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Watch out Liberals, something that might work - Watch out Conservatives, something that might work.

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posted on May, 9 2013 @ 07:40 AM
So... Any idea what might scare both Liberals and Cons?

This is a doozy. I found a social program that might actually work! Sounds like a great concept, and you know if would be terrible for both sides. This is about an area in Toronto that is well-well-well known for it's gangs and violence. It is a hugely pop culture icon as the place for Black gangsters to come out of. Fraud, Drugs, Guns, Shootings, Stabbings, Robbery.... All kinds of crime! Equal opportunists. They are not limited to just one.

York University project combats the ‘violence of low expectation’ plaguing youth

Here is a university program that has been set up essentially for university students to mentor youth who are growing up in the most messed up place in the city of Toronto.

Gangs and guns make the headlines, but the “violence of low expectations” is taking the real toll on young people in communities like Jane and Finch, says York University researcher Uzo Anucha.
So Anucha and her team at York’s School of Social Work are linking 40 university students with 40 youth in a Jane-Finch high school to raise expectations.

You like to play basketball? Stage a tournament.
You have a talent for rap? Put on a talent show.
Tired of seeing your neighbourhood dissed in the media? Create your own newscast .
This is just a taste of the challenges each of the eight teams of university and high school students tackled as part of the innovative project launched last summer.

So why do I say "watch out Liberals" ?????

Well, very specific, Liberals love to spend money on social programs. Forget if those programs make money or not. Forget if they are actually working what their efficacy rates are or whether or not they are sustainable, etc. Liberals are after funding dollars simple as that. You hardly ever see innovative programs that actually work!

Or even look like they are going to work.... I might be getting ahead of myself, it could be a total failure, but in my opinion this program looks more promising than any of the other ones I am familiar with. In any case, I say "watch out liberals" because what happens if you find the master solution for something at it works.

So what about conservatives? Watch out. I know you guys hate social programs... but if this one works, you might have to eat crow.

How it's run by the SSHRC:

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) is the federal research funding agency that promotes and supports postsecondary-based research and training in the humanities and social sciences.

Technically you could say the conservatives funded it because Harper is running the country and he's in power... But alas, it's not about who is or isn't directly responsible, it's about how successful it is.

40 youths are enrolled into the program. If you add in medical bills, etcs. If you add in prison costs, etc. If you add in everything these kids are going to require from the state in their daily function... So yep

If this works it will be a long needed step in changing the futures mapped out for these at risk youth, How much the public will spend on this is nothing compared to all the little charges that will accumulate.
edit on 9-5-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by boncho

Liberal politicians aka Progressives like to spend money on social programs not because they care about the people... they are buying votes for future elections. Conservative politicans, at least REAL Conservatives believe that such spending should be at the state level, not the Federal level. There are programs all over the country that are virtually identical to the program mentioned in the OP, and programs like this only seem to work when left to the private sector to run. When the government gets involved it all goes downhill.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 08:18 AM
This doesnt sound any different than the plethora of other "give them something to do" programs run by NGO's and non-profits in any city USA.

They've existed for as long as they're have been children.

As far as whether or not they work goes,well, define "work."

The kids who would take advantage of such things are likely not going to end up in gangs or drugs in the first place and the kids who would be attracted to gangs and drugs wouldnt be interesting in these alternatives in the first place so in the end you end up where you would have without these programs only now the kids who wouldnt be the types to get involved in the bad stuff have some community support, know they arent the only ones.

That right there is probably the biggest contribution such programs make. Peer support for those who would let their potential die for lack of vision.

Nobody is being changed but the good ones are getting a sense of community and maybe their children will be born into better circumstances than they were. Or they meet a sexual partner in one of these programs and have a kid at 14 and blow the opportunity to hell. Either way. No guaranteed return on the investment of time and money.

I'm not against any of this effort mind you. Just being realistic. I get tired of seeing every helpful idiot gleefully dancing around like the solution is at hand. I've seen enough habitat for humanity homes trashed and plenty of community gardens burns and newly dug wells crapped in to know sunshine and rainbows dont follow the helping hand.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

That's kind of what I'm thinking.

Basically its a blackmail situation. Either spend money on programs to help us or your gonna be sorry when you have to pay for the other crimes we do instead.

I'll pass. Might be great as a volunteer program ran by private donations but it should receive no taxpayer money whatsoever.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

That's kind of what I'm thinking.

Basically its a blackmail situation. Either spend money on programs to help us or your gonna be sorry when you have to pay for the other crimes we do instead.

I'll pass. Might be great as a volunteer program ran by private donations but it should receive no taxpayer money whatsoever.

You realize every thing was privately funded before, but the disparity rates were greater. So, in the 1800s no public money was going to certain efforts, the difference, is that you yourself might be going to one of the privately funded charities I get a tax break for running/keeping afloat/donating to, etc.

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