posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:14 PM
I actually find that I ask myself that question frequently. Just as frequently the answer is not immediately known. So after many years of coming to
this site daily, and rarely participating, why did I somehow find myself on the introductions thread? The answer is.....I have no clue! I have
nothing profound to post or anything I need to get off my chest, But since I'm here, I'm going to go with it and crack the window just a little.
Maybe one day I will realize the purpose of this post......
A little about me (at least how I view myself):
Not sure where to start or what to say so I'll just start rambling. I've been guilty of sleepwalking through life. At various points in my past I
have tried to push the limits of my mind and other times enjoyed the
"ignorance is bliss" mentality. I can't say that either choice is better or worse than the other.
Not sure when or how it happened, but one day I woke up and with a desire to seek knowledge or better yet in keeping with the motto of this site
"deny ignorance." I'm a little older now and have responsibilities that I didn't have when I was younger. My methods and objectives now are much
different than in my younger years, but I believe the core of what I seek is simply truth. Unfortunately truth, like many things we believe in or
desire, may just be an illusion.
I could go on and on, but I will spare you all and limit this to hopefully 1 or 2 minutes of reading a small wall of text. While I'm more than
skeptical by nature and choose not to divulge everything about myself in public, feel free to ask away. Thanks for the time reading this and all of
your contributions to this site that have given me countless hours of entertainment/research/information.