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could there be a world war 3 on the way

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 08:26 AM
some think just dosent seem right. "The election has happened. America has spoken. The rest of the world should listen," Blair said.

"It is important that America listens to the rest of the world too. But the fact is that President Bush is there for four years. He is there because the American people have chosen to elect him," he was quoted as saying"

bush "Asked whether the support he received during the campaign from religious groups could alienate those who do not share his faith, Bush said that he had no plans to move America toward a theocracy.

"I'll be your president, regardless of your faith," he said. "No president should try to impose religion on our society."

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 08:29 AM
The war began in 1993. It is just beginning to heat up. When the US invades Iran, you will recognise "hell" on earth when the nukes go off. WWIII is here.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
The war began in 1993. It is just beginning to heat up. When the US invades Iran, you will recognise "hell" on earth when the nukes go off. WWIII is here.


Please explain.....

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 08:44 AM
First attack on the WTC. The it just escalated from there to invading Iraq. Iran is next big attack. Syria may be the next little attack since it has so much ammo from Saddam days. We have iran surrounded on Three sides. Iraq, Afgan, and the 'stans" in the North. They have always been the real target anyway. Everything else has just been "groundwork".

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
The war began in 1993. It is just beginning to heat up. When the US invades Iran, you will recognise "hell" on earth when the nukes go off. WWIII is here.

So are you saying the wortld is being dragged into WWIII by America due to some terrorist attacks on US interests? If so, what makes you think the rest of the world wants to play that game . . . which may well be the end game.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 12:35 AM
oh my god!! you people and ww3!!! any and every litttle thing that even hints at something remotely bad happening and you scream ww3!! watch out... there was a car crash on the LIE today, it must be the beginning of ww3!!!!! do us all a favor and head for the hills, the rest of us on planet earth will come get you when it's all over.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 01:16 AM
Yeah I dont see a WW3 in our near future. It would take a lot to start WW 3, maybe if China decided to go to war with Tawain and we jump in and the next thing you know nukes will be fired. Remember what Einstein said, the very first war was fought with sticks and rocks, and with world 1 and world war 2 was fought with manpower, world war 3 will be fought by people pressing buttons, and world war 4 will be fought with sticks and rocks again.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 02:02 AM
you cant deny the probabilty of a world war has increased dramatically with the war on terror

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:33 AM

you cant deny the probabilty of a world war has increased dramatically with the war on terror

Correct. The probability has increased. The keyword in starting a world war is "tension". Tension is growing around the globe not just because of terrorist actions but because of the behaviour of US leadership. If this tension grew too high, a new world war would only need a spark to explode.
A reminder: the result of an EU-wide poll on "which country means the biggest threat to world peace?" was shocking. Israel and US lead it... And I agree with the results.

from WorldfNetDaily:

"Over half of Europeans think Israel poses the "biggest threat to world peace," according to a controversial poll commissioned by the European Commission.

The same survey has the United States beating out Iran, Iraq and North Korea � the trio dubbed the "axis of evil" by President George W. Bush � as well as Afghanistan in a ranking of what countries contribute most to world instability. "

I say we are heading towards something very "brutal". This can be either a ww3 or enviromental catastrophe...
Say thanks to Bush for Kioto...

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Ru4Real

Originally posted by DrHoracid
The war began in 1993. It is just beginning to heat up. When the US invades Iran, you will recognise "hell" on earth when the nukes go off. WWIII is here.

So are you saying the wortld is being dragged into WWIII by America due to some terrorist attacks on US interests? If so, what makes you think the rest of the world wants to play that game . . . which may well be the end game.

Actually, it isn't just about the US. Osama declared his fatwa against us long before that, but his fatwa extends far beyond "the evil US and Israel" to all "western" countries. If you haven't read the 9/11 comission report I highly recommend it.

In short, anyone who is not the "right" kind of Islam is fair game. It is just that Osama thought it would be best to take care of the US first then go from there. Death to ALL infidels, but take care of the worst infidels first. Read the report. If Osama is bent on spreading his brand of Islam, the the US is not dragging the rest of the world into anything. They are already in it and just don't realize it yet (much like we were before 1993 when war had been declared on the US but we were blind to it).


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