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Dem Senator blames Republicans for OK tornado

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posted on May, 21 2013 @ 08:21 AM
"While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming."

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 08:26 AM
Now some people just can't wait to prove their endless capacity for BAD judgment. This Senator with the big mouth and small brain, for instance. Perhaps he needs to stay in his safe little state where tornadoes don't happen. He sure doesn't know a thing about them, and that's as clear as he is ignorant.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by MuzzleBreak
Unfortunately there are no laws prohibiting idiots from being elected to public office. It is also unfortunate that it is probably illegal to place duct tape over any of said idiot's mouths when they don't know how to keep them shut.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by MuzzleBreak
Unfortunately there are no laws prohibiting idiots from being elected to public office. It is also unfortunate that it is probably illegal to place duct tape over any of said idiot's mouths when they don't know how to keep them shut.

Unfortunately there are no laws prohibiting idiots from voting.

Clearly the man is of the opinion that [some of the?] extreme weather is caused or can be blamed on global warming. He wants republicans to also think more about the environment to stop so that such things as the OK tornado does not need to happen, as we are in the same boat.

No where did he blame the republicans for that event.
Biased wording by the article and ignorant readers.

I don't necessarily agree with the politician.


posted on May, 21 2013 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Nevertheless

Unfortunately there are no laws prohibiting idiots from voting.

Clearly the man is of the opinion that [some of the?] extreme weather is caused or can be blamed on global warming. He wants republicans to also think more about the environment to stop so that such things as the OK tornado does not need to happen, as we are in the same boat.

No where did he blame the republicans for that event.
Biased wording by the article and ignorant readers.

I don't necessarily agree with the politician.

Regardless of what he may or may not believe concerning what may contribute to weather phenomena it is in poor taste for politicians- regardless of their political party affiliations- to keep using every single tragedy that hits the MSM to shamelessly push their pet agendas. Let no good crisis go to waste has become the hidden mantra of the majority of politicians of all leanings these days, and they don't even give families time to mourn their loved ones before they start using them to further their agendas. It is bad form!

edit on 21-5-2013 by littled16 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 09:08 AM


reply to post by MuzzleBreak

An amazing thread with which to display our educational system--
and its going to seed a couple of generations ago.
If it was up to these neoclones to push Wurlitzer grist the WPost
would be running a reader poll on whether or not Noah was a Libertarian.

The next thing you hear about the wildest connection possible
from the Soon-to-be-Reincarnated-Whigs may indeed be Poppy
getting a Lifetime Achievement Award from the I-guys-- and an
honorary remote HAARP button to kick off the New Madrid for real.
"I hereby declare this bridge OPEN." CLick Rumboomagooma...

I had to bump it Flash, just so we could give the primate house
some hang time... just simply unbelievable.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Nevertheless

Umm.. Okay, what part of this didn't you understand before coming to educate the rest of us on what we've read...several versions of now?

“So, you may have a question for me,” Whitehouse said. “Why do you care? Why do you, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, care if we Republicans run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings and disgrace ourselves? I’ll tell you why. We’re stuck in this together. We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover.
(Source: Cowboy Byte Blog)

He plays with words a bit, but ignorance would be failing to see he was speaking about and to Republicans in his partisan use of a tragedy with a high casualty count.

Is there absolutely nothing sacred anymore? Nothing at all?? It isn't the ignorance of this fool equating tornadoes in Oklahoma to Global Warming that stuns me the most. Really? I've come to accept that people living outside the Midwest don't know squat about what happens IN it...and don't really care to. We're "fly over" country to people like this, after all. a map I pulled last night shows?

Tornadoes are so common in May, especially in Oklahoma, this guy was a real political toad and scum to have even MENTIONED this while body recovery was/is still ongoing at the tragedy he's playing for points.

edit on 21-5-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 09:18 AM
Although I believe climate change is real and believe human activity has contributed to it, I don't believe that a liberal should be the one who uses it against the conservatives. It was the liberal risk takers that actually got us here in the first place, not the people who said....hold on...maybe we should look at this better. If we would have kept the factories here and cleaned up the emissions, we would have both cleaner air worldwide and a stronger and more realistic economy. The finger should not be pointed, the problem should be fixed instead. I wonder if man will ever be able to see his own flaws.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 09:50 AM
I dont understand how you people can deny climate change. There is hard evidence right in front of your face, year after year that climate change is real. More and more frequent storms. Not just storms but super storms. Storms that seem to get worse and worse every single year. Massive floods in the North East that destroyed New Jersey and parts of New York. Record Breaking hurricanes that have washed away entire cities, Katrina for example. This tornado was called "The worst tornado in US history" on some media outlets.

But you people sit there and say, "talking about climate change after a natural disaster is mean!" You people need to grow up and see whats in front of your eyes. These real problems are just going to get worse and worse, and one day its going to come to where you live and hopefully disconnect you from the lies you read over and over again on the internet, and give you a healthy dose of the real world. These ecological problems need to be discussed, end of story.

There is plenty of proof for climate change, Can you provide any against it?

edit on 21-5-2013 by theconspirator because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by theconspirator

There is plenty of proof of media going ape and just getting drunk on the cool-aid they sell to the public over climate change. Is the climate changing? Yes. Earth is a dynamic world. It's never static and always changing. North America was covered by glacier ice pack not that many thousands of years ago. Antarctica was once a lush, tropic climate with support of a rich ecosystem. The world is always changing.

Now...As to these 'Super Storms'? Sorry... That's 'Super-Nonsense'. Sandy was bad...and so were the past Hurricanes to roar right over Northeast communities. Katrina was a catastrophe ....only after man made levies broke. The following morning, before the levies broke? I recall people making jokes in the street around New Orleans for Live TV about how that wasn't so bad and such a puny little thing after all ....then of course, the REAL damage came from mechanical failure. (The storm surge just erasing some Mississippi coastal communities wasn't covered much yet..and happens with every BIG storm).

So..You say it's getting much worse and saying proof is right in front of us? I ask...what proof, compared with what in the past? How far into the past are we "allowed" to go? Some of these "worst ever" statements come with pretty creative footnotes for what is, isn't and allowed into consideration to reach that banner headline.

The weather isn't nice...and it's violent too. Look into the past tho. This is cyclical and it will get worse, in all likelihood. It has before and it will again. It's that seeming unawareness of anything historic that seems to have changed. As if we're babes and experiencing everything for the very first time.

edit on 21-5-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:11 AM
just reading the topic headline made me ROTFL

Amerika are you really living in this time??

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:20 AM
While tornadoes have existed always, they Are increasing in velocity, and wouldn't doubt that global warming contributes Just as much as deliberate environmental damage, such as from MINING, fact.

And correct, the Using of (and Right wingers do the same ALL the time) facts as agenda slams, is poor taste.

HOWEVER, THAT Being said, what DOES anger me,


In times of Weather...because THOSE are INEXCUSABLE, PERIOD.

I read that children drowned in the basement shelter...this isn't the First time there has been added deaths in times of weather disasters...Poor infrastructures, ESPECIALLY in POOR NEIGHBORHOODS,

lack of Preventative as well as PREP care, including Community Preparedness,

But Loe and Behold Millions of dollars poured into the War machine and even More

Like in OK, poured into the Prison system to Jail

People of color and poor and Indians for Hemp use.

Yea you heard me, HOW MUCH OF THAT $$$$. COULD BE USED to BUILD better Shelters?

Look it's not some FREAK thing that a Tornado ripped through OK, they happen EVERY YEAR,


Don't blame liberals for That one. Blame the Capitalists Right wing for that JUST as much of not More so,

And That's what pisses me off. And it's Not just OK, it's anywhere that has CYCLE WEATHER...

They pay How many thousands to Jail a mother for a JOINT

And that money could be used to Redo all the shelters, training, better Warning systems, etc.

Won't save All lives, but it would Cut down on deaths that COULD be prevented.

Priorities, and the Infuriating thing, is that Gov doesn't act alone in this Neglect

It's supported by a Majority of People, BOTH right and left.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by theconspirator
I dont understand how you people can deny climate change. There is hard evidence right in front of your face, year after year that climate change is real. More and more frequent storms. Not just storms but super storms. Storms that seem to get worse and worse every single year. Massive floods in the North East that destroyed New Jersey and parts of New York. Record Breaking hurricanes that have washed away entire cities, Katrina for example. This tornado was called "The worst tornado in US history" on some media outlets.
There is plenty of proof for climate change, Can you provide any against it?

edit on 21-5-2013 by theconspirator because: (no reason given)

Oh, I believe in climate change, it's on going since the Earth was formed, it's what the Earth does, I just don't drink the Kool-Aid that man is completely to blame.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by ThreeBears

You are raging about shelters or lack of them...but I'll ask outright. What could Oklahoma have done?? An EF-4 is the finger of God. Just like the movie says. NOTHING above ground level remains unless it's by happenstance and pure dumb luck. Look at Joplin. Look HARD at that debris field in the photos. Particularly, look across what we KNOW was commercial district by Google Earth maps before the Tornado erased it. The same could be done with Greensburg, Kansas, several years ago. (May, 2007)

See something missing?? See something that SHOULD be there but isn't?? Let me be helpful. The strongest and most impenetrable above ground "shelter" imaginable within costs average people could ever hope to touch. A BANK VAULT. See any survive? None did. So...when those are wiped out just as sure and clean as the sticks of a wood frame home? What costs would solve it? What shelter would survive it?

The ONLY safe place to be (if you can't be elsewhere entirely) is below grade or literally underground. Sadly, water levels seek the lowest point..and that's one hell of a way to die, given the circumstances. Depending on specifics? I wouldn't be shocked to hear sump pumps become mandatory in below grade shelter for any public access.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:05 AM
Ecer notice how much humans are like chickens?
Just watch a flock of chickens some times for longer than a glance if you can overcome your add long enough......
The least little think sets them off to cackling and running around...but it is soon forgetten till the least little other thing sets them off again.......
We humans seem to have a similar attention span.
The remarkable ability we have to incorporate blame externally (as in not ourselves)
naturally gets troted out for enearly very inappropriate occaision.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by Nevertheless

Umm.. Okay, what part of this didn't you understand before coming to educate the rest of us on what we've read...several versions of now?

Umm...Okay, what part blamed the republicans for the tornado in Oklahoma?

“So, you may have a question for me,” Whitehouse said. “Why do you care? Why do you, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, care if we Republicans run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings and disgrace ourselves? I’ll tell you why. We’re stuck in this together. We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover.
(Source: Cowboy Byte Blog)

In that part he didn't, and wasn't that the only part where the person spoke in the article?
All he wants is that the republicans also take global warming seriously so that extreme weather can be avoided.

He plays with words a bit,

Yes, and you twist them.

his partisan use of a tragedy with a high casualty count.

Yes, he uses the tragedy for his political program, which has a different level in taste depending on the tragedy, time, place, who is using it and who is listening.

Imagine that a certain toy is an accident waiting to happen, and you believe it. You start voicing opinions and nobody stops it. Then suddenly one day, 13 kids die in a single event because of it.
Would you not use that moment to cry out even louder that the madness has to stop? Politician or not. Right on the subject or not. It's not a dirty trick, it's just your greatest wish.

But that is however beside the point. My point was that he did not blame republicans for the tornado.
It is easy to be blinded by the dislike a certain party/politics/star/actor, that it is difficult to comprehend what they are saying, because everything they say is of course wrong.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by MuzzleBreak

If the Republicans could create a tornado like in Oklahoma,
why wouldnt they have done it the day that Obama had his second inaguration?
Just blow him out of town with all the other democrats!!!

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Chance321

I dont think man it completly to blame either, but all the polution we generate cant be helping.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Nevertheless

The general outrage from people right now is that parties or blame or anything remotely like that was even talked about, let alone dropped like a clever political jab, while the very storm that spawned that thing was still going over people. That quickly and that fresh.

Now the OP didn't invent the interpretation of what the guy meant. It was and is being reported on pretty heavily all around and in my general area as well. After all, we got the north end of some of that in this region. These events are natural but still, real personal when you're living in the middle of them. If you are, then you know that and I'd be surprised how comments like the one the OP here is based on from a politician, aren't offensive.

Really, I'm just sitting here thinking about how I'd feel if the partisan roles were reversed and Republicans were blaming the sequester for a lack of money or whatever....and it'd be no better. It really would be just as out of place and offensive. It's just not the time or place for partisanship to even rate passing mention, IMO. After all, people died in this thing...and quite a number as the news is reporting. Nature is a violent place.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
The general outrage from people right now is that parties or blame or anything remotely like that was even talked about, let alone dropped like a clever political jab, while the very storm that spawned that thing was still going over people. That quickly and that fresh.

To be fair, you would also do the same thing had the toy killed 13 kids.

Now the OP didn't invent the interpretation of what the guy meant.

This is how angry mobs are created.
A "journalist" who wrote that article had a clear intention on how to tell the story. I assume that site/paper has customer base that wouldn't get insulted by such a claim either.
"Deny ignorance" this site says, yet it's enough to read the headline of a clearly biased article and not care to understand what the article actually says.

It was and is being reported on pretty heavily all around and in my general area as well. After all, we got the north end of some of that in this region. These events are natural but still, real personal when you're living in the middle of them. If you are, then you know that and I'd be surprised how comments like the one the OP here is based on from a politician, aren't offensive.

I'm sorry, but I don't find it offensive if someone cares for the environment, regardless of if the person is right or not.
Reading the comments here, it's clear that the problem is the interpretation, and that is understandable. However, that's not what the politician said, and this mob is lynching him.

Really, I'm just sitting here thinking about how I'd feel if the partisan roles were reversed and Republicans were blaming the sequester for a lack of money or whatever....and it'd be no better. It really would be just as out of place and offensive. It's just not the time or place for partisanship to even rate passing mention, IMO. After all, people died in this thing...and quite a number as the news is reporting. Nature is a violent place.

Yes it is, and this guy doesn't want Nature to be more violent/worse.

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