posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:12 PM
Remeber the Mohammed/Malvo shootings in the Washington Area?
As some of you may know there was a psych op to get the killer(s)
Here it goes:
suppousedly they knew that the car involved was a skylark but they didn�t know where it was. They(FBI) purpousley leaked info about a �white van�
so they could discard all useless info regarding a �white van�(makes sense,imagine all the calls pouring in). so if somebody said something about a
skylark bingo they were on to something.
The disturbing thing is that they actually held people in white vans at gun point and scared the bejesus out of them. Im sure local authority had no
knowledge of the operation. Goes to show the tricks of the trade.
This is an actual psyc op, now how this info got out is anybody�s guess
i saw the report on KNSD(NBC) San Diego and the anchor chick was: �Its kind of disturbing that they had evreybody on the look out for a white van,
but its good to know our goverment is run by smart peopole�. Does anybody know of any other psych op?
[edit on 5-11-2004 by MARIOISONFIRE]
[edit on 5-11-2004 by MARIOISONFIRE]
[edit on 5-11-2004 by MARIOISONFIRE]