posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:04 PM
3.6 billion years ago, life was forming on earth, the basic rules of how everything was going to be today was decided by a force we still, to this
day, cannot quite understand.
But one thing is quite obvious, the basic rule of pain and scarcity was designed.
Today we all suffer from this basic rule.
Whatever we do, wherever we are, pain and scarcity is what governs our life and our decisions.
To me, this is proof of a design that wants us to be stressed and in urgent need of getting hold of resources.
It was designed this way.
Honestly, if you look at how the nature works, you can only come to the conclusion that a very evil force is behind this framework of things.
We, as a species can end it all, kill the earth, kill all life, and honestly, i think that might be why the basic lifeforms we started as decided to
create us. We are made for ending the suffering!