I did not know where to post this, so help me, if needed.
I just wanted to share 2 experiences for those who are dealing with the same thing or the people that are just like me, they just want to be aware.
Thank you for your time, it is appreciated.
For about a year and a half, I have lived with 2 close relatives that suddenly, out of nowhere, suffered from some sort of mental 'disorder'(whatever
that means anyway). The first case was probably the most difficult and painful thing I have ever encountered, and it wasn't even me. Just out of
nowhere, I will just say my 'relative' became very sensitive. Anything you said to this person was over analyzed to a degree I cannot express.
Everything went down hill. Fastfoward, we did research, we sat down and exchanged ideas with professionals which were honestly about years worth of
time behind of us in terms of trying to understand what we were dealing with.
Medication was prescribed and my 'relative' was diagnosed depression(wholly erroneous). This person did exhibit a few symptoms that may lead one to
believe this to possibly be of truth. But, being around this person, knowing who this person was in and out, and listening to the "professionals", I
personally did NOT think they successfully diagnose this individual. The medication is so awful, I may start another thread on it, all jokes aside.
It created problems that are simply just despicable. But guess what, to top it off, IT DIDN'T EVEN WORK, it may have eradicated some of the emotions
that lead us here, but it created problems, 10 fold.
Fastfoward, after being hospitalized a hand full of times, after being diagnosed with whatever they found on wikipedia!, after being a guinea pig
(when went through about 6-7 different medications, and about 5-8 different combinations and doses. Not to mention the near fatal semi coma from
trying to feel okay by taking all of the pills and I didnt find out to hours later!!!!!!!!!!!!:_(
Now don't judge, at the end of the day I am the guy in family who refuses to accept the big pharm agenda, I have known what they were about for about
a good 10 years now lol. Back on track, when you have tried all of the 'natural ways',and its someone dear to you, I bet you will consider anything
just to look at them and to have them look at the way they were intended/designed to. It was, and I can tell it is still so so, painful even to think
about. Guess how everything resolved itself. It just did?!?! My relative went there mom and went to their family counselor (hes not a counselor, he
like just an enlightened guy that offers spiritual wisdom)and about a week later, I had my sidekick back!!! And this was after she was prescribed more
medicine, but we decided as a group we were going to try it different this time(which was something we probably should have done along time ago). I
heard someone say after I went through this, the things are taken for granted are taken away. I was working so hard and losing focus. I would compare
it to someone pulling the rug from under your feet while your focusing and trying very hard to accomplish something.
I hope I haven't lost you, but here is the second scenario, I will make this one shorter.
My aunt, has been living with us for about 8 months now. I have watched her go to extremely, yet blind christian radicalism, to a truth-seeker. This
is where the downfall began and its probably not a coincidence, that I was teaching and showing my new awareness and findings right before both
individuals started to show a decline. Almost exactly like Neo after he became aware or "unplugged" he had a melt down, okay imagine getting stuck in
that stage. The questions, the apocalyptic battle between denial and acceptance and the confusion that an answer can bring. Lol at the irony, answers
usually have the tendencies to make things clearer.
Any way now since shes moved in she's going through what my relative went through time a thousand. My aunt think EVERYONE is against here, everyone
is either a nazi, a demon, or a slave holder. She says there are leprechauns in the house. Nothing about this is funny but here is little tiny bit
of humor, her daughter is like in the 1st grade and her class had a project to build, the universe is so not funny on this one, the class had to build
a leprechaun cathcer
. Why!?? The worse, most horrific timing ever right.? So, I haven't seen the ole catcher around someone probably hid it just
to quiet things down. But doors are slammed for morning to night, she is talking to people that are not there and they could never be there because
they passed away either during her life or her ancestors. Its just strange, she won't seek any help because she is back into her religion. I respect
that 100% because I am aware of the fact, religions are factions that house spiritual knowledge, and concepts. In my research I have grown less
likely to respect the factions, and I greatly and deeply appreciate the amorphous concepts that lie within religion(s). She thinks everyone is the
enemy and I try to use religion as advantage, sort of like "If we are all created from the same substance, why would one waste energy on believing in
a concept that alienates, and allows you to disrespect people based on some of their choices and beliefs".
To make a long story short, NOTHING IS WORKING. From my experiences I don't even believe that a sufficient methodology, treatment, approach, or any
other way you want to put it, exist. It simply doesn't exist. That literally brings tears to my eyes to know that people have curable, treatable
disorders that are being masked, I even believe they are purposefully being over looked. We create phones that look like a piece of glass, we have
nano processors, and other junk that has nothing to do with everyday issues. The mindf*** of the day, the material-technological hoopla that we
'crave' to create is a drug in itself that I would compare it to my first scenario, the different doses, the different kinds it has left us numb to a
point were we don't even recognize these poisons labeled as medicine. Peace to all, and I hope that we can come up with a resolution.
Im sry for typos I want to talk about but dont at the sametime, so I kinda don't want to read it again right now.
edit on 8-5-2013 by