Before someone screams sore loser i will say no i did not vote for bush however at the same time this has nothing to do with kerry not winning it has
to do with me questioning the results of all of the various items that where voted for or against on Tuesday. Now here are the things that should be
puzzling the american people, first is how this election all came down to Ohio and that was known even prior to the election on Tuesday. Oddly enough
Ohio has a 100,000 + provisional votes that have yet to be validated or counted, now lets think about this for a second did other states either not
have as many provisional votes or did other states have the ability to count on thier fingers and toes quicker?
Then lets think of the whole concept of provisional ( or at least how i understand it ) Provisional votes are for people who think they are
registered yet thier name does not appear on the voters list at the precinct they go to either its a clerical error, they went to the wrong precinct,
or they just flat out arent registered. Now ill admit im not familiar with the exact procedures that are taken with provisional votes but im familiar
with the voting process enought to know that no one is supposed to know how you voted unless you tell them otherwise there is not a record of how you
voted. For example when i voted i went up they crossed my name off a paper list , i then went into a booth pushed a few buttons and i left the polls,
no one recorded anything other then the fact i voted. So on provisional votes do they write your name down on the back of your vote? If not they have
no way of saying if your vote is valid or not. Say they find out yes your vote was valid and they look over to the side and have 100,000 provisional
votes on the side half for one guy and half for the next guy, unless they track who voted what then how do the decide which vote was yours?
This all has me slightly puzzled how is it possible that only one state in the US has this many uncounted provisional votes that according to what i
originally read on cnn the actual total wouldnt be known for 11 days after the election. Now there are 49 other states to consider here and i dont see
anything about them being not in for 11 days , as far as i know they are in and over with. So how is it possible that the state everyone was talking
about before the election began becomes the state where people dont know where to vote? On the other side i know other states have provisional votes
how is it possible they could count them and Ohio couldnt? Or is it possible the provisional votes in other sstates wouldnt have been enough to swing
the majority vote so they didnt even bother with them? If the later is true that kinda defeats the whole "every vote counts" BS they have pumped up
our a$$ for years doesnt it?
Also to make this even less of a sore loser thread you have to question a man who concedes an election when there are 100,000+ votes out that could
win him the election yet to be counted and oddly enough those votes that where out just happened to be in counties that voted him in with the majority
of thier allready counted votes. This means the man had a chance yet he just flat out said if i have to fight for it i give up ( this is my opinion )
Personally i wouldnt want anyone like that in office but then again i also dont want bush in there either so either way i go i lose.
Looking at the list of election problems that alledgedly happened in Ohio one of them stands out to me
"Cleveland. Voters have been receiving phone calls incorrectly informing them that their polling place had changed."
Could this have lent a hand in all the provisional votes?
Then look at the states that where not a big deal to either the democrats or the republicans , the ones with very few electoral votes that where
concidered allready won by one of the two caniadates before the election even began. You will notice little to no voter probelems there granted some
of this could be due to population differences but hell in KY there was only one probelem reported at all and it wasnt even one that would effect the
outcome. I mean come on new york state which has a population of 18,976,457 had 4 reported problems, and Ohio with a population of 11,353,140 had 23
reported problems.