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Simple question re: homosexuality

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posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Woman and men are still around, no? Does that mean men should do what woman do or that woman should do what men do? Should we start experimenting? Just because evolution hasn't found a compelling reason to eliminate homosexuals, does not mean that homosexuals cannot give it one.

I like experimenting. All for that. But at least I admit it's an experiment??

I read an article a while back that claimed to show evidence that homosexuals might serve a purpose in evolution by strengthening already existing community. I can't recall where the study took place, but they examine a culture on earth (right now) where homosexuals are treated as equals. They found that homosexuals show altruistic traits and helped other families. The studied wondered whether this was one of the reasons homosexuality has stuck around. By helping other families, they would increase the survival of the community.
edit on 30-5-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by RedParrotHead

I would say it is a very recent thing in society the one woman one man family. If anything since the dawn of man it is a very abnormal thing.
Even today people who live in what they may think is a one woman one man family do not, some kids are shipped off to boarding school for half a year so other people become their family, some have nannies or back in the day wet nurses.
To sum up there is no normal family model, you may have one which is similar to others but no family is normal.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by waynos
reply to post by SQUEALER

But still nobody has said how gay marriage would affect them directly. What difference would gays being married make to your marriage or the marriage of anyone else? This is where I don't get the objection. If two people wish to be legally joined together as as family, why shouldn't they say they are married and why shouldn't they qualify for the same rights as other couples?

The only objections I can see are borne of narrow minded bigotry.

Gosh...the density is incredible. I just pointed out that the Church is no longer free to practice religion. You must take away someone else's rights, to grant more rights to new groups. Don't you get it? It's simple.

At least, it should be simple to understand.

No more freedom of religion. Not that gays ever cared for anybody's religion anyway. Just sayin.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by KyrieEleison
reply to post by SQUEALER

Well, being slow on the uptake does not a valid excuse make. It's not as if they are asking for reparations or anything...

And I'm not sure how the laws work in Denmark - don't live there, can't comment ... but I do know how they work here, and if the government tried to force that kind of thing on churches I can't even fathom the amount of backlash that would have both from the religious and the secular.

Pal..the government is changing the rule "here", in all sorts of things.

Wake up.

No more guns.

You must buy health insurance.

Do you know, that the car insurance companies rip people off? To drive a car, you need car insurance. Government says so. But, you have to buy that insurance from private co.

You still have a choice, though. If you don't like the car insurance, just don't buy a car. Walk.

Problem solved.

But, what happens when you don't like the medical insurance, being offered by private insurance co? What do you do?

Do you just put a bullet in your head, to remove the cost?

How do you solve that problem. Can't ditch the body, the same way you can ditch the car.

Times are a changin.

Real ID is on the way.

Wait and see how dramatically the environment changes then, when they are able to track you everywhere you go.

You won't be able to buy grapefruit from the grocery, if you have a medical prescription that is incompatible with grapefruit juice. The computer won't let you.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:58 PM
Here's one hypothetical evolutionary explanation for homosexuality: - "Kin selection hypothesis" may explain homosexuality from an evolutionary point of view...

One possible explanation is what evolutionary psychologists call the "kin selection hypothesis." What that means is that homosexuality may convey an indirect benefit by enhancing the survival prospects of close relatives. Specifically, the theory holds that homosexual men might enhance their own genetic prospects by being "helpers in the nest." By acting altruistically toward nieces and nephews, homosexual men would perpetuate the family genes, including some of their own.

Two evolutionary psychologists, Paul Vasey and Doug VanderLaan of the University of Lethbridge, Canada tested this idea for the past several years on the Pacific island of Samoa. They chose Samoa because males who prefer men as sexual partners are widely recognized and accepted there as a distinct gender category-called fa'afafine-neither man nor woman. The fa'afafine tend to be effeminate, and exclusively attracted to adult men as sexual partners. This clear demarcation makes it easier to identify a sample for study.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by SQUEALER

Originally posted by waynos
reply to post by SQUEALER

But still nobody has said how gay marriage would affect them directly. What difference would gays being married make to your marriage or the marriage of anyone else? This is where I don't get the objection. If two people wish to be legally joined together as as family, why shouldn't they say they are married and why shouldn't they qualify for the same rights as other couples?

The only objections I can see are borne of narrow minded bigotry.

Gosh...the density is incredible. I just pointed out that the Church is no longer free to practice religion. You must take away someone else's rights, to grant more rights to new groups. Don't you get it? It's simple.

At least, it should be simple to understand.

No more freedom of religion. Not that gays ever cared for anybody's religion anyway. Just sayin.

The Church in the United States is free to practice in whatever way it wished, just has it always has.

If the Danes forced Churches to marry homosexuals, the Danes never actually -had- freedom of religion.


posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
I'm curious - what do you think of priests and congregations that are happy to have gay members - and perform marriage ceremonies?
edit on 5/30/2013 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

Gay member is a different thing, from marrying gays.

Remember, Jesus hung around with the sinners. They are the ones needing to hear the message. So Gay members are welcome. What is not welcome, is changing the message to suit the gays. You come to the Church for spiritual guidance. You don't come to impose your views on the Church. If the Church changes its message to suit you, what are you learning from the Church? You're the teacher.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

If gay couples can marry, straight couples can still marry too. What has been taken away? How is religion affected? Marriage is s civil matter, not a religious one, that's why you can get married in places other than churches. Also, don't call yourself dense, you'll get there in the end.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by MichaelPMaccabee

Originally posted by Propulsion
So running around in leather chaps at a parade making out and kissing is going to benefit the gay population how? I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, bisexual, into assorted mixed vegetables, or what not. There is a time and a place for everything. I would have just as much of a problem with straight people doing adult stuff in front of my children as gay people do.

Guess what, most gay people aren't interested in public displays of affection either.
...But when they are….”WATCH OUT”! It’s the ones running around looking and acting like absolute fools! They make the REST of the gay population look really, REALLY bad!

I don’t care if you’re trying to make a point or statement! It’s wrong! Can you tell me how this would benefit anyone…..

Again, I would have a problem if straight people were doing the same! And what does this teach our children? I use to kiss and make out when I was a teenager. I thought it was COOL as hell! But then eventually, I grew-up and realized there was a time and place for everything.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

Gosh...the density is incredible. I just pointed out that the Church is no longer free to practice religion
No, you didnt. Marriage is not defined by the church, and the church is free to practice as they wish.

You must take away someone else's rights, to grant more rights to new groups
You keep saying this, but you havent shown it to be true in any way. The closest you have come is some nonsensical diatribe about trying to make it illegal to conceive.

The truth is, no rights are taken away from straight people if gay people are allowed to marry. Not one.

At least, it should be simple to understand.
Its hard to understand things that lack logic and evidence.

No more freedom of religion. Not that gays ever cared for anybody's religion anyway. Just sayin
I'm flat out calling b.s.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

Being from Manchester I have seen this many times, it has become a annual thing and kids go and enjoy the party atmosphere, I see nothing but people having a good time. I can put up pictures of women in bikinis having water fights and such...same thing it is just scantily clad people having fun....nowt up with that in my book
I just get angry because they all have better bodies than me lol.
edit on 30-5-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by SQUEALER

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
I'm curious - what do you think of priests and congregations that are happy to have gay members - and perform marriage ceremonies?
edit on 5/30/2013 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

Gay member is a different thing, from marrying gays.

Remember, Jesus hung around with the sinners. They are the ones needing to hear the message. So Gay members are welcome. What is not welcome, is changing the message to suit the gays. You come to the Church for spiritual guidance. You don't come to impose your views on the Church. If the Church changes its message to suit you, what are you learning from the Church? You're the teacher.

So now it is up to you to tell the church it is wrong if they want to be more inclusive?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

So, the question is, then, do you have a huge issue with Mardi Gras parades and parties?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:41 PM

I just get angry because they all have better bodies than me lol.
reply to post by boymonkey74
How funny


posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by Propulsion

So, the question is, then, do you have a huge issue with Mardi Gras parades and parties?
No I don't, but I would keep my children from it. I love an awesome pair of t!t$! But I don't want my children to see them..!

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

It amazes how people can claim they live in the "free world", yet they are completely intolerant of other peoples lives.

Doesn't freedom imply freedom for all, or just for you and your kind?

You know it's not only government that can tyrannize...

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
reply to post by Propulsion

It amazes how people can claim they live in the "free world", yet they are completely intolerant of other peoples lives.

Doesn't freedom imply freedom for all, or just for you and your kind?

You know it's not only government that can tyrannize...

Doesn't freedom imply freedom for all, or just for you and your kind?
Can you please elaborate?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

Pal..the government is changing the rule "here", in all sorts of things.
Perhaps. There sure is a lot of paranoia about it, anyway.

Wake up. No more guns
Not that it has anything to do with homosexuality, but I just checked. My guns are still in the safe. And last I looked, all gun legislation was shot down.

You must buy health insurance.
Again, not really relevant to the topic.

Do you know, that the car insurance companies rip people off?
So insurances are your evidence? Are you afraid of being forced to buy Gay Insurance?

To drive a car, you need car insurance. Government says so. But, you have to buy that insurance from private co.
Yup. Still not relevant.

You still have a choice, though. If you don't like the car insurance, just don't buy a car. Walk.
Yup. Just the same as you still have a choice if gays are allowed to marry....dont marry a homosexual...pretty simple, really.

Problem solved. But, what happens when you don't like the medical insurance, being offered by private insurance co? What do you do? Do you just put a bullet in your head, to remove the cost? How do you solve that problem. Can't ditch the body, the same way you can ditch the car. Times are a changin.
All of this tells me that your real fear is that you will somehow be forced to marry a homosexual.

Real ID is on the way.
Been hearing that for 30 years. Does it have something to do with the topic at hand?

Wait and see how dramatically the environment changes then, when they are able to track you everywhere you go.
"They" already can. Carry a debit or credit card? A passport? A state ID? Money? A phone? Drive a newer car? Use public streets? Go to the bank? Sporting events?

You won't be able to buy grapefruit from the grocery, if you have a medical prescription that is incompatible with grapefruit juice. The computer won't let you.
Sounds pretty paranoid to me. Got ANYTHING to back it up?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

No I don't, but I would keep my children from it. I love an awesome pair of t!t$! But I don't want my children to see them..!
Hows it any different? You have every ability to keep your kids away from gay pride parades. Yet you have a huge issue with them, and not with a place where nudity and sexual depravity is encouraged.

See that....thats called hypocrisy (not to mention that you are now caught in a lie, as you said in your previous post that it wasnt about homosexuals, that you had a problem with ALL displays like that).

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Propulsion

Originally posted by MichaelPMaccabee

Originally posted by Propulsion
So running around in leather chaps at a parade making out and kissing is going to benefit the gay population how? I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, bisexual, into assorted mixed vegetables, or what not. There is a time and a place for everything. I would have just as much of a problem with straight people doing adult stuff in front of my children as gay people do.

Guess what, most gay people aren't interested in public displays of affection either.
...But when they are….”WATCH OUT”! It’s the ones running around looking and acting like absolute fools! They make the REST of the gay population look really, REALLY bad!

I don’t care if you’re trying to make a point or statement! It’s wrong! Can you tell me how this would benefit anyone…..

Again, I would have a problem if straight people were doing the same! And what does this teach our children? I use to kiss and make out when I was a teenager. I thought it was COOL as hell! But then eventually, I grew-up and realized there was a time and place for everything.

Idiots come in all shapes and sizes.

How should the following image make me feel about you as a straight person?

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