posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:43 AM
Ok first off apologies to the mods/site owners/ god like beings etc, if this is in the wrong place or wrong way of approaching my problem.
Secondly sorry if there is a thread available to read to solve my problem but I'm meant to be working so only have time to type a message
My issue: I normally view ATS from my iPhone 3GS. I've been trying to view my messages and U2Us also Ive been trying send a message to another user.
I Click on my messages and the only thing that comes up is the ATS header saying 'your private messages' and underneath that I just get a blank
screen. Am I doing something wrong or is it the fact I'm using my iPhone
Again apologies if this is in completely the wrong place .. Please move/delete if need be.
Thanks ATS