posted on May, 15 2013 @ 02:42 AM
I resent the implication.
If a police officer opts to engage in a career that they know is dangerous, and they put themselves in a position of power and authority, and they
then fail to meet the standards imposed on them, and people claim "But theyre humans after all." then if this is to be accepted, and it is always
put forward as being so, then they should be exempt from being treated as anything special, or above the law.
Sure, if someone attacks an officer (any public officer) they should certainly be put away.
But if any law officer breaks the law, and are found guilty either by omission of the truth, or neglect of duty, or any thing that causes the death of
a civilian, then they should also face severe consequences.
They shouldn't get it both ways.
Frail and human when they break and so we'll let them off with a warning for killing that guy they didn't know had a heart condition as they bashed
his face in with batons and tazed him 99 times for jay walking..
Or superhumans that never do wrong, and if a citizen even sneezes near them, gets bailed up for assault.
they want to be the poor little frail human when they accidentally bash a granny and shoot her dog.. but the saviours of society who mend little
kittens paws and give puppies to homeless people.
As you say OP, each crime on it's own basis.
If we make them untouchable, then even when they break the law and get the resulting citizens wrath, then we allow them to be brutes and a gang.
If they can't do the job properly, don't. No excuses. Only then will I accept that there are laws designed to imprison you for life if you assault
one. But we'll never see that...