posted on May, 30 2013 @ 06:31 PM
I am a new yorker ,and I can safely state ,WE ARE SICK TO DEATH OF HIM .
I've called him Fuhrer Bloomberg for a few years now .
He's a joke ,and completely out of touch with his constituants.
The scary thing is,his second in command , Christine Quinn ,is the alleged front runner ,to take over for him .
Not only is she just as tyrannical as he is ,she's the one behind numerous hospital closings. The refusal to allow animal care and control to adopt
out more animals ,and the refusal to shut down horse drawn carriages ,and use vintage cars ,electric ones,instead .
She's much much much worse. She got married in a big public gay wedding,to get the gay vote . Most people have a clue though .
I'm voting for Anthony Weiner ,and to hell with them all .
I could write you a laundry list of things he's done,to RUIN this city for the working class ,that no one even knows about.
If Quinn wins ,I'm moving . At this rate ,I should move out of the country . Between Obomba and the fuhrer ,we are tried in nyc . Cuomo isn't much
better either .
edit on 05/28/2013 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)