posted on May, 15 2013 @ 01:27 AM
There are profound truths in physics and philosophy, things which will truly blow your mind. For example, one might ponder whether it is possible to
have hot pizza and cold pizza on the same evening. The truth is; only a person with a refrigerator knows for sure. Everyone else is left to ponder
whether 'room temperature' meets the clinical definition of 'cold' (and from an FDA perspective it does not).
Now, you may see the preceding as simply jest, but it is more than that (it's 'double stack to the mack' jest..heh, just kidding), in reality
physics can, and does, dissect the simplest, most innocent of things, into serious questions. Eventually, what you will see is most people describe
their world in a very vague sense, a very simplistic way.
Moving on; are we alone, we humans here on Earth? Hmmmm... Well, I guess that depends. Ah, more questions; define "alone", right? There's
animals, but what about plants; what about bacteria, protozoa...what about atoms? That a series of electrons can orbit a nucleus of protons and
neutrons implies some intelligent design, does it not? So a 'pet rock' can truly be our companion? Seems a stretch, huh? It all depends on
With little leap in faith, this brings us to ET; does ET exist? Well, has a meteorite ever hit Earth? Hmmmm... Not a fair question I suppose, but
what about that rock we spoke of? I digress.
Okay, let's take a different approach, shall we? Let's just assume ET does exist for a minute. What if ET looked exactly like a human, if he
behaved exactly like a human...if he reproduced, ate the same things, had the same beliefs, morals and societal structure as a human? Would he still
be ET? (technically yes, but what if ET never said where he really came from?).
The point here is; many who seek out ET have a preconceived notion of what ET will be like. In reality, I would wager as many as 97% of those who
believe in ET are completely unprepared for what form ET might actually take. Most perceive ET as a being, slightly different from a human, similar
features but different (take Grey's for example). They have two arms, two legs, facial features...but they're different. What if the real ET was
nothing like this? What if ET was a form of pure energy, an existence who had no shape, an existence who had no discernible individuality...what
People say "we might not have seen ET yet, but he's out there...maybe at Area 51 even". How do these same people know ET isn't sitting next to
them on the couch when they make such an assertion?
Just sayin...