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Proof the Media is Under Control of the Democrats

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:42 PM
If anybody had any doubts that the media was in the democratic parties hip pocket you no longer should have any doubts. Kerry�s Campaign called the networks on Tuesday night and told them not to call Ohio and they listened. Actually if you will remember CNN actually laid into FOX and NBC for calling the state.

It is amazing that the democrats have this much control of the Media.

The critical moment came at 12:41 a.m. Wednesday, when, shortly after Florida had been painted red for Mr. Bush, Fox News declared that Ohio - and, very likely, the presidency - was in Republican hands.

Howard Wolfson, a strategist, burst into the "boiler room" in Washington where the brain trust was huddled and said, "we have 30 seconds" to stop the other networks from following suit.

The campaign's pollster, Mark Mellman, and the renowned organizer Michael Whouley quickly dialed ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC - and all but the last refrained from calling the race through the night. Then Mr. Wolfson banged out a simple, two-line statement expressing confidence that Mr. Kerry would win Ohio once the remaining ballots were counted.

"What was driving our decision making was the memory of how in 2000, by allowing Florida to go for Bush, a lot of momentum was blocked," said one person who was in the room. "Our whole goal was stop the train from moving that way."

Train stopped, lawyers and strategists at the campaign's Washington headquarters prepared court papers to challenge Ohio's process for counting provisional ballots, and made spreadsheets comparing each county's provisional ballots with its margin of victory or defeat.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Interesting that all those Libs' that jump on the Bush stole the election threads are so quiet on this one. Game over............

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:54 PM
It's called reverse phsyciology

You say the media is liberaly bias towards towards Kerry, people will vote for Bush.

Thats how it works, basically.

Any two year old can understand if you got Osama on a T.V. saying "Don't vote for Bush", people will vote for Bush.

Anyway, with all this pro-bush stuff going around, John Kerry still won. Good thing he was payed to quit and give up.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:58 PM
Glad at least one Lib was watching. Where are the rest of your buddies?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by aukaiman55
Anyway, with all this pro-bush stuff going around, John Kerry still won. Good thing he was payed to quit and give up.

And your proof?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:36 PM
so, let me get this straight.
because news agencies wanted the election tally to be accurate before reporting they are showing democratic bias?
that implies that a republican media would report the results before anybody voted, in order to influence the voters. kinda like those voting machines that come preloaded with bush votes, except the media version.

if the media was in control of the democrats, george bush would be in jail. remember clinton's doobie? where's bush's blow? remember monica? where's bush's gay affair? where's the bohemian grove video in the mass media?
bush overrode the constitution. that makes him a treasonous enemy of the people.

luckily, the courts are owned, the media is owned and the president is owned. whew, i was worried for a bit, there, that something actually might change for the better.

man, programming runs deep. can't see the forest for the trees.

the media is under the control of the owners of the media. media moguls. they are most definitely NOT democrats. they are pure capitalists. politics is just a way to make more money.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:40 PM

Glad at least one Lib was watching. Where are the rest of your buddies?

Ignoring childish threads such as this one, all Kerry did was ask them to hold out untill all the ballots were counted.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:46 PM
"All Kerry did was........." What a statement. He used his control of the media to stop the news from looking bad for him. That is Bias on the part of the "media" to conform.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
"All Kerry did was........." What a statement. He used his control of the media to stop the news from looking bad for him. That is Bias on the part of the "media" to conform.

you're funny. he was partying. he didn't do anything. it was media people. you are trying to blur a line. the line is solid. on one side, there is the policy makers, on the other the policy makers. HAHA! what's more important is the 'ground'. the ground is monopoly money.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:01 PM
the votes were not even fully counted yet

He had every right to call up and ask them to wait untill the count was done, theres nothing remotely dubious about it, unless your an extreamly paranoid person

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:08 PM
Where the mention that at 2AM Election Night the White House and Bush Administration called all the networks and asked them to call the election for Bush????

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I saw all this completely different than you. I saw the news networks attempting to not commit the same mistake they committed in 2000. Prematurely calling a state when the votes are no where near counted (either accurately or would have been shear dereliction of duty after what happened in 2000.

If Kerry wanted to call them and make damned sure they were not going to effect further voting with a premature be it. And if they told him "Yes, Senator Kerry, we won't do that." That's okie-dokie too.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:29 PM
You are all missing it

Howard Wolfson, a strategist, burst into the "boiler room" in Washington where the brain trust was huddled and said, "we have 30 seconds" to stop the other networks from following suit.

The campaign's pollster, Mark Mellman, and the renowned organizer Michael Whouley quickly dialed ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC - and all but the last refrained from calling the race through the night.
Then Mr. Wolfson banged out a simple, two-line statement expressing confidence that Mr. Kerry would win Ohio once the remaining ballots were counted.

"What was driving our decision making was the memory of how in 2000, by allowing Florida to go for Bush, a lot of momentum was blocked," said one person who was in the room. "Our whole goal was stop the train from moving that way."

The Kerry Campaign called and told the agencies to not call Ohio. The reason they did was so that they could maintain "momentum". Jesus this was blatant use of the media for the democratic party's furtherment.

[edit on 5-11-2004 by BlackJackal]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:41 PM
Yes, they didn't want the same mistake that happened in 2000 when the the networks made predictions that swayed the votes. It's called responsible journalism.

Maybe you can see some example of it on FFFFFFFFoFoFoFoFo...CNN!
(You thought I was going to say FOX, huh?)

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Ask yourself this: The Idiot Usurper gave a "press confrence" yesterday, where he routinely answered nothing, cut off follow up questions and said that he has a mandate now & doesn't have to answer.
Did you see that even remotedly mentioned or yelled about far and wide on Republican enabling CNN/Fox et al?

No? Then stop the nonsense.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Ask yourself this: The Idiot Usurper gave a "press confrence" yesterday, where he routinely answered nothing, cut off follow up questions and said that he has a mandate now & doesn't have to answer.
Did you see that even remotedly mentioned or yelled about far and wide on Republican enabling CNN/Fox et al?

No? Then stop the nonsense.

Again you did not address the question at hand you are attempting to bring up items that are completely unrelated to this story.

I love democrats, you show them where they are wrong and they say "Yeah well you did this" so as to attempt to take the spotlight off of their shortcomings.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
I love democrats, you show them where they are wrong and they say "Yeah well you did this" so as to attempt to take the spotlight off of their shortcomings.

i love how zealots can't see their own shortcomings. irony is my favourite humour.

you are 'americans'. y'all are acting like the cold war has come home. the witch hunt is on. demonize liberal thinkers. they are an enemy of the state. (even though the split was nearly 50/50).
i see way more vitriol from SUPPOSED republicans(in reality, fascist sentiments are being espoused) than from democrats. constantly hammering home insults about spinelessness and immorality. i got news. half the people around you are dems. the other half repubs. you are ALL americans. more importantly, you are all FREE INDIVIDUALS. yet, now, angry loudmouthed republicans(not all repubs, just a little group of shnooks) are gloating over the 'victory' and calling dems crybabies and such. these are your friends and relatives. grow up. liberal means 'free'. it's okay to be liberal. very constitutional. very american. it's okay to be conservative. very american. if people like you don't wake up and get recivilised, your country will split in two.
aligning with one party policy, does not entail aligning with all of them. you are not computer bits with only two states of existance. the 'liberally biased media' as it is refered to by republicans, is hell bent on portraying this image of black and white partisanship. and y'all are falling for it, jumping down the throats of your neighbors and countrymen like anyone who votes for the other party was the 'enemy'. meanwhile the corporate puppetmasters laugh at your antics and infighting, the smoke and mirror game that distracts you from fighting the patriot act, from demanding more transparency and accountability, from demanding an ironclad voting system, from finding the patterns of corporate/government duplicity. from noticing that there is only one party; the skull and bones party.

the political system needs an overhaul. institutionalised corruption is the enviroment of U.S. governance. backroom backscratching,nepotism, secrecy and unbridled power is the order of the day. y'all need to get your 'federal' reserve out of private hands. get the prisons out of private hands. justice should not be a frickin' business.

the really funny thing though, is that the same act(911) that brought the country together, is now ripping it apart. 'conspiracy theory' has become a household word(s).

freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength. all hail the glorious leader.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:07 AM
I think all these biased media accustations that have been flying around lately are quite dangerous to freedom of speech. Yes, I do believe much of the media is tilted liberally. But increasingly more conservative news outlets are emerging (thanks for better or worse to laxed media consolidation laws), and lets not forget about fox news. Now it seems like anybody that reports a story which bodes negative for Bush is threatened with "liberal bias" accusations, and vice versa. We can't have free press if every reporter has to suppress facts in order to please a political party. Bias is good, it promotes deeper questioning of the policies and leaders that affect our lives.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:08 AM
I think all these biased media accustations that have been flying around lately are quite dangerous to freedom of speech. Yes, I do believe much of the media is tilted liberally. But increasingly more conservative news outlets are emerging (thanks for better or worse to laxed media consolidation laws), and lets not forget about fox news. Now it seems like anybody that reports a story which bodes negative for Bush is threatened with "liberal bias" accusations, and vice versa. We can't have free press if every reporter has to suppress facts in order to please a political party. Bias is good, it promotes deeper questioning of the policies and leaders that affect our lives.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:42 AM
Bias is one thing, Bias+Consolidation=Control. The media isn't there for your benefit, the media is a tool. They are not legally bound to be truthful, I can cite several recent legal cases in reference to this. This thread is a ridiculous assumption, take my local television broadcast stations for example. Sinclair, and Fox. Sinclair may very well loose their broadcast liscense renewal for illegal control of the local market here in the Carolinas.
We were bombarded with opinion editorials by Sinclair VP Mark Hyman in a twice daily segment which was run during local broadcast news in a segement called "The Point with Mark Hyman". The problem is, this program was portrayed as a news segment rather than a political campaign commercial even right up to the day of the election, in clear violation of Campaign Law. That in itslef is bad enough, but our local Fox affiliates were broadcasting similar editorials by Mark Hyman which is a violation of FCC rules regarding control of a local broadcast market. Every local broadcast channel here was airing Sinclair's Op-Ed prior to the elections. I contacted the FCC to register my complaints, and the FCC emailed a response which focuses on the "Stolen Honor" program, which was not the nature of my complaint, but I will quote the last paragraph of that statement below...
"To the extent that some people have suggested that Sinclair's airing of this program constitutes an in-kind contribution to the Bush Campaign, that is not a matter for the FCC to consider. Rather, complaints in this regard should be directed to the Federal Election Commission."
So don't try to hand me this liberal media bias garbage, unless you want to show me how Sinclair supports a liberal agenda.

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