posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos
All very cool OL, but what if they decay when there accelerated to the speed of light and carbon 12 decays into carbon 11, or worse into carbon 8 or
something else which is unstable. What if you miss when your trying to collide them, huh what then?
Would chances not be just as great that you would create something with the half life which would be in the seconds or minutes, and therefore would
more likely be the restarted stepchild of carbon 12, not so much the new baby of the family.
Carbon 12 is so functional its everywhere literally a beast of a elemental isotope, the workhorse of isotopes one could say. Now why would we want to
go a messing with that?
Cool thread by the way. I would give you a thumbs up but they removed the thumbs up emoticon.