coming from but he isn't the enemy really on here...lets be nice eh?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:03 PM

So what? You are still here bickering while more people are dying.

Go on then, help more people

When I have the means, I will.

I have seen a documentary on homeless teens in California. If I could remember who broadcasted it I would post it. Guess who all these teens were? Homeless, hungry and mainly mostly defenceless *gay* people who had been turfed out by their one eyed hypocritical intolerant families. So, no gay people are not more important than the homeless and hungry. We are part of the homeless sadly.

And I'd do anything I could to help em out. That doesn't have anything to do with my point, though. My point is that a lot of arguments I'm seeing on this thread are trailing off from the OP, and seem kinda pointless.

Did you ever stop to think that by validating gay relationships you might actually help those homeless folk you keep banging on about. I have been almost homeless myself and I have mentioned the homeless teen gays. The power of 2 is not to be underestimated, my partner and I have seen each other through very tough times that neither of us would have made it through alone. And you know what, if I saw a homeless gay teen in my town I'd offer them a place to live

Kay, props to you

Congrats on your whining and argumental efforts here within this internet thread... appears you can add the label hypocrite too now.... or you'd be out there now doing something constructive with your time like volunteering in a soup kitchen.

Lol. Have you ever been on the streets?

I have.

Know what I did?

I stole lighters from a gas station for them, and gave my only jacket to the other homeless people I knew. I busted my arse to get them stuff for christmas, too. WHILE I was on the streets, WHILE I was in middle school.

I'm trying to graduate high school, How is that not something "constructive?"

Stereotyping = pathetic.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by Darth_Prime

So to rule the world all I need is a big gay army?

Wonderful !!!!! hot pants and glitter all round lol

i don't believe in Military Power, but indeed sign me up, i'll be in my Best Drag!

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

You are right Gay people should be able to marry and get the same treatment as hetro people, it shouldn't be an issue at all but certain people are making it an issue and they are not the gay folk. But then it does become an issue because of the bigots who want to own marriage and want to tell gay folk they are unnatural etc.
I can see your point all the stuff happening in the world and it is the Christians making the big song and dance about it.
But people like myself do care deeply about people who are being likened to demons on this thread because in one way or another it effects either their family or their pals and of course for some themselves.
So guys I can see where he is coming from but he isn't the enemy really on here...lets be nice eh?

Thanks, and I'm a girl.

Its just a bit difficult to see the deepness in this issue when I've seen so much worse.

I'm not playing the pity card, I know a lot of people have had it ten times worse than me... but I've SEEN people die before. I don't like that those issues are ignored because of other problems that people get over emotional about.

Its not because I'VE had it worse, its because I've SEEN people who have had it worse.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off kinda hateful, people.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Darth_Prime

No fighting would be allowed, just one big gay parade sweeping over the earth

Mahahahahahaa, Mhahahahahahahahahahaa.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

A life-and-death issue SHOULD be more important. How is that stupid?
Im not going to explain it again. Half a dozen times is plenty.

I can't turn a blind eye to it.
That you can ignore their plight and proclaim "it is not a REAL issue" says that you can.

. I'm surrounded by people who want to whine about gay controversy all the time. I find it annoying.

. It would be different if they actually CARED enough to ADVOCATE their own cause, but they don't. They want to kick and scream about something. Nothing more.
I guess that is why gay marriage is becoming legal in moer and more places; why the bullying of gay people is FINALLY on the decline; why more and more gay people feel safe coming out....come on now. What planet are you on?

I do have to say, though, I love the guy sitting here whining about "homeless people and dying" saying others are doing nothing about their cause. High. Quality.

And there are bigger things to worry about than looking for an excuse to whine.
So why are you sitting here whining? Seriously, your hypocrisy is off the charts.

Alright, fine. I shouldn't have said it "wasn't" an issue. But I still believe that, because its not a life-and-death problem, that it is a secondary issue, and people shouldn't get so riled up about it. That's how the powers get you.
Rearrange the words any way you wish. The message is the same. You are a bigot and do not care that there is a sector of our population which is treated as lesser than the rest. In short, bigotry.

Lol. I'm called a bigot for my beliefs. I could just as easily call all of you crybabies for advocating your beliefs. Listen, I thionk gay controversy gets WAYYY to much attention. Like I said; Life and death problems first, political problems second. Anyone with any kind of moral sense will agree.

Your beliefs are bigoted, which is why they carry that label. You are still free to have them.

I never said I don't care about them. But they get carried away, which is exactly what the powers want, so bills can be passed behind all our backs. Psychological warfare.

You actually did.

You have to keep the emotion in check, and look at all things objectively to catch the trick.
You're sitting there talking about how 'annoying' homosexuals are, and then turn around and talk about arguing with emotion.

Seriously, you get the hypocrisy award today.

I think what's humane, and quite obviously so, should be obvious to all of us, but obviously its not.
So discrimination, bullying, harassment....these things are humane?

This isn't my opinion, its something everyone with a moral backbone should understand.
Naw, its still just your opinion, and a sad attempt to diminish what homosexuals are dealing with.

Help those in need before squabbling over other politics. Come on.
Its all politics. This is more of a SOCIAL issue, than a political one, however.

Is that so wrong? I'm a bigot for that? Jesus
Nope, I have explained many times why you are a bigot. Its ok though, most bigots dont understand that they are, in fact, bigots.

Its not me determining right and wrong.
Yes it is. Your words are there for all to see.

Its OBVIOUS right and wrong that everyone else seems to be blinded to.
Apparently, to you, discrimination and bigotry are you'll understand why I dont take your word for it.

. Gay controversy is a gray area of spiritual and sexual morality,
Its really not. Equal rights. Pretty black and white.

, and a pit-fall trap in politics. I hate to break it to you, but the guys broadcasting gay marriage controversy on mainstream media don't actually CARE about gay controversy.
I'm not sure which 'guys' you are referring to, as I rarely watch MSM.

I didn't defend anyone's discrimination.
What do you call it when you justify the discrimination by saying "others are discriminated against too" and when you say "its not a real issue"?

I stated this thread seems over dramatized, and look at it. Figures.
And yet you feel the need to tell others what they should focus on, instead of simply not adding to the thread that you think is over dramatized

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

So what? You are still here bickering while more people are dying.

Go on then, help more people

When I have the means, I will.

Then go get the means. There are people dying. Why are you spending very important time bickering about bickering? You said it yourself, this isn't important enough to warrant further discussion!

THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING, aren't they more important to you than arguing about arguing about the gays?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I'm not playing the pity card, I know a lot of people have had it ten times worse than me... but I've SEEN people die before. I don't like that those issues are ignored because of other problems that people get over emotional about.
So its your contention that people can only focus on one single issue at a time? That, if they pay attention to this issue, they CANNOT pay attention to others?


posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Im not going to explain it again. Half a dozen times is plenty.

If you think you can argue with something that simple, then debating won't help you.

That you can ignore their plight and proclaim "it is not a REAL issue" says that you can.

I explained that already. Seems like you're starting to take it personally.


"Boo-hoo" is right. Look at this thread.

I guess that is why gay marriage is becoming legal in moer and more places; why the bullying of gay people is FINALLY on the decline; why more and more gay people feel safe coming out....come on now. What planet are you on?

I didn't say everyone around the world is sitting on their arses, eating chips and whining. I said I'm surrounded by those kinds of people. That's all.

I do have to say, though, I love the guy sitting here whining about "homeless people and dying" saying others are doing nothing about their cause. High. Quality.

You don't know anything about me. Where'd that extremely flawed assumption come from?

So why are you sitting here whining? Seriously, your hypocrisy is off the charts.

I wanted to bring everyone's attention to the fact that the "Bible-thumpers vs gay rights activists" debate on this thread is pointless, and won't get anywhere.

Rearrange the words any way you wish. The message is the same. You are a bigot and do not care that there is a sector of our population which is treated as lesser than the rest. In short, bigotry.

Right. That's why I'm referencing the homeless and hungry, because I clearly don't care about those less fortunate. Wow.

Your beliefs are bigoted, which is why they carry that label. You are still free to have them.

Your opinion. Nothing more.

You're sitting there talking about how 'annoying' homosexuals are, and then turn around and talk about arguing with emotion.

I never once said homosexuals are annoying. I stated that the CONTROVERSY is annoying, because folks tend to get carried away with it. And look what's happening.

Seriously, you get the hypocrisy award today.

Lol. I guess that's supposed to suck for me, huh? Because your opinion totally matters, and all...

So discrimination, bullying, harassment....these things are humane?

When the hell did I say that?

Looks like you're taking this like a bullet to the heart.

Naw, its still just your opinion, and a sad attempt to diminish what homosexuals are dealing with.

So you're making the argument that my "opinion" (that the homeless and starving are a bit more important that gay politics) is wrong? Wow.

Its all politics. This is more of a SOCIAL issue, than a political one, however.

But not a life-and-death issue. Still more important than the starving and dying, though.


Nope, I have explained many times why you are a bigot. Its ok though, most bigots dont understand that they are, in fact, bigots.

Same goes for crybabies.

Yes it is. Your words are there for all to see.

I stated something obvious. Its sad you, and SOOO many others, can't seem to understand that people dying on the streets is more important than gay controversy.

Apparently, to you, discrimination and bigotry are you'll understand why I dont take your word for it.

Again, WHEN did I say that? And I'M the hypocrite?

Its really not. Equal rights. Pretty black and white.

So sexual preference has nothing to do with sexuality or spirituality?

I'm not sure which 'guys' you are referring to, as I rarely watch MSM.

Are you sure? Because reading what you posted is like hearing a monologue of gay rights protesters being interviewed on CNN.

What do you call it when you justify the discrimination by saying "others are discriminated against too" and when you say "its not a real issue"?

Agaaaaain, I already explained that. Now who's backtracking?

And yet you feel the need to tell others what they should focus on, instead of simply not adding to the thread that you think is over dramatized

Homelessness and starving people should come first. That's not my opinion.

Its fact.

Please explain to me how that could possibly be wrong.

Then go get the means. There are people dying. Why are you spending very important time bickering about bickering? You said it yourself, this isn't important enough to warrant further discussion!

THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING, aren't they more important to you than arguing about arguing about the gays?


posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I'm not playing the pity card, I know a lot of people have had it ten times worse than me... but I've SEEN people die before. I don't like that those issues are ignored because of other problems that people get over emotional about.
So its your contention that people can only focus on one single issue at a time? That, if they pay attention to this issue, they CANNOT pay attention to others?


What kind of assumption is that? I understand there's a line between advocation and obsession, or indifference and apathy... but it seems to me, IN GENERAL, that people give too much attention to a political/social topic and not enough to international life-and-death topics.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

If you think you can argue with something that simple, then debating won't help you.

I can only post things so many times before it becomes tedious and pointless.

I explained that already. Seems like you're starting to take it personally.
Not whatsoever, I am just not going to let you divorce yourself from your comments like you are trying to.

"Boo-hoo" is right. Look at this thread.
The funny thing is, you are complaining about it being 'annoying', yet you are WILLINGLY IMMERSING yourself into the conversation. Stop and thing about it for a minute.

So you're making the argument that my "opinion" (that the homeless and starving are a bit more important that gay politics) is wrong? Wow
Where did I say anything of the sort? YOU said that it should not be important to people. I said that the idea that you should be able to tell people what is or isnt important is stupid. Which it is.

Never said a word about right or wrong. Nice try though.

But not a life-and-death issue. Still more important than the starving and dying, though.
So its your claim that this is not a life and death issue for some people?

Same goes for crybabies.
You mean like those that are crying about those 'annoying' gay people?

I stated something obvious. Its sad you, and SOOO many others, can't seem to understand that people dying on the streets is more important than gay controversy.
There ya go again, trying to dictate what should be more important to people, and attempting to discredit one topic because another exists.

A little advice: stay in school. Maybe take some logic classes.

Again, WHEN did I say that? And I'M the hypocrite

Yes you are. You said it was not a real issue. *it* being the discrimination facing homosexuals. Again, the words are there for all to see.

So sexual preference has nothing to do with sexuality or spirituality?

Are you sure? Because reading what you posted is like hearing a monologue of gay rights protesters being interviewed on CNN.
Good to know you watch CNN. I dont.

Agaaaaain, I already explained that. Now who's backtracking?
Do you know what backtracking means?

You explained it by saying that you think they are less important than other issues. Which is still trying to justify it, or, at the very least, saying "deal with it".

Homelessness and starving people should come first. That's not my opinion.
Actually, yes, it is your opinion.

Its fact. Please explain to me how that could possibly be wrong.
Are you serious? So you dont understand why someone facing discrimination daily in their lives might consider that more important, even though you sit here and defend your OPINION that the others are more important, based on the fact that you have been there?

Please, please, step back and think about this. This line of thinking is hypocritical beyond reproach.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
What kind of assumption is that? I understand there's a line between advocation and obsession, or indifference and apathy... but it seems to me, IN GENERAL, that people give too much attention to a political/social topic and not enough to international life-and-death topics.

Maybe you are seeing so much attention being given because you are searching it out. Much like you searched out this thread.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

What kind of assumption is that? I understand there's a line between advocation and obsession, or indifference and apathy... but it seems to me, IN GENERAL, that people give too much attention to a political/social topic and not enough to international life-and-death topics.

1)So basically you are upset that something is getting more attention than a topic you care about? Imagine how gay people feel most of the time.

2)Generalities GENERALLY serve to make someone look foolish.

3)You are here, making blanket statements that we shouldnt be talking about this because there are other issues. News flash: I serve at a local food bank twice a month. I spent years working with autistic and disadvantaged youth.

And, imagine that, I am able to discuss THIS topic as well

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