If im not mistaken, there was something about some kind of corporate promotion, where they tagged an item with a chip and they could locate it
and award the person with a prize.. Or did i dream that? idk..lol
no, you didn't imagine it. it was for something like a chocolate bar and i think it was in the UK. you can find the video promotion ad at youtube i'm
sure, vigilant citizen.com also reported it.
when we're talking about "implants" (putting a 'chip' into a person in this case) we might want to consider potential advances in biotechnology (stuff
the general public isn't aware of) ..the 'chip' itself could be made out of some new hybrid material we're not even aware of? half organic, half..
something else.. probably microsoft ..the device would ideally draw power from its host.
there are also other advances in technology the public isn't so familiar with, but supposedly are declassified, one such technology is sometimes known
as TEMPEST, it can be used for electronic shielding and we can rest assured more advanced and secret versions of it would also exist. then there's the
concept of these electrical information fields, how they're structured and how they can be compromised.. if you allow yourself to take this a little
further this gets a little unsettling.. even now as i re-read this [edit] to some people what i'm saying just now and next paragraph this is probably
making many mental leaps at once, it seems like unrelated gibberish
but i prattle on, the issue was the signal strength, wasn't it? ..the current capabilities being akin to taking a tagged creature to a vet to be
scanned? ..i think the merging of these biological capabilities (say for example, bat sonar: produced by a specific organ/appendage of the bat, which
is made of certain cells, which is controlled by certain cells in the bat's control-tower ie: it's brain..) taking those essential small biological
components and interfacing with technology opens up entirely new paradigms.. the signal strength hardly seems a problem, even accessing something like
simple infrasound can cover miles and that's just what my rusty brain managed to poop out..
sorry to ramble a bit but it seems like sometimes we're 10,20 years behind what's really going on.. people have to ask themselves if stuff like this
*is* going on.. what the heck is it all about and who's behind it!?
[edit] ..the OP didn't really make sense to me, it almost reminded me of back in school and kids would yell, "fight fight fight" (?) ..the thing that
caught my eye was some comment about comparing the current capability to scanning a pet.
edit on 19-5-2013 by UNIT76 because: ..missing kids??
edit on 19-5-2013 by UNIT76 because: it's always about uplifting the
downtrodden or saving something...