posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 06:18 PM
the following paragraphs show how the prophetic numbers in the bible
show the year of the rapture...
595b.c. 5th biblical month (the 31st year of 50-which is from 596b.c.
day of atonement to 595b.c. day of atonement) 390 days after ezekiel
completed lying on his left side he was instructed to do this by GOD to
cover the sin of israel-the 10 northern tribes.ezekiel then lay on his right
side for 40 days to cover the sin of judah.Ezekiel 4.adding on 40 years to
the date of 595b.c. a day for a year brings us to 555b.c. 5th biblical
month (21st year of 50-556b.c. atonement to 555b.c. atonement).ezekiel
at this point is no longer covering the sin of judah.the jews then
suffer a period of punishment for sin of seven times-360 days times 7
or 2520 days/years.Leviticus 26.555b.c. plus 2520 years is 1966a.d.
5th biblical month (41st year of 50-1965a.d. atonement to 1966a.d.
atonement).from this date forward is still a one year period before
the 2521st year mark in 1967a.d. 5th biblical month.the six day war
took place during that one year period on june 5-10 1967a.d. which is
the 2nd-3rd biblical month when the jews regained control-captured the
temple mount-gained full control of jerusalem.the times of the gentiles
fulfilled.Luke 21.
when using a calculator to make these calculations you have to add on
one year when crossing over from a.d. to b.c. or from b.c. to a.d.
knowing that the time of the gentiles was fulfilled in june of
1967a.d. we know that 596b.c. 4th biblical month (30th year
of 50-597b.c. day of atonement to 596b.c. atonement) is the 5th year
of the captivity of king jehoiachin king of judah.this year is also
called the 30th year.Ezekiel 1.this would be year 30 of the biblical
calendars 50 year cycles which began and ended on the day of
atonement.year number 50 called the jubilee.Leviticus 25.the jubilee
year would be 20 years later between the day of atonement 577b.c. and
the day of atonement 576b.c. going ahead in time from 577-576b.c. in
50 year cycles puts a jubilee between the day of atonement 24a.d. and
the day of atonement 25a.d. did the crucifixion and resurrection of
Jesus Christ take place during the feast of unleavened bread in 24a.d. 1st
biblical month (49th year of 50-23a.d. atonement to 24a.d. atonement).
Luke 24:1-8.the 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd and 49th years of the 50 year
jubilee cycle are sabbath years.the crucifixion taking place during the 49th
year.a sabbath year of no planting or harvesting.everyman is returned to his
possession and family.Jeremiah 34.Exodus 21.Exodus 23.Dueteronomy 15.
Christ already in heaven sitting at the right hand of
God the Father by the beginning of the 50th year.the jubilee year taking
place the next day of atonement after the crucifixion in 24a.d. 10th day
7th biblical month (50th year of 50-24a.d. day of atonement to 25a.d.
atonement).the jubilee year a sabbath year when every man is returned
unto his possession and family.liberty.a year of no planting or harvesting.
Leviticus 23.Leviticus 25.
if when the year is expired-at the return of the year Second
Chronicles 36:10 is at the day of atonement.the prophetic numbers 1290
1335 deal with the daily sacrifice in the jerusalem temple being taken
away and an abomination set up on the temple mount and persons being
blessed...five years before 596b.c. 4th biblical month jehoiachins 5th
year of captivity in the year 602b.c. 10th day 7th biblical month day
of atonement (25th year of 50-602b.c. day of atonement to 601b.c.
atonement) when the year was expired-at the return of the year
Second Chronicles 36:10 the year nebuchadnezzar-his servents entered the
temple in jerusalem defiling it by their presence.cutting in pieces
all the vessels of gold which solomon king of israel had made in the
temple of the LORD.polluting the house of the LORD.
Second Kings 24.Second Chronicles 36.this would
have stopped the sacrifices-made the sacrifices unacceptable to
GOD-made the temple unclean.Daniel 12 talks about how 1290 days-a
day for a year after a sacrifice is stopped their would be an abomination
that maketh desolate.any abomination of desolation-abomination that
maketh desolate always has to do with the temple mount.the only place
GOD chose to put His name.602b.c. 10th day 7th biblical month atonement
plus 1290 years is 689a.d. 10th day 7th biblical month atonement (15th
year of 50-689a.d. atonement to 690a.d. atonement) the year the
muslims completed an abomination the dome of the rock-the rebuilt
roman temple of jupiter on the temple mount.1335 years after 689a.d.
10th day 7th biblical month is 2024a.d. 10th day 7th biblical month
atonement (50th year of 50-2024a.d. atonement to 2025a.d. atonement)
the return of Jesus Christ 2000 years(the 2000 years fulfilled in the spring
of 2024a.d.) after His resurrection and ascension.blessed are those that
waiteth and come to this day.Psalm 25.Psalm 130.Psalm 145.Isaiah
40:28-31.the feast of tabernacles that represents-signifies the return
of Jesus Christ Zechariah 14:16-19 (feast of unleavened bread the
death and resurrection and the feast of weeks the birth the three
feasts of the LORD Exodus 23:14-17 Exodus 34:18-23 Leviticus 23) falls
after the day of atonement 2024a.d. but this is still well within the
one year time period from 2024a.d. 10th day 7th biblical month
atonement to 2025a.d. 10th day 7th biblical month atonement before the
1336th year is reached.or the 2626th year is reached.
the prophetic number 2300 deals with the daily sacrifice and the
transgression of desolation...280b.c. 10th day 1st biblical month
(46th year of 50-281b.c. day of atonement to 280b.c. atonement).is
this the year the old testament being translated into greek started or
ended? in the gospels Jesus connects an abomination to the reading of
the scriptures.whoso readeth,let him understand.Matthew 24:14-15.Mark
13:10-14.the old testament translation into greek would have started
or ended or been released to the public between 280b.c. 10th day
1st biblical month and 281b.c. 9th day 1st biblical month before the
2301st year is reached,if you count backwards from 2021a.d. 10th day
1st biblical month.2300 years-a day for a year later Daniel 8 is
2021a.d. 10th day 1st biblical month (46th year of 50-2020a.d.
atonement to 2021a.d. atonement) halfway through the seven year
tribulation Daniel 7:25 when the end time abomination that maketh
desolate is set up in the third temple in jerusalem.Daniel 11.
the number 430(390 plus 40) since both were prophesied together on the
same day in 596b.c. ...596b.c. 4th biblical month (30th year of
50-597b.c. day of atonement to 596b.c. atonement) plus 430 days the
combined number of days-a day for a year that ezekiel lay on his left
and right sides is 166b.c. 4th biblical month (10th year of 50-167b.c.
atonement to 166b.c. atonement).is this the year judah judas maccabeus-
the maccabees regained control of judah jerusalem rededicating the
temple? John 10:22.the sacrifices-offerings in the temple once again
covering the sins of the people.the latest date this event would take place
is 165b.c. 4th biblical month before the 431st year is reached.
596b.c. 4th biblical month (30th year of 50-597b.c. day of atonement
to 596b.c. atonement) plus 390 years the number of days-a day for a
year that GOD instructed ezekiel to bear the iniquity-to cover the sin of
the house of israel-the 10 northern tribes-samaria
who lived in assyria-(elsewhere?) Second Kings 18 is 206b.c. 4th
biblical month (20th year of 50-207b.c. atonement to 206b.c.
atonement).is this the year that antiochus 3 was given the title of
the "great king"-"the great" for reviving the seleucid empire by
removing the ptolemies from seleucid territories? this event would
have taken place by 205b.c. 4th biblical month before the 391st year is
595b.c. 5th biblical month (31st year of 50-596b.c. day of atonement
to 595b.c. atonement) plus 40 years the number of days-a day for a
year that ezekiel was to cover the sin of judah who were now in
captivity in babylon-(elsewhere?) is 555b.c. 5th biblical month (21st
year of 50-556b.c. atonement to 555b.c. atonement).is this the year
that nabonidus king of babylon set up his son belshazzar as co-regent
over babylon? at this same time nabonidus places the moon god called
sin above the chief babylonian god marduk.this is also what mohammed
did hundreds of years later when he took one of the 360(one for each
day of the year) gods worshipped at mecca the moon god called sin or
al-ilah(allah) and called it "the God"-the God of abraham isaac and
jacob.this event would have taken place by 554b.c. 5th biblical month
before the 41st year is reached.
10b.c. 3rd biblical month (16th year of 50-11b.c. day of atonement to
10b.c. atonement) the birth year of Jesus Christ plus 33 years (Jesus
was resurrected during the feast of unleavened bread before His 33rd
birthday which took place at the following feast of weeks-pentecost
Luke 1:26 Luke 1:36) is 24a.d. (49th year of 50-23a.d. atonement to
24a.d. atonement).the crucifixion resurrection and ascension.baptised
with the Holy Spirit at the feast of weeks John 1:33.resurrected during
the feast of unleavened bread three passover feasts later.John 2:13,23.
John 6:4.John 11:55.John 12:1.John 13:1.John 18:28,39.John 19:14.after
His resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days before He
ascended to heaven.Matthew 28.Mark 16.Luke 24.John 20.John 21.Acts
the 70 weeks in Daniel...460b.c. 1st biblical month (16th year of
50-461b.c. day of atonement to 460b.c. atonement) the 20th year of
persian king artaxerxes Nehemiah 1 Nehemiah 2 plus 69 weeks-483 years
Daniel 9 is 24a.d. 1st biblical month (49th year of 50-23a.d.
atonement to 24a.d. atonement).to make an end of sins and anoint the
most Holy.the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.the 70th
week is the seven year tribulation 2017a.d. 1st-10th day 7th biblical month
(42rd year of 50-2016a.d. atonement to 2017a.d. atonement) on into the
10th-30th day 7th biblical month (43rd year of 50-2017a.d. atonement
to 2018a.d. atonement)(the parameters of the rapture in the 7th biblical
month Revelation 4:1-3) to 2024a.d. 1st to 10th day 7th biblical month
(49th year of 50-2023a.d. atonement to 2024a.d. atonement)
on into the 10th-15th day 7th biblical month (50th year of 50-2024 a.d.
atonement to 2025a.d. atonement the return of
Jesus Christ-the Messiah-the Lion of the tribe of judah by the first day of
the feast of tabernacles.Leviticus 23.Hosea 6:1-2.(the parameters of the
Matthew 24:32-Now learn a parable of the fig tree;When his branch is
yet tender,and putteth forth leaves,ye know that summer is nigh:
Matthew 24:33-So likewise ye,when ye shall see all these things,know
that it(He) is near,even at the doors.
Matthew 24:34-Verily I say unto you,this generation shall not
pass,till all these things be fulfilled.
Mark 13:32-But of that day and that hour knoweth no man,no,not the
angels which are in heaven,neither the Son,but the Father.
Matthew 24:42-hour.Matthew 24:50-day hour.Luke 13:35-day
cannot know the day or the hour because the earth has 24 time zones and
two days taking place at the same time.but you can know the month and
the year.
723b.c. (3rd year of 50-724b.c. day of atonement to 723b.c.
atonement).the 6th year of hezekiah king of judah 9th-last year of
hoshea king of israel Second Kings 18.the year israel-samaria-the 10
northern tribes fell-were carried off by the assyrian empire to assyria.
plus 127 years.the reign lengths of the kings of judah from hezekiah to
jehoiachin Second Chronicles 29
is 596b.c. the 30th year.Ezekiel one.723b.c. plus the seven times
punishment of 2520 years-even including the time period before the
2521st year is reached is 1799a.d. the beginning of the birthright
which was given to ephraim-the british empire/commonwealth and
manasseh-the united states of america by the patriarch jacob while
they were still in egypt.Genesis 35.Genesis 48.
Deuteronomy 33:13-17.First Chronicles 5:1-2.on july 19th of 1799a.d.
they discovered the rosetta stone.july 19th is the beginning of the
ancient egyptian civil one of the first month of akhet.
may 14th 1948a.d. 2nd biblical month (23rd year of 50-1947a.d. day of
atonement to 1948a.d. atonement).the generation born at the birth of
the modern day state-country of israel Isaiah 68:8.would not pass away
until all events leading up to and including the return of Jesus
Christ are fulfilled Matthew 80 years.the average life
span of man Psalm 90:10.has all fulfilled by 2028a.d. 2nd biblical
month (3rd year of 50-2027a.d. atonement to 2028a.d. atonement).