posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:58 PM
Scripture tells us that Jesus performed many gifts of the Spirit and miracles. He made prophecies, walked on water, made the blind see, and best of
all, successfully prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D..
Now, we can say, "Oh, that's all just made up."
I would give that credence, except for a few simple facts: Jesus didn't come, die, and raise from the dead in some little corner of the world, in
some closet, where nobody could see him. And if He REALLY was bogus, He could have always just said that He would come back in spirit. But He didn't.
He said He would come back in body.
Considering the five hundred witnesses including the apostles who later went on to travel great distances, whom were all eventually martyred (with the
possible exception of John, who may be the John of Patmos that wrote the Book of Revelation).
So here we have a man named Jesus who said He was the both man and God, who said He would be imprisoned, tortured, and killed, who said He would be
raised from the dead in physical form, all in totally public statements to multiple people. Those same people, among many, many others, saw that His
tomb was empty, didn't know where He went (thinking that His body was stolen), only to see that He had been raised from the dead. Those same people
who were first hand witnesses to His Resurrection would later go on and risk their own lives for the sake of teaching His Gospel.
If they had made that all up, they wouldn't have risked their lives and proclaimed the truth of the Gospel even unto their dying breaths.
We have multiple historical accounts of individuals stating (such as Flavius Josephus, a Roman Jewish historian of Jewish history) the existence of a
man named Jesus who performed miracles. Christianity would later go on, despite all hostility and oppression against them, to become the single
largest religion in the world, and the Gospel would be spread to the four corners of the Earth.
So, if atheists are correct, and Jesus was either just a man or never existed and it was all made up by the apostles, it begs the question: Why would
people spend their lives transcribing the word, spreading it to the world, and be willing to be beaten, poisoned, tortured, and martyred for something
they knew was a blatant lie?
I'll give you a hint: Nobody would be willing to die for a blatant lie.