posted on May, 10 2013 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Sacri
Video game, sounds like.
Ive had many "sludge-running" dreams. By that I mean where I cant run right. Here's a list of other physical issues Ive had in dreams: Teeth falling
out (always causing HUGE shame, or threat of shame); Going Underwater and realizing Ive been under too long, rush to rise to surface &along the way,
breathe in through nose & it's fine...which causes me to wake. Sometimes it is not a rush to surface, as Im deep underwater, but then I hold my breath
till I breathe through nose, anti ipating the burning water, yet IT IS FINE. Which wakes me up. Back to list: Ito, have dreamt numerous times (20? or
more) of driving or riding in a car going MUCHmuch too fast. I dreamt recently I was to drive an old wagon type car, which was so large, it was
comical to expect that I could or should drive it...The fast acceleration or movement through a space is the feeling predominant in most of mycar
dreams, Another sensation dream I have is rollercoaster dreams. The fast falling, in a predictable moment, is thefocus.
Also, while the aforementioned scenarios happen perhaps 2-3/yr (as a whole), a couple times a month I experience visual "hints" or manifestation, in
dream, of needing to empty bladder, in my sleeping body. For instance, walking downstairs, which are near rising basement flood waters, or
or a swimming pool will be a major scene all of a sudden. Thr most recent example was a couple weeks ago, I dreamt my brother had on a suit he was
awfully proud of, which I found funny, because it was a heavy winter corduroy type favric with a paisley pattern that turned into, at the lower pants
legs, a wave pattern. Waves in the style of a well-known Japanese artist.. I remember these dreams because I wake from them to use the "facilities".
or a swimming pool will be a major scene all of a sudden. Thr most recent example was a couple weeks ago, I dreamt my brother had on a suit he
edit on 10-5-2013 by kkrattiger because: disregard repeat paragrph at end. i cant scroll dwn n txt box on this phn to edit it!