posted on May, 7 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by DiscreteParticle
I had time to watch the video just now. It is really good. I know these people are in power everywhere, and they are trying to increase their kind
but always keep them under their thumb. The video is right, these kind of people are protected by many of the laws that are out there, written by the
lawyers amongst their ranks. There are good lawyers out there but many of them are corrupt. They play within the rules and policies of their
There are some high up that are not psychopathic in industry. I have to note that they use the same tactics as protection against the true
psychopaths so it is hard to tell who is who. They are like Robinhoods, taking away from the psychopaths and giving back to the common people. The
good ones numbers are dwindling here in America though. The real ones numbers and strength are growing.
I haven't yet found a way to tell these two types apart, the true verses the fake psychopath. I have been in business or been someone in charge of
others for a long time so I can identify the real control freaks easily but still haven't been able to find true intent easily for their actions.
People need to be led and rules have to be followed and enforced or the regular guy may start to slack also and then the one in charge starts to loose
control and will eventually do noone good if he cannot hold things together.
I do know that psychopaths are out there in high places. We cannot label someone without looking at intent though. A government can not help their
people if noone can make a decision but the decision should be based on need and fairness and not wants and deceit. Not everyone can get what they
want in society, but it seems like the same groups get what they want all the time. I'm all for working hard for what you want and getting what you
need easily. That is not how society is set up though, getting what you want is easy if you follow the deceitful rules that have been established in
society. Deceiving someone out of their money is mostly legal in this country as long as you follow certain guidelines. Outright stealing is
illegal. Why should a person have to sue someone that weaseled them out of their life savings when a person who Breaks in and steals their TV, which
is insured, goes to jail. There is going to be a lot of people loosing what they worked hard to earn in the near future. The only ones who won't
loose their fortune are the ones who are orchestrating this collapse. I'm not even sure that the collapse in the near future is bad, it will be
effecting the psychopaths the most, the ones who are tricksters. The ones at the very top may not be bad at all. We do not know the real intent of
some of these people at the top.
To me the problem seems to be in the middle class. The reason is that there are so many in that class that are slightly psychopathic, thinking they
deserve more than they do. They'll do anything if it is considered legal, using the loopholes in the lack of morals laws to get ahead or sustain
their way of life.
Wow, I got carried away in thought on this post, boring the hell out of some people with those thoughts. When in fact I really said nothing that a
lot of people here already know.