posted on May, 20 2013 @ 09:13 AM
Nat - Thank you! I hope they're vegan! [Joke, haha of course they are! hahaha] I love your avatar. That's usually the type of portraits I draw.
Darkblade71 - oh my goodness.... your body must have become REALLY REALLY confused after that...
Ah see, I am one for the cold for sure. I love snow. You can pack on so many clothes, but you can only become so naked. hahahaha and when being a girl
you don't want to get anywhere near borderline naked or else people start policing you. That was a nice video! I see that in my family. I was lucky.
Autistic so I relied on my energy sensing to read people, and learn body language that way. I looked REALLY intimidating in high school so no one
dared to mess with me. Got into Yoga Sutras at the age of 15. Was indoctrinated, I won't lie about that. Just, not as hardcore as a lot of people
are. PTB doesn't really know how to fully indoctrinate people who have some marginalization haha. Visited Native reservations at a very young age
every summer [so I hope that knife thrower knocked the warbonnet off that woman, just saying haha] I got lucky in a lot of aspects. Though, it is
still a really good video and yeah, we all forget how much power we have inside. Connecting with our true selves is liberation, no doubt about it.