posted on May, 18 2013 @ 12:39 AM
Originally posted by MadMax7
Your a writer? What do you write? What have you published? Do you earn a living above the average wage from it?
What does your question have to do about helicopters?
Many years ago I wrote for Yacht Line, Southern Skies, and once a fairly long article for U.S. Aviator dealing with the Swift Aircraft. Was paid for
all except Yacht Line..But I had a full time job with an Airline and just wrote on things that interested me.
Southern Skies was published monthly (dealt with civil aviation matters) which made me write and submit for each cycle. I did that for about 8 months
before I ran out of things that I felt like writing about; never was about the money to me.
There are some really good writers at ATS and I do not consider myself one of them. However if you want to write a short story you have to be anointed
a writer by ATS staff. That is probably the Writer status you are referring to.