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World renowned Scientist Predicts 60% Market Collapse, 3mths.

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:59 PM

Chris Martenson is a world-renowned expert on identifying dangerous, yet hidden, exponential growth patterns in global economies, energy demand, and food consumption... And he is predicting a 60% stock market collapse will strike in the next three months. Martenson’s opinion isn’t to be taken lightly, as his research is highly regarded by the United Nations, UK Parliament, and Fortune 500 companies.

Martenson’s research suggests that the stock market has patterns, as seen in the above chart. This proven pattern suggests the market goes through three common “tops.” The first “top” was in 1999, followed by a 60% market decline. The second “top” was in 2007, again followed by a 60% market plunge. And a third top has now formed, and a 60% stock market drop is inevitable - and it could strike at any moment.

When the host of the interview expressed disbelief in Wiedemer’s claims, he calmly displayed five indisputable charts to back up his predictions ().

Editor’s Note: . “[The interview] was originally filmed for a private audience,” stated Aaron DeHoog, the financial publisher who is unapologetic for the release of controversial footage that has gained international attention (a donor to President Obama actually tried to ban it from their far reaching empire). “People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it.”

Will it be this time, triple top? I guess the Fedge will fight it tooth and nail no matter what.. interesting times.
edit on 22-5-2013 by komp_uk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:02 PM
who knows when it's going to happen? ..we're all pretty sure it's just a matter of time now
i'm stocking up on milo. chocolate will be the new currency

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:09 PM
Only 60%
what a letdown. If it was totaled we could get a whole new economy, they'll just stick a bunch of aftermarket chinese parts on it and give it a quick paint job to make it look good.
edit on 22-5-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:13 PM
Little Known ATS Poster Predicts NO 60% Market Collapse in 3 months.

When this doesn't come to pass, I hope you will regard my words more than this guys in the future.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:21 PM
You know...Life is funny..not funny haha, but funny. About 6 years ago I finally started to accumulate a little bit of money, not a lot in most peoples view, but a little bit. not enough to make any significant changes in life, so I kept saving, hoping to build a little nest egg..But almost as soon as i started saving, the interest rate was cut to virtually zero. There was repeated talk about economic collapse..So I figured whats the point in saving..May as well just spend it. So I spend a bit here and there, some new clothes, nights out etc, the the cash Id saved was not enough to do anything major with, as it wasn't enough.
So here we still are, at the same position. the rug could still be pulled out from under our feet at any moment and the cash could be worthless next week. Buying gold seems pointless too, I mean if it all goes belly up, its food and shelter people will be looking for, so gold is irrelevant..unless your a millionaire or billionaire and its those guys who are pulling the strings anyway.
What a joke it all is...This pointless rat race, gets more ridiculous by the day..working for what I ask you? insecurity and poverty. if i had the means Id move to the wilderness and be don't with the whole lot of it. Roll on collapse, roll on, this drip drip, year after year is worse than just going over the cliff. If the fake economy is on life support, of endless money printing, then someone please pull the plug, so we can move on to something else.
edit on 22-5-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:34 PM
Ahhh finally. I sold everything in the last 2 months because everything is just too high and I don't see anything appealing to buy.

Bring it!

60% SALE ON EQUITIES~!~!~!~!

Get your money ready!

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:45 PM
Is a big chance that the next bubble to burst is the student loans bubble that stands close to over 1 trillion dollars, the problem is that students get into loans for higher education but end up defaulting on then due to the fact that the economy is not there for them to find their dream jobs, many end up getting jobs that are not enough to repay the debt.

I believe we may be facing something at the end of the year, specially when the Obamacare will be forcing working Americans into shedding some more of their hard earned incomes for the big insurance companies to profit from, right now the lower income and those that can not pay have exhausted already the billions that were allocated for the needy care.

I guess I will wait and see.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:54 AM
Anyone who knows Chris knows that he does not state anything will happen as an absolute fact, rather something is likely or unlikely to happen and attempts to educate people to follow their own instincts.

I have been an avid follower of Chris for many years and i would suggest that its unlikely he would have said a crash is absolutely going to happen. His most recent article stated the economy may continue for a lot longer until the next downturn, we just don't know. But, his overall sentiment is that a major drop in the economy is likely based on a number of key data points.

Chris is a stand up guy, i would hate to see anything he says taken out of context or words put in his mouth to be used against him later.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:08 AM
Even if this collapse takes place, people should be prepared.
All the doom and gloom talk this last decade has everyone on edge.
So instead of spending money on meaningless consumables...
We all should be spending time learning how to withstand a storm.

Not watching who's going to win the next television contest.
Not furthering our own demise by relying on gov't handouts and assistance.
Not allowing these people to control our very existence.

If the market crashes and you think the world is going to end...remember one thing:
Humans have survived much longer than any "stock market" has even been around.

Go figure.
We put our livelyhoods in the hands of a few greedy men.
And wonder what happened to all the money we let them control.

So who should we blame? Those with our money?
Or the foolish who willingly gave it to them?

Stay strong, people.
We will survive.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by MichaelPMaccabee
Little Known ATS Poster Predicts NO 60% Market Collapse in 3 months.

When this doesn't come to pass, I hope you will regard my words more than this guys in the future.

Brand new ATS Poster Predicts nothing will happen. If something does happen, I guess we can disregard everything you said. Hey, look at that, wasn't that fun? Thanks for playing the sarcasm game.

But if you would read the opening post, the prediction was made by Christopher Hamlin Martenson who is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation and was educated at Duke University, Cornell University. Sounds like some decent credentials.

Now I hate it when "the experts" pick a date of ruin, but if one looks at the fundamentals of the economy, a disastrous decline is in the future. The only question is when. One should take this time to buy some extra preps, like food / water. Things of that nature, and if you are able, some gold and silver.
edit on 23-5-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by komp_uk

Chris Martenson is a world-renowned expert on identifying dangerous, yet hidden, exponential growth patterns in global economies, energy demand, and food consumption...

No he's not. Chris Martenson is a biochemical scientist who dabbles in trend forecasting. That's all.

He's not a world-renowned expert on anything.

Originally posted by MidnightTide
But if you would read the opening post, the prediction was made by Christopher Hamlin Martenson who is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation and was educated at Duke University, Cornell University. Sounds like some decent credentials.

They're decent credentials for a biochemist. They're worthless credentials for economic forecasting.
edit on 24/5/13 by Sankari because: added quote...

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:38 PM
I wonder if this forecaster takes all the cooked books into consideration?
IMHO the stock market is just a Ponzi scheme and as long as they can keep printing money they can keep it going indefinitely! I really don't think we will see that big of a collapse unless there are enough suckers to make it worth while for the banksters! The way I see it there is no reason for the elite to cause a crash, cause they already have all the chips and there is always some other way to rig the game so that the only loosers are those that work for a living!
The only reason why I would think they might cause such a crash would be to eliminate large portions of the population but I don't see them doing this until they can get enough guns from the American public, to make sure there is no revolution! Unless of coarse they want a revolution to rid themselves of any freedoms Americans have left!
I would think that such a crash would cause large layoffs, bankruptcies, foreclosures and anarchy!
This would definitely lead to marshal law, riots and God knows what else!
I really don't think anyone knows what's going to happen from one month to the next!


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