posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:22 PM
The Oklahoma disaster is nothing more than a natural occurence at an unnatural climate change time, which is but only a natural order in the
'software programme code ' that had been built in by our common Creator at the time of creation.
Stars burst into life and dies out over time. Galaxies expands and get swallowed up by dying suns and are reborn again. There is order in chaos, as it
is through such methods that life is tested, created or destroyed, a cyclical occurence so that there will be a balance to it all in the Universe.
With such changes, so too it will affect our planetary spaceship called Earth as it hurtles through space and time along with the entire solar and
galaxy system. It never remains in the same space and time every moment, but constantly moving, affecting all and being affected by it.
While nothing is impossible to our Creator, whom can stop all these changes which had caused our sufferings, it would mean a stop in the running of
the software programme, and many more other changes will be affected in the Universe.
And thus we mankind were created, not as robots, but in His likeness, given life, free will and intelligence to deal with the order of the Universe.
There is no need to blame anyone.
The real lesson we mankind should take from that tornado episode is that we must ADAPT to those challenges intelligently, such as developement of
sciences and tech in warning systems, comprehending precisely where and when such earth changes will occur - earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoon, etc, etc.
which we mankind are still not up to speed yet, let alone how to prevent it from happening.
Equally, we must be responsible and resiliant enough to heed those warnings when given, to save ourselves, our loved ones and others so that none be
left behind.
That tornado or any other climate change effects are not the first, nor the last. It is how we adapt, pull together with resources and intelligence to
overcome and win against it that will prove our worth to be the dominant species for evolution to the stars......